
Adding signature to jar file prevents it from being loaded

Hi, I am having the problem that adding a second signature to a .jar file causes trouble in combination with code that only has one of them. Background: We have an application that is signed with an expired certificate. It has a starter that can update itself by downloading new versions of .jar files and placing them in front of the e...

Why would XCode keep trying to install an ad hoc profile when I set iPhone developer Code signing identity in the build options?

I want to run my iPhone app in debug mode on my device. I have a valid certificate and provisioning profiles for developer and debug. I also have my code signing identity set to "iPhone Developer" in my project preferences. However when I try to install my app, it asks me if I want to install the ad hoc distribution profile. This is ...

How do I create a deployable ActiveX control?

I have written a simple ActiveX control using Visual Studio 2010. I have registered this control on my development machine using regasm, and I can invoke the control in IE using Javascript's new ActiveXObject("...") functionality. However, I now need to prepare my ActiveX control for deployment to the customer, and this is where I need...

Is it possible to get VS to sign EXEs in a way that UAC recognises as legitimate without a post-build step?

We have switched on 'Sign the assembly' for each project in a solution, which means everything is signed automatically using our certificate. Unfortunately, UAC don't seem to recognise this method of signing. To make UAC see the signature on the binaries, we run signtool.exe in a post-build step, using the same code signing certificate ...

Renaming project gives med code signing error

Hello, I just renamed my project and also in the project.pbxproj renamed my product to the new name. Now I am getting codesigning error when trying to debug on the phone. How come and how do I fix this? I have defined the profile to the same as on my phone for "debug"-ing. It works well on the simulator. It didn't work before chang...

How does an .apk files get signed

This is not a question about how to sign an .apk file. I want to know what does signing actually means and how it is implemented. Inside the .apk file there is META-INF folder and inside that there are two files. First one is CERT.SF contains SHA1 hashes for various components and looks like this: Name: res/layout/main.xml SHA1-Digest...

Code Signing J2ME Application

Hi , I have my application written in j2me , written for specific mobile phone i.e. Nokia 2690 My requirement is to perform File IO operation without asking user permission. I mean i want to obtain trusted domain [or any under which this requirement belongs] I am complete beginner. Please provide me help . Also provide me the Autho...

Are trial SSL certificates enough for signing the firefox extension file?

Good afternoon everyone! As you may know, many companies that sell SSL certificates offer free trial certificates (that usually expire in 30 or 50 days). StartCom is the exception - they give 1-year free SSL Class 1 certificates. The question is: are these certificates enough for me to sign my Firefox extension? Note: I'm not asking if...

Why does Java Web Start say a signed jar file is unsigned?

Java Web Start (JWS) says that it can't launch my application because the jar file is unsigned: Error: Unsigned application requesting unrestricted access to system Unsigned resource: .../dynaccn.jar But the jar file is signed: $ jarsigner -keystore ... dynaccn.jar idv $ jar tf dynaccn.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/IDV.SF ...

snk vs. code signing certificate

In my organization we use snk files with strong names assemblies. We generate the snk ourselves. In addition we use a code signing signature on the binaries. We get the pfx from Verisign. What is the difference between these two processes? Isn't it a problem that the snk is not recevied from Verisign also? ...

How do you know if a CA is trusted?

I have a client who wants their app code signed, so we pointed them to a few well known, well trusted CAs (Verisign, Thawt, etc), then they came back with InstantSSL (because it was only 180/yr as opposed to 500/yr). How do I know that InstantSSL will be trusted on a customer of this application's computer? ...

Code Signing (Microsoft Authenticode)

I have a program which is used by a large number of people who are not always super computer savvy. I want to make sure that rather than having my executable say it is from an unknown author that it says it was signed by me. As far as I know this can be done with Microsoft Authenticode. I understand I need a certificate to do this and...

Problems getting a device driver to load at startup - WM6.1

Hi, Our embedded systems programmer has developed the shell of a virtual serial port driver for our mobile hardware, and I have been filling in the methods to get it to work. The driver does work as expected, it simulates a COM port for a USB device that is spewing out NMEA strings (GPS data). I type WM6 for short, but the OS is WM6.1 ...

android: how do i sign my app using an existing key?

My company is attempting to publish its first Android app on the market, and we have gotten to the code signing step. We have keys that we use for our other products and use the windows codesign tools to sign our products. We would like to use the same key to sign the Android app, but (obviously) cannot use the windows signing tool (beca...

iPhone Distribution: No profiles currently match.

I am about to upload an app to iTunes Connect. I am not Team Agent, nor does it seem the Team Agent can make me a Team Agent. So he logged onto Member Center and downloaded a Distribution Certificate, which is in my Keychain along with the WWDR Certificate. The bundle identifier is set to se."companyname"."appname". When I set the Code...

Code-Signing on WM6.1 Drivers

I've already asked similar question on this issue on stack overflow already, but I believe this part of the issue can be separated into a new question. I've not done mobile development before so the use of signing and certificates is a new concept to me, and for all the reading of topics I have done, its not really improved my knowledge...

Adobe AIR-Is a self signed app OK?

I want to develop an app using Adobe AIR. But I have to sign it using a code signing certificate. I don't wan to buy a code signing certificate. Would it be OK if I distribute my app with a self-signed certificate? ...

What are the benefits of Windows Certificate Store?

I just bought a code-signing certificate for the first time. I'm successfully signing my code from script/command line using signtool sign /f <pfx file> /p <password> <exe file> I noticed that signtool also has a /a option that will "choose the best certificate", which I believe uses any certificates imported into the Windows Certi...

I'm in an iPhone provisioning mess -- Insight needed

My app has been more or less ready to be submitted for a while now, but as usual, the overly complex provisioning nonsense that Apple forces developers to jump through is causing me an enormous amount of stress. Initially the problem I was receiving was Invalid Codesign. After trying every 'solution' i could find on the internet and fa...

SecurityKit problem, snow leopard

Hi, Very simple question but I can't seem to get it to work. Imagine the following code, why would the compiler give me the errors below? I've imported the relevant header file, included the framework. Target is 10.6. #import <Security/Security.h> - (void) snowLeopardCodeSignCheck { SecStaticCodeRef ref = NULL; } 'SecStatic...