
how to deal with a Server close TCP.

Right now I've got a simple TCP server/client. I have it set up so that whenever a client connects it gets forked() and the connection itself is put into an infinite loop so that the connection stays open. The server is receiving information from the client, I have a check to make sure that the number of bytes received is > 0. That has b...

How does the Six Apart Update Stream work?

Six Apart has this neat service that streams out LiveJournal, Vox, etc. updates: It also has the interesting ability to know if the client has missed parts of the feed. I've tinkered with writing a similar service for myself, and while I've gotten it to stream okay, I'm ashamed to admit ...

Running graphics display on multiple systems, keeping synched.

I have a series of systems on a LAN running a synchronized display routine. For example, think of a chorus line. The program they ran is fixed. I have each "client" download the entire routine, and then contact the central "server" at fixed points in the routine for synchronization. The routine itself is mundane with, perhaps, 20 pos...

XNA Peer-to-Peer

Hi, what is the best way for writing an XNA Peer-to-Peer game without having to use the Windows Live stuff that requires that both players of the game have an XBOX Gold membership I also need some client/server functionality but that isn't as critical yet! Thank you. edit: what does everyone think of this

Linux IPC - Multiple writers, single reader

Hi all, I have never written any IPC C++ on Linux before. My problem is that I will have multiple clients (writers), and a single server (reader). All of these will be on the same machine. The writers will deliver chunks of data (a string/struct) to the reader. The reader will then read them in FIFO and do something with them. The typ...

Keep connection alive after response is received from the HTTP server

I have a client-server system, where the client needs to fork a child, and return its pid back to the server. After this, it has to keep the connection to the server alive, through which it keeps sending the server log information about the child and other requests that it might want to send as part of debugging information. My question...

Pattern for synching object lists among computers (in C++)?

I've got an app that has about 10 types of objects. There will be potentially a few thousand object instances of each type. These lists of objects need to stay synchronized between apps running on different machines. If an object is added, changed or deleted, that needs to propagate to the other machines. This will be a star topology --...

IRepository pattern in a client server application

Hi, using the IRepository pattern is really convenient in a single tier app (web app, rich client), but how to use this pattern in a distributed application? I should probably implement an IRepository, which will delegate everything to the server (probably using WCF) anyone has any experience in this? thanks in advance, Erik. ...

Should I move client configuration data to the server?

I have a client software program used to launch alarms through a central server. At first it stored configuration data in registry entries, now in a configuration XML file. This configuration information consists of Alarm number, alarm group, hotkey combinations, and such. This client connects to a server using a TCP socket, which it ...

Self-hosted NetTcpBinding between two machines *not* on the same domain

I have a self-hosted (console app for the time being) WCF application that needs to be hosted on a machine that is separate from the clients - So there is no security link via a Windows Domain between the server and clients. What options are there for using Message-level security with this set-up? A colleague has told me that the commun...

how to get server absolute path

I have 2 question How to get absolute Uri in For example: Input: "~/Files/" , Output:"" What is the "go to root" command in url on the client side like server side command "~/Files/" For example: File location myAspProjectName/Files/aa.jpg myAspProjectName/User/bb.aspx into the bb.aspx <asp:ima...

Self Hosted ADO.NET Data Services, comsuming from an external Silverlight application

Issue: An issue exists whereby I cannot access my Self Hosted ADO.NET Data Services from my RIA applications. My services are hosted separately to the web projects with the Rich Internet Applications (RIA)s. I need to enable access from separate Silverlight (and Flash) client apps. From Silverlight I get an exception (see below) when...

Is it possible/valid to have a TCP connection with secure login only, but non-secure messages?

Say I am writing a chat server and client that allows users to login with their user-name and password. Now I could just send and receive the information as plain-text but there is the risk that the information may be intercepted. So the socket should be secured to protect the user. I am not interested in certificates or verifying identi...

How to kill the nameserver process in java

I built a client server application using an IDL file for client server communication across the network. Both the client and server programs are in java. When the user enters exit, both the server and the client exit. However I'm unable to kill the nameserver process. I started the nameserver using the command tnameserv -ORBInitialPo...

Multi client chat server in C - Execution Problem

I am implementing a Multi client chat server, and i am getting the following error. Only hint i get from the error description is that it is a linker error. Can anyone help me resolving this. viper[1052]% gcc -Wall -o server server.c server.c: In function âMainServerLoopâ: server.c:45: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of â...

Sharing Logic Between the Browser and the Server

I'm working on an app which will, like most apps, have a whole boat load of buisness logic, almost all of which will need to be executed both on the server and the Flash-based client… And I'm trying to figure out the best (read: least complex) way to implement the rules engine. These are the parameters of the problem: The rules engine...

How to use TCPListener (or other method) to bind to device on the network

I have a device with a network address of port xxxx. This is a valid address on my network. I have tried to use TCPListener to make the connection for the server but receive the error "Error..... System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: The requested address is not vali d in its context at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBin...

Using TCP for real-time commands: Nagle arithmetic causes huge delays, what should I do?

I'm writing a socket server and flash game client. The game requires real-time commands such as movement and turning. It is important for these commands to be sent by the server to the client as soon as possible because the other clients will otherwise desynchronise a lot with the moving/turning client. This is an example of the problem...

Handle exceptions from WS

Hi, I've WS client written in C#. Is there any way I can handle all exceptions in one place? Now WS methods are executed in many places so I have to write many try...catch to handle them all. Thanks ...

Configuring Tomcat to consume webservice over SSL

Which steps should be taken to consume a web service on a remote server over SSL? The application is a Java application using Axis WS Framework running on Tomcat 6. I'm aware of e.g. the instruction on, which, however seem to mainly describe how to configure the server to accept SSL...