
Problem in transfering file from server to client using C sockets

I want to ask, why I cannot transfer file from server to client? When I start to send the file from server, the client side program will have problem. So, I spend some times to check the code, But I still cannot find out the problem Can anyone point out the problem for me? CLIENTFILE.C #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include time...

How to make my Java Swing application a Client-Server application?

I have made a Java Swing application. Now I would like to make it a Client-Server application. All clients should be notified when data on the server is changed, so I'm not looking for a Web Service. The Client-Server application will be run on a single LAN, it's a business application. The Server will contain a database, JavaDB. What t...

quick and dirty client/server communication in Silverlight

I'm building a few small prototypes in Silverlight and have quite a bit of .NET experience, but Ive never had the need to contact the server from Silverlight. Im really just after a really quick solution for the purposes of prototyping and I'll be needing to call the server and do a few things, like serve a generated image from the serv...

Is there any Application Server Frameworks for other languages/platforms than JavaEE and .NET?

I'm a CS student and has rare experience from the enterprise software industry. When I'm reading about enterprise software platforms, I mostly read about these two: Java Enterprise Edition, JavaEE .NET and Windows Communication Foundation By "enterprise software platforms" I mean frameworks and application servers with support for th...

Bi-directional WCF Client-Server Communication

I have been working for weeks on creating a client/server to control a music-server application located on the server-side that is controlled by several client apps located across the LAN. I've been successful in getting the client-side to communicate with the Server, sending commands to operate the music-server, and through the use of ...

Reliable way of generating unique hardware ID

Question: I have to come up with unique ID for each networked client, such that: it (ID) should persist once client software is installed on target computer, and should continue to persist if software is re-installed on same computer and same OS installment, it should not change if hardware configuration is modified in most ways (excep...

What are the general strategies for the server of an FPS multiplayer game to update its clients?

A friend and I were having a discussion about how a FPS server updates the clients connected to it. We watched a video of a guy cheating in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and saw how it highlighted the position of enemies on the screen and it got us thinking. His contention was that the server only updates the client with information that i...

Binary socket and policy file in Flex

Hi, I'm trying to evaluate whether Flex can access binary sockets. Seems that there's a class calles Socket ( package). The requirement is that Flex will connect to a server serving binary data. It will then subscribe to data and receive the feed which it will interpret and display as a chart. I've never worked with Flex, my expe...

Can I assume Flash and PHP will generate the same floating point numbers?

In a multiplayer game I'm developing, we have a few values that are floating point numbers. The back-end (in PHP) and the front-end (in Flash) occasionally perform the same calculations on these numbers, to minimize communication. I am currently making sure that both sides are using 64-bit doubles, but am I safe to assume that all calcu...

Why can't the server get the client MAC address, like the client IP?

From what I know, all the MAC addresses that the packet gone through are in the packet. This is because that each packet that goes in a certain path, should also be returned in similar path. So, if the router of the server know about the mac address of the client (all of them), why the server page (like aspx) cannot have this information...

Protecting sensitive entity data

Hi, I'm looking for some advice on architecture for a client/server solution with some peculiarities. The client is a fairly thick one, leaving the server mostly to peristence, concurrency and infrastructure concerns. The server contains a number of entities which contain both sensitive and public information. Think for example that the...

How to use RTPSocket to send RTP packets

Hi there, am relatively new to JMF but have gone through the documents and have a sufficient understanding of how it works. That been said am having some trouble implementing a the server side for RTPSockets. After looking at their illustrations and example. I am still abit confused. Am I to develop a datasource and also datasink class...

How to delay putting process in background until after it is ready to serve, in shell

I have two processes: a server that should be run in background, but starts serving requests after a delay, and a client that should be started when server is ready. The server prints line containg "Acceptin connections" to its stderr when ready (server stderr is redirected to a file when running it in background). How to delay putting...

How to know when the Client is disconnected from Server in C#?

Hi, I have a Client-Server program in C#. Here is the Server's code: ... String dataFromClient = ""; NetworkStream networkStream; TcpClient clientSocket; bool transfer = true; ... while (transfer) { networkStream = clientSocket.GetStream(); networkStream.Read(bytesFrom, 0, (int)clientSocket.Receiv...

Limit the number of rows returned on the server side (forced limit)

So we have a piece of software which has a poorly written SQL statement which is causing every row from a table to be returned. There are several million rows in the table so this is causing serious memory issues and crashes on our clients machine. The vendor is in the process of creating a patch for the issue, however it is still a fe...

How to query a CGI based webserver from an app written in MFC (MSVC 2008) and process the result?

Hi, I am exploring the option of querying a web-page, which has a CGI script running on its end, with a search string (say in the form of ), and displaying the result on my app (after due processing of course). My app is written in MFC C++...

How to know when the Client is disconnected from Server in C#?

Hi, I have a Client-Server program in C#. Here is the Server's code: ... String dataFromClient = ""; NetworkStream networkStream; TcpClient clientSocket; bool transfer = true; ... while (transfer) { networkStream = clientSocket.GetStream(); networkStream.Read(bytesFrom, 0, (int)clientSocket.ReceiveBufferSize)...

Need help with threads in a client/server

For college, I am developing a local relay chat. I have to program a chat server and client that will only work on sending messages on different terminal windows on the same computer with threads and fifos. The fifos part I am having no trouble, the threads part is the one that is giving me some headaches. The server has one thread for...

Architecture decision questions

I need to choose right architecture model for my solution(client-server, web application, web services). Can you please tell me what questions I must answer to make good decision? thanks ...

What do I need to know before working on an IM application?

I'm looking into building an IM-type application using Java stack (for the server at least). I'd be interested to see any information/advice on how applications like Skype/AIM/MSN work, as well as know any technologies/APIs that might be relevant. Without giving away the idea itself, it's perhaps more akin to Google Wave than Skype, but ...