
CFMail SMTP connection limit

Currently using ColdFusion 8 enterprise on 32 bit linux box to send out our mail to a third party provider who do the delivery (relay). Currently we have maintain mail server connections checked in the ColdFusion admin but they'd like us to limit the connections to each one of their servers to 5 and I'm not sure if you can make ColdFusio...

Web application with Hibernate, Spring and Oracle goes up to 99% of the CPU (row lock contentions).

Hi there. We have an web application in Linux environment that the CPU sometimes goes up to 99%. Sometimes it takes days, and other times it takes minutes. We are using Hibernate with Spring in a tomcat webapp and an Oracle Database. Checking the logs it appears the following: "ConnectionManager - transaction completed on session wit...

Caching in a clustered environment

Caching your data in your application code is generally a good idea for many reasons. We have being doing this for quiet some time in our shared environment which includes ColdFusion, .NET, and PHP. However, because we share this environment with many other development groups in our organization, there is significantly more downtime then...

Security measures for site search

Years ago I programmed a magazine-style site in ColdFusion. It had a site search function to full-text search (using SQL Server) the articles and blog posts. It worked fine, but then we were hit with a SQL injection attack (my fault). The site owner decided to take down the search, and only recently asked me to make it live again. I kno...

Is there a way to selectively enable a session in Coldfusion?

Is there a way in Coldfusion to selectively enable a user session? I don't need to track all users that visit my site, only users who have logged in. Is there a way to activate the user session, only after a login process? (I have a feeling the answer is no, but I thought I'd ask as some of you may have more experience with user session...

Are there any dark themes (like Zenburn) for Coldfusion Builder?

I am looking for dark themes for Coldfusion Builder but google does not find anything? Do you have one or know a place where i can get some? ...

does the COLDFUSION BUILDER support coldfusion 8 ?

Hi guys, I know coldfusion builder is released for developing coldfusion 9 applications. Now my question is whether coldfusion builder support COLDFUSION 8 development? Great thanks. ...

Hidden features of ColdFusion

Let's try to make this for our favourite technology too, how do you think? Hidden code tricks, unknown usages of known features, application server easter eggs are what are we looking for. So, proposed rules are simple: One feature per answer. Code example, if it is the CFML/CFScript feature. Application server name and version where...

Blaze DS via Ajax with ColdFusion

I want to use Adobe's Blaze DS via ColdFusion through Ajax. I know enough ColdFusion and JavaScript to do what I want to do, but I want to add long poling into the application and it looks like the only way to do that is through Blaze DS...but I don't know enough about Flash/Flex to finish the job. Anyone know of an Ajax Mockup that work...

How to Format Text in Eclipse with cfeclipse plug-in

How can I reformat the Text(.cfm file) ? I am trying to do CTRL+SHIFT+F which works for java files, But its not working with Coldfusion files. ? Is there anyway I can format the text? ...

how can i send an anonymous block to oracle and get result from oracle in coldfusion

Hi guys, In coldfusion, how can I send an anonymous block to oracle and get some response from oracle? I tried cfquery, but it doesn't work. Great thanks. @Antony, I know i can write anonymous block in cfquery. Such as: <cfquery name="queryName" datasource="oracle11ghr" result="queryName_meta"> BEGIN INSERT INTO npr_t_reservation...

How can I prevent SerializeJSON from changing Yes/No/True/False strings to boolean?

I have a data struct being stored in JSON format, converted using the serializeJSON function. The problem I am running into is that strings that can be boolean in CF such as Yes,No,True,and False are converted into JSON as boolean values. Below is example code. Any ideas on how to prevent this? Code: <cfset test = {str='Yes'}> <cfset j...

Validate an email address is valid and came from a specific Domain

Given an email address, say: [email protected] In Coldfusion, how can i validate that the email is from "" and not another domain? ...

How to check value in an Array using Coldfusion?

I have below code <cfset abcList = "*,B,b,A,C,a"> <cfset abcList=ListToArray(abcList,',')> When I Printed 'abcList' then it sis givig me value but when i use the 'abcList' in <cfif> its not working, Below is the code which created problem <cfoutput> #abcList[1]# <!---This is giving '*' as Correct o/p---> <cfif #abcList[1]# eq ...

On file upload, Coldfusion returns: C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\servers\coldfusion\SERVER-INF\temp\wwwroot-tmp\neotmp12429.tmp did not contain a file.

Upon file upload, Coldfusion 8 returns: C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\servers\coldfusion\SERVER-INF\temp\wwwroot-tmp\neotmp12429.tmp did not contain a file. Does anyone know what may cause this? Bad syntax? Server permissions? Missing pieces? My cfform tag looks like the following: <cfset myPath = "path to my folder"> <cfset mimeTypesList = "...

Resolving variables inside a Coldfusion string

My client has a database table of email bodies that get sent at certain times to customers. The text for the emails contains ColdFusion expressions like Dear #firstName# and so on. These emails are HTML - they also contain all sorts of HTML mark-up. What I'd like to do is read that text from the database into a string and then have ColdF...

AJAX, setJSONStructKey Issues with multiple sets of data

I'm working to create an autosuggest and am having problems getting the data to display correctly for the JQUERY plugin. I have a table full of customers(customerID,fName,lName) I need to create a JSON response like this: [{"id":"856","name":"House"}, {"id":"1035","name":"Desperate Housewives"}, {"id":"1048","name":"Dollhouse"}, {...

Free PHP or CF hosting services recommendations

Hello, I have been asked to construct a website for a local not-for profit, and they don't have any money to spend on the project. It is starting out as a small project, so I agreed to do it for them. However, I would prefer to be able to do some scripting. I already know Coldfusion, but am willing to learn some PHP to do this. I a...

ColdFusion Server Alerts - weird C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\bin\GET calls

I have a ColdFusion 8 server which has alerts setup whenever the server goes unresponsive or slow. I get emailed the alert snapshots whenever that happens and I have it setup so it kills the slow threads. But in some of my snapshots I get things like below :- The alert became active at Mon, 7 Dec 2009 18:47:57 and recovered at Mon, 7 De...

Accessing RAISEERROR message from cfstoredproc

Hi there, I have a SQL stored procedure which under some situations will return a result of -1 if it fails, but also returns a message via the RAISERROR command e.g.: BEGIN RAISERROR ('Error %i has occurred', 11, 1, 0) RETURN -1 END I am accessing this via coldfusion using cfstoredproc e.g.: <cfstoredproc procedure="sp_ret...