I am looking at creating an app for OS X and/or iOS that allows the user to arbitrarily embed markers into the audio at various intervals during the audio recording process. It would be nice to have a single file that could contain this information, but may or may not be efficient or feasible. I suppose it is similar to what YouTube an...
I'm writing an NSArray category to include the -objectAtRandom message that returns an object from a random index (something similar to Python's choice).
Should I autorelease this object before returning it? I believe I shouldn't, but I'm not sure...
So i am working on a Core Data app and I have an NSTableView linked with the Core Data. The table has three columns. Name, Position, Salary. I also set up a double click action. now what I need is that when I double click on a row i get the three values of that row.
I can do the following:
NSArray* myArray = [arrayController select...
Basically I have two combo boxes whose content are bound to two NSDictionaryControllers. However the content of the second combo box depends on the selection of the first. How can I accomplish this in interface builder taking advantage of the fact that my objects implement KVO protocol. It seems that the bookComboBox selection changing d...
Hi Stack Overflow,
got a quick question for you (pretty much the title): is the book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (3rd Edition) outdated?
It's just that I read a little in it, until page 36 (in a .PDF ebook version) where I came across a problem. The chapter introduces you to Objective-C and Cocoa, and you already have to write a pro...
I'm trying to access the methodName element of an XML document using XPATH in Cocoa via the NSXMLElement object.
This is the XML representation of element
<iq type='set'
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:rpc'>
Hi All,
How can i use Chicken of the VNC(cotvnc). Please let me know if there is any tutorial for using it.
How do I get the security type (and other information) of the currently connected network in Airport in my Objective-C / Cocoa program?
Hi All,
Can any one suggest good tutorials regarding socket programming using cocoa
Does anyone have better solution or ideas than
for unescaping unicode characters in NSString?
How can I get all the IP addresses and associated host names in a LAN?
I'm about to develop an iPhone app that includes a UIWebView that renders a webpage with a payment-flow.
Does anyone know if Apple has any problems approving an app with a UIWebView that requires typing in your payment details?
My Cocoa application needs to handle Get URL events. I think I correctly followed the steps in this answer to modify Info.plist and write & register a URL handler method.
When I go mytesturl://anything in Safari while my app is running, it pops up a window asking if I want to open my app. And if I say yes, nothing seems to...
I want to display a grid of data, with long header names for the columns and long header names for the rows, but just a small amount of data in the cells, and I would like to do so in a compact manner, something sort of like this:
e e e e e e
Hello all,
Following up on this ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3860256/display-system-keyboard-mac-application ) question, the keyboard is coming up fine, but if my application is in fullscreen mode, the keyboard launches, but remains in the background. How do I get around this? Any help is much appreciated!
I have a UIWebView on my main window. Can I control that via my second view controller? If so could you give me an example?
I have this error when building and running my project in xCode:
'RootViewController' may not respond to '-parseXMLFileAtURL:'
I'm attempting to develop the basic Apple RSS Reader from the tutorial at:
my section of code that this error is occurring in looks like t...
I am working on an application which allows the user to perform input via international keyboard on a Mac. However, the Composition window displayed by the Mac OS for the user to type in the characters is located outside my application's view. I need to move the location of the composition window so that it overlaps the edit window insid...
Can anyone suggest good image processing tutorials/books to start, on Mac using objective-c?
I have a problem. Need a component for mix text, links and clickable text.
In Facebook App can see a example.
Someone know a than can do this. For example, UITextView can detect links in text, but can't insert clickable text.
Thanks for your help.