
How to delete every first div when it reaches certain limit ?

Can anyone guide me to delete the first div, when there are 5 div's I'm cloning a text box, users can add multiple textbox's but when it reaches to 5, i should automatically delete the first textbox and add another at the end of the node Thanks ...

how to ignore .gitignore action when cloning?

hello I wanna to ignore .gitignore action when cloning ? for example) Repository has following files. A.txt B.o .gitignore <- .gitignore defines *.o So my local repository has only A.txt when cloning. But I want to have A.txt B.o .gitignore when cloning. Thank you thenducks! ...

jQuery: reducing repaints

Hi I need to optimize an image gallery slider since a lot of browsers have a hard time dealing with the animations. Please consider the following example: var $div1 = $('#div1'), $div2 = $('#div2'), $div3 = $('#div3'), left = 0; function animate() { left -= 10; $div1.css({ left: left + 'px', width: 1000 - left + 'px' })...

Mercurial Clone (Kiln) repository to Bluehost

Hi all, Yesterday I installed mercurial on bluehost by following the instructions found here. When I tried to clone one repository from kiln using : "hg clone kiln repository url/devel", to "/home/yoursuername/public_html/hg/repos/projectA" on bluehost, it is giving http erro...

Deep Cloning in java - Cloning only objects that are being constructed(new)

Problem for me is to implement clone for an object. This object A has it's members object B, which were not created by A. I want to clone A such that only object's created during construction of A to be cloned. The objects which were either passed as reference in A or A's objects or A's object's object not to be cloned. They should only ...

Clone a git-svn repo by getting all of the svn part from the original svn repo

How can I clone a git repo from my laptop (at home) to a server (at university) while getting most of the repo from a third (svn) repo at another uni that is the main codebase. I'd like to minimise the amount of home<->uni traffic by maximising uniOne<->uniTwo traffic. this is what I have now on Laptop: --o--o--o---o---o---o git-s...

Can I get a tip snapshot of a mercurial repository, without doing a complete clone?

Say I have a repository on another machine whose entire history is to big to clone locally. If I have no intention of submitting any changes back to that repository, there's no reason that I shouldn't be able to just take a snapshot of the tip. Is there a way to do this, or am I going to find myself working around this with an rsync ha...

How to get 'git checkout XX' to work from a gitosis based repository?

I have migrated a CVS repository through svn to git, and the resulting repository as generated by svn2git (the one recommended here) has all my old CVS branches available so I can just "git checkout SV46" to get my SV46 branch and then switch to SV48 afterwards. Very nice. I have a gitosis repository set up on a machine named "sandbox"...

How to get the tag changeset after you clone or pull to a tag using mercurial?

As the definite guide aptly points out (search for "Tags and cloning"): When you run hg clone -r foo to clone a repository as of tag foo, the new clone will not contain any revision newer than the one the tag refers to, including the revision where the tag was created. The result is that you'll get exactly the right subset of t...

Is there a method to clone an array in jQuery?

This is my code : var a=[1,2,3] b=$.clone(a) alert(b) Doesn't jQuery have a 'clone' method? How can I clone an array using jQuery? ...

Rails3: Cloning already-validated object prevents clone being invalidated -- is this strange or normal?

In Rails (3.0) test code, I've cloned an object so I can clobber it for validation testing without changing the original. If I have called assert(original.valid?) before cloning, then the clone passes the validates_presence_of test even after I have set member_id value to nil. The two tests below illustrate this. In test one, the clone...

Deep cloning of an object to a similar one in a different namespace in java

I have 2 web services declared in 2 different packages in java package com.HelloWorld @WebService(targetNamespace="") @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.WRAPPED, style = Style.DOCUMENT, use = Use.LITERAL) { public class Hello { @WebMethod @WebResult(name="SayHelloResult", targetNamespace="h...

appending content to a list using checkbox

Thanks to the invaluable assistance of several Stack Overflow participants, I'm very close to the desired results ... here's a recap and update, for interested parties: I have a series of product modules, each of which contains (among other things) the product's name and a 'compare' checkbox. My objective is to generate a list of select...

jQuery UI autocomplete on multiple rows created with .clone() method

Hello, I'm almost new to jQuery... I found some tutorials/posts explaining 1. how to clone a table row (useful for inserting invoice details): 2. how to use the jQuery UI autocomplete with PHP and MySQL (useful for retrieving products from a db table and avoid typing everyt...

How to clone Silverlight visual tree structure

I have the same problem as the question stated in "Printing in Silverlight 4". To get around the problem, I have tried to scale transform root of my visual tree before printing. void document_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { var renderScale = 1.0D; if (LayoutRoot.ActualWidth > e.PrintableArea.Wid...

how to send the event to the clone without using jquery on iphone .

this is the code: $("#draggable").draggable({ helper: 'clone' }); use this code , if you drag the div , you will drag the clone , this is my code without using jquery and jquery-ui,i want to drag the clone-one when i drag the div: var $=function(str){ var div=document.createElement('div') div.innerHTML=str; return di...

Filter Out Branch in Git when Cloning

I have a large repository that I am trying to clone, but there seems to be a few PSD files that have been added that I can't avoid at the current moment. I have a specific path on the repository that I want to checkout but I'm having trouble figuring out what specific command I need to follow. I was told filter-branch is what I need to ...

How to change specific text of mutiple classes

Hi there, I'm cloning a fieldset and incrementing the attribute names as a new clone is created. However I want the same to happen if I delete I clone so that any cloned fieldset after the deleted will fill in the gaps. As in, if the 2nd clone is deleted, the 3rd with be renamed as the 2nd etc. I'm trying to change a the classes and ID...

Rails cloning objects question

Hi, Say I have a blog post with comments in rails, how do I clone it so I have another blog post with comments, both stored as new objects in the database with their own ids? I know about the clone command, but it doesn't seem to copy over the comments - only links to them. Is there a plugin or an easy way to do this in rails? Thanks...

JQuery clone <select> element

Hello, I want to clone a <select> input in HTML using JQuery. I'm not sure how to go about it, so thought I'd ask here. Particularly interested in the best way to write it back into the document as well. My select element looks like this: <select id="options"> <option value="1">Opt 1</option> <option value="2">Opt 2</option> ...