
How to enable C autocomplete in Code::Blocks?

How to enable C Std lib functions autocomplete in Code::Blocks? ...

How to get syntax highlighted code blocks?

I want to create some code blocks on my blog for coding snippets in various languages. What are some popular ways of doing this? ...

Is it possible to pass more than one block to a method in Ruby?

Something like: def foo(&b1, &b2) end foo() { puts "one" } { puts "two" } ...

How to process specific files and link them?

Hello, I've found something for compiling text file as string variable: Code: objcopy --input binary --output elf64-x86-64 --binary-architecture i386 test.txt test.o and i want to do it for each ./included_text/*.abc and then each of these files link. I've find pre/post build steps but i can't find anything which will help me. Or you...

Code Blocks, Mingw, Boost, and static linking issues.

I am using Code Blocks with mingw and am trying to get a simple program to compile with static linking. I have build the boost libraries using these directions, here. Everything worked out fine and i was able to successfully compile this simple program (it compiles, i know it doesn't work because it exits before the message is sent to ...

Trouble Compiling wxWidgets for Code::Blocks

I am attempting to compile wxWidgets 2.8.11 on Windows 7 x64 for use with Code::Blocks, and I keep running into the same error. I have MinGW installed as stated, and the proper things added to the path (c:\mingw\bin and c:\mingw\mingw32\bin). I followed the instructions given here:

Troubling Compiling wxWidgets with MinGW

I am having trouble compiling wxwidgets with mingw on Windows 7 x64. It compiles for 30+ min, then runs out of memory. My computer has 6 GB of memory, so I don't know what is wrong. Someone mentioned something about a 64 bit version of MinGW. Would this help, and if so, how would I use this? I am able to compile just fine with Visual S...

Codeblock won't run my program, I get sh: filepath: Permission Denied Ubuntu 10.04

So I'm trying to get this program to run, but code blocks throws me this error when I try to run it. sh: : Permission Denied. I'm pretty much 100% noob, so links to figure out how to fix it or educational stuff on the issue would be great for learning I think, but any ideas would be helpful really. :) ...

Using blocks in iOS4 and backwards compatibility

Hello All - If I write code in iOS SDK 4.1 and I use block notation, will it still run on an iOS 3.0 iPhone? I am suspecting not, but wanted confirmation on this. On another tip - I am a little confused about why people use blocks at all. To my (ignorant) mind, it seems like a new syntax that doesn't really allow one to do anythin...

Using codeblocks within usercontrols

I tried using a codeblock syntax within a property sent to a web user control: <uc1:MyControl ID="MyControl1" runat="server" SomeProperty="<%= somevalue %>"/> The user control has the public property SomeProperty declared and also uses code block to display the property value: <p><% = SomeProperty %></p> The output on my page is un...

Using RakNet source with Code::Blocks on Ubuntu

Hey Forum, So i'm trying to find out how to use the source files from RakNet with Code::Blocks, in Ubuntu. All the tutorials on the internet are for windows, or use windows ".lib files". I need to find a way to get this working but I'm getting very discouraged since this is my third day in a row that has been without result. If anyone c...

c# ASP.NET Controls collections code block nonsense.

What can cause: The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>). I ask because, the code does not contain code blocks. Anywhere. There is not a single <%= %> block on any page in the entire site. All i have are the <%@ %> directive lines. Edit: Below is the code causing the error....

Function that populates a dropdownlist inside a gridview edit template

I am trying to have different options for different user roles. Here is my code: Private Function GetApprovedBy() As String If User.Identity.Name = "officer" Then Return "Approved by Officer" ElseIf User.Identity.Name = "manager" Then Return "Approved by Manager" Else Return St...

installing opencv on windows(W32) to be used with code blocks.

hi everyone. i am trying to use opencv library with code blocks(8.02).i have installed opencv2.1. when i include the headers and link the library its all fine.i have gone through tutorial as well.but when i compile the project it reports no error or just says exit with status 1. ...

Beginner Code::Blocks 10.05 Project vs. Program terminology and IDE issues

Here is the basic issue: when I use codeblocks to begin a "project" (they use this term as opposed to program...) I start with a console "project" and C::B immediately includes a file "main.c" file... with Hello world... the funny thing is the program name that I want to use is (example) would be something like Rick_practice.c for the so...

Change header file extension in CodeBlocks

I searched the web and other groups as well as CodeBlocks. When I create a new class, or when it creates a new header file, I would like it to use ".hpp" for C++ header files. How do I tell it to do this? ...

animation blocks infinite loop - iphone

I'm having difficulty working with the animation blocks. I'm trying to have the first animation change the alpha of an image so that it flashes, then after 10 seconds disappears. the firstAnimation then moves to secondAnimation which does the same thing only to a different image. the process then repeats itself infinitely. I've been wor...

-D option is expanded incorrectly from g++ command line

In C++ CodeBlocks project I added the following definitions to the project settings, compiler settings, #define: _DEBUG DATA_DIR=\"/media/Shared/SiX/Data\" This produces the following g++ command line: g++ -Wall -g -fPIC -save-temps -D_DEBUG -DDATA_DIR=\"/media/Shared/SiX/Data\" -I../Includes -c /media/Shared/SiX/SiXConfigurat...

Codeblocks debugger stopping in all Assimp Library Functions

0 00000000 __Static_initialization_and_destruction_0(__initialize_p=1,__priority=65535) 1 0054F273 global constructors keyed t _ZN6Assimp18ObjFileMtlImporterC2ERSt6vectorIcSaIcEERKSsPNS_7ObjFile5ModelE() 2 00553B62 __do_global_ctros() 3 00000000 0x00401095 in __mingw_CRTStartup() 4 00000000 0x00401148 in mainCRTStartup() I'm using...

how to save perceptive using code::blocks?

Example: i'd like to always see "CPU Registers" and never see "Scripting Console". Using Code::Blocks, how can i do this, regardless of the project i use? ...