
Casting and Linq Cast<T>()

When trying to answer this question, I discovered the following: string s = "test"; var result1 = s.Select(c => (ushort)c); // works fine var result2 = s.Cast<ushort>(); // throws an invalid cast exception Why does Cast<T>() fail here? Whats the difference? ...

User-defined conversion operator from base class

Introduction I am aware that "user-defined conversions to or from a base class are not allowed". MSDN gives, as an explanation to this rule, "You do not need this operator." I do understand that an user-defined conversion to a base class is not needed, as this obviously done implicitly. However, I do need a conversion from a base class...

How to put column name in sqlsever CAST data type??

Hi, Today, I have started writing a query which is as given below: SELECT IP1.InstId,CAST(IP2.Quote AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS 'CurrentPrice',IP1.Quote,(IP2.Quote-IP1.Quote) AS 'Change' FROM InstrumentPrices IP1 INNER JOIN InstrumentPrices IP2 ON IP1.InstId=IP2.InstId INNER JOIN Instruments I ON I.Id=IP2.InstId INNER JOIN Games G ON G.Id=I...

Linq Cast<T> with System.Type

LinQ contains the method Cast which casts each entry in the list to type T. Lets say we have a list which looks like the following: List<Object> obj = new List<Object>(); obj.Add("A"); obj.Add("B"); A working cast could be var list = obj.Cast<string>(); What I would like to work Type t = typeof(String); Object list = obj.Cast(t); ...

LINQ and how to return a list of a specific type

Hi, I have 2 tables (Document and DocumentClass) that have the following columns: DocumentClass: DocClassID, Name, ParentID Document: DocID, Name, DocClassID The DocumentClass table contains parent and child records and the relationship between a parent and a child is the ParentID column. A Document record is linked with a child rec...

JNA Pointer cast to struct

I have a pointer in a struct. And I passed a struct pointer to this pointer. But I could not type cast back to this pointer to struct. public class Test { // Pointer ptr = new Memory(4); } public class Temp extends Structure { // } Test tst = new Test(); Temp tmp = new Temp(); tst.ptr = tmp.getPointer(); ... Temp...

Instantiating an Internal class and casting it as a given type

Following up on InternalsVisibleTo. I have looked at c# Instantiating Internal class with private constructor, and this has helped but I'm trying to cast the returned object as the internal type and, honestly I'm not 100% that that is possible. I'm trying the route of Reflection to fix this issue, but I'm having a tough time trying to ...

PHP: cast to (array) and return-type: array is not the same?!

Hi! I have following problem in PHP: print_r says its the same, gettype says same type.. but the last output works not for both cases... although they should be the same!! this looks very strange for me... code and output: $docdatau = get_object_vars(json_decode($docdata)); $docdatau2 = (array)json_decode($docdata); echo "1\n"; echo...

How to formulate conditional expression in SSIS Data Flow tab?

I am developing an SSIS 2008 package and I am trying to create a Derived Column transformation. But when I go to the Expression editor and try this expression it gives me alot of errors. I have tried various differentiations of this but all have resulted in errors. I need one of you SQL experts to point out a better expression! IS...

Java Casting Interface to Class

public class InterfaceCasting { private static class A{} public static void main(String[] args) { A a = new A(); Serializable serializable = new Serializable(){}; a = (A)serializable; } } Compilation succeed but Runtime exception Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: InterfaceC...

Fastest way to cast int to UInt32 bitwise?

Hello overflow, i have some low level image/texture operations where 32-bit colors are stored as UInt32 or int and i need a really fast bitwise conversion between the two. e.g. int color = -2451337; //exception UInt32 cu = (UInt32)color; any ideas? thanks and regards ...

Storing boost function

Hello, I have to store a list of different boost::function objects. To provide this I'm using boost::any. I have a few functions which takes different functions signatures, pack them into any and then insert into special map with given type. Here is the code: enum TypeEnumerator { e_int, e_float, e_double }; typedef map< st...

How to upcast an Object to a java.util.Map ?

I have an object in my code of the type Object: Object o The class of the instance is Object: o.getClass() gives Object. Now, it should be a Map! How can I upcast this to a Map? I tried: Map<String, Object> map = (HashMap<String,Object>)o But this returns: java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to java.u...

Java generic methods cast to parameter type at runtime, is it possible?

I have a method that looks like this public static <T extends MyClass, X extends AnotherClass> List<T> (Class<T> aParameter, X anotherParameter) Now if AnotherClass is an abstract class that does NOT Have getId defined, but every single class that extends this interface does. (Don't ask me why it is designed this why, I did not desi...

cast textfield value to double

i want to sum to values which i get from a textfiel. how can i cast a textfield value in double value ? Regards Caglar ...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:

Hello All, I have been using a driver to test one of my data structures(Binary Search Tree) and i have come across this issue. -It happens when i insert more than 2 objects into the bst -What I am trying to do: I am inserting 4 objects into the tree, then i am deleting 2 objects, and then printing out my find method so that it displays ...

Mysql Postgresql cast

I have a column (varchar in mysql and a character varying in postgresql). I need to apply sum on the column and I need a cast syntax that works for both. The db structure is old and has both int and varchar values. I can't change that. ...

Cast versus parse

I've read a few related questions regarding this topic however none of them are making sense to me. As I understand it, in some cases you can use cast and parse interchangeably and achieve the same result. Are there some general guidelines that can help me decide when to choose one approach over the other? ...

Unable to cast object of type 'CompaniesDataTable' to type 'CompaniesDataTable'.

Has anyone come across an error like the following: Unable to cast object of type 'CompaniesDataTable' to type 'CompaniesDataTable'. Here is the code that is causing the error: protected void ObjectDataSource_Companies_Selected(object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { int x = ((Adala.CompaniesDataTable)(e....

runtime casting in C#?

I'm reading data from a custom data format that conceptually stores data in a table. Each column can have a distinct type. The types are specific to the file format and map to C# types. I have a Column type that encapsulates the idea of a column, with generic parameter T indicating the C# type that is in the column. The Column.FormatTyp...