
C++ types using CodeSynthesis XSD Tree Mapping

Hi All, I'm using CodeSynthesis XSD C++/Tree Mapping utility to convert an existing xsd into c++ code we can populate the values in. This was we always make sure we follow the schema. After doing the conversion, I'm trying to get it to work so I can test it. Problem is, I'm not used to doing this in c++ and it's my first time with thi...

Code Synthesis doesn't seem to generate a "valid" xml tree

I've been working with code synthesis xsd to generate an xml tree to ensure constinency of the xml output to the original xsd. After initial testing, everything looked ok but when I tried entering invalid values (correct type, but outside the defined range), the values were allowed. Although the xml is well formed and conforms to the t...

How to provide additional custom implementation of accessor methods when using @synthesize?

I want to fire some code when a property is accessed and changed. I use @property... and @synthesze... in my code for my ivars. The properties are retained, so I'd like to keep that memory management stuff automatically generated by @synthesize. However, I assume that @synthesize tells the compiler to generate the accessor methods code ...

How to use SVN to make our code in sync?

I am use tortoiseSVN to synchronize our code. But recent I found that there is something that is not so convenient. When i modify a file, let's say a.jsp, and my colleague might also modify this file, a.jsp, and this may result in conflict, and any one of use need to checkin the his code first, and the other one will need to update ...

C++ Serialization Clean XML Similar to XSTREAM

I need to write a linux c++ app which saves it settings in XML format (for easy hand editing) and also communicates with existing apps through XML messages over sockets and HTTP. Problem is that I haven't been able to find any intelligent libs to help me, I don't particular feel like writing DOM or SAX code just to write and read some ve...