
connection to dbase from jdbc on linux

hi all, can we connecting a dbase/foxpro .dbf file on linux using jdbc? thanks ...

what's the fastest way to change datasource passwords for an entire farm of servers in coldfusion?

The question says it all: I want to change information about datasources on multiple coldfusion servers. Can this be scripted? Ideally, a solution would work on both CFMX 6.1 and CF8 ...

ColdFusion to Asp.Net

Hi, I'm trying to translate these Coldfusion pages to It seems like with ColdFusion, if there are variables defined in a page, say pageA and then pageB includes this page: <CFINCLUDE template="pageA.cfm"> Then I will have access to all the variable defined in pageA. Same thing if I include another page, pageC in pageB. <CFI...

EntityDelete ColdFusion EHCache

How do i delete an Hibernate Entity that is being cached by EHcache and by using Entitydelete in coldfusion? ...

Is generator="increment" good enough for sequential invoice number?

I need to write a invoice generating software in ColdFusion 9 using ORM (Hibernate). One of the requirements is that the invoice number must be sequential without gap, which means no invoice number can be skipped. The database identity value (i.e. generator="native") does not work as it skips a number if transaction failed to commit. ...

Seqential & continuous invoice number in Hibernate / ColdFusion ORM?

One of the requirements of my billing software is that the invoice number must be sequential & continuous. (no invoice number can be skipped). I tried setting the invoice number as PK, and tried hibernate's increment & native generator, but both of them do not guarantee continuous number when a transaction fails. The next invoice will ...

Thread-safe sequential number generator in ColdFusion?

If I have a Generator.cfc with methods: numeric function next() { return variables.num++; // Is ++ an atomic operation?? } And: application.generator = new generator(); If every request calls, will this generator ever generate the same number twice on heavy load? In another word... is this thread...

What is this exception: Cipher buffering error in JCE provider JsafeJCE

We are getting this error when trying to change a password in ColdFusion through LDAP. Despite the error, everything seems to be completing as requested. The stack trace ends at the start of a thread so I can't tell the exact trigger point. EDIT: We started getting these errors when we moved from CFMX7 to ColdFusion 9. Here is the s...

CFInput autosuggest: where is the value?

I used a simple CFInput autosuggest code (copied from Ben Forta's blog It works ok but I need one additional feature: After a user has used the autosuggest field to choose something, I would like to populate a second form field with the result ... but it doesn't work like in Javascript (using onChange and the valu...

INSERT INTO a table from another table, but with the correct user ID for each comment a user adds.

I have two tables - a 'users' and a 'comments'. They both have the coloum 'IDUsers'. When a user adds a comment I want their user ID to come from the 'users' table and go into the 'comments' table into the 'IDUsers' coloum from the 'IDUsers' coloum. However, at the same time a comment is being added from the user - so I also am using t...

question about coldfusion application names

Hi guys, I installed coldfusion 8 at D:\ColdFusion8. There are two files D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page1.cfm and D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page2.cfm. Now my question is if there is no application.cfm or application.cfc at D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot, should D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page1.cfm and D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page2.cfm be considered as ...

Display the BLOB objects in Coldfusion

I have a query which retrieves the data from Oracle DB. The table which I am retrieving contains one BLOB type column. When I tried to output it as <cfoutput>#query.blobColumn#</cfoutput> Its giving me the error "ByteArray objects cannot be converted to strings". I tried using <cfoutput>#ToString(query.blobColumn)#</cfoutput> Then...

Cfwindow destorys page.

Hey guys. I have an issue with cfwindow. I have a search page and each result gets it's own cfwindow. Well when I open any of these cfwindows it takes the background image I have and puts it on top of the content (even if modal is set to true or false) and then after you close the window it will stay that way. No way to get back to the p...

Personalized Welcome Messages

How do I create a welcome message on my home page with user's name in it? Dragging dynamic fields from the recordset onto my page does not work: <cfoutput>#Recordset1.Username#</cfoutput>. It keeps using the first username in the table, not the user I am logged in as. Do I have to add something to my Application.CFC page? I'm using C...

Example code for using Facebook Connect with Coldfusion

Is there any good example code in Coldfusion 8 that shows how to use Facebook Connect? ...

Session Variables, Hidden Fields and Tables

Ok, would this work? When a user logins a session variable is created. Then using the session variable I am able to put into a hidden field the correct user's ID number. The hidden field is in a form that allows the user to add comments. So from the hidden field the user ID is added to the 'comments' table from the 'users' table? Tha...

Session Variables to insert data from one table to another.

I have set up a session variable for the Users ID when the user logs in - here's the code: <cflock timeout=999 scope="Session" type="Exclusive"> <cfset Session.IDUsers = ""> </cflock> Then I am trying to use this session variable to insert the Users ID into another table called 'Comments' when the users add a comment - though it is ...

Session Variables, welcome messages

Why does this not work? My welcome message, it just doesn't show up: <p>Welcome <cfoutput>#Recordset1.UserID#</cfoutput>.</p> The session variable on the login page I created is: <cflock timeout=999 scope="Session" type="Exclusive"> <cfset Session.IDUsers =''> </cflock> is this incorrect? On the index page where I'm trying to...

Value for my session variable?

Here my code to create a session variable: <cflock timeout="999" scope="Session" type="Exclusive"> <cfset Session.IDUsers = ""> </cflock> I need to put a value in = "" but I want the value to change to be the users ID depending on which user is logged in. So I can't just put any number etc. in there. What do I have to do? ...

Ant + Coldspring

I am working with the new cfbuilder and using ANT to push my code to my dev server. One issue that keeps cropping up is when I make changes to my beans.xml file my ant build throws an exception on my beans.xml file. This is the exception that I get: BUILD FAILED C:\workingcopies\bpmMag\config\beans.xml:3: Unexpected element "{}beans" {...