
Notify when user clicks the camera button on Windows Mobile

I am a newbie to Windows mobile programming using .net CF. I am writing an application in C# in which I have to save the new image file created to a different folder when the user clicks the camera on the windows mobile phone. I have googled a lot on this, but have not found any solution. Using CameraCaptureDialog class enables/opens the...

ColdFusion - Alternatives to PreCompilation for IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)

Our security policy does not allow us to expose our source code to clients. Typically, in the ColdFusion world a sourceless distribution is carried out by running the code through Unfortunately, code that is precompiled is in my experience not portable across different Operating Systems. I am now looking into alternativ...

ColdFusion Book Recommendation

I'm working on learning ColdFusion (I may have an opportunity to get an internship at a company that develops exclusively in CF) and am looking for some good resources to get me started. I'm definitely going to buy a book, but I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations. Any non-book (i.e. websites) recommendations would be hel...

Convert struct to query Coldfusion

Wondering if anyone can assist I am utilizing some code from RIAForge which integrates with the api... One of the methods outputs as a struct, but I would like to modify the code so it outputs as an array, am unsure of how to do this.. Currently the code is like this <cfscript> var args = StructNew(); var returnStruct = Str...

cffeed causing errors

Our web admins applied some hotfixes (don't know which ones) over the weekend and it seems to have killed <cffeed>. The error we get is below. We have the <cffeed> tag inside of a <cftry> but it still produces the error. Any thoughts on what would be causing the error or or how to circumvent without rewriting all our code? ROOT CAUSE: ...

Call jQuery from ColdFusion

Is it possible to call a jQuery function from within a ColdFusion switch statement? If so, how? ...

vim syntax highlighting of ColdFusion hash marks

I'm trying to create a patch for cf.vim to resolve an issue with hashes. In ColdFusion, # signs are used to enclose an expression inside a cfoutput block. <cfset x = 1 /> <cfoutput> x is now #x# </cfoutput> <!--- outputs "x is now 1" ---> The problem comes into play when there is a lone #, not inside a cfoutput block: <a href="#x">a...

Coldfusion server (apache httpd) is restarting frequently

Good day, We have Apache httpd server set up as our ColdFusion server on a Solaris box. And due to some code changes to the deployed ColdFusion application, our ColdFusion server (the httpd service and not the actual machine) is restarting frequently. Any ideas on where to start looking? ...or which logs to turn to? ...or common culpr...

How do I separate multiple email addresses in cfmail

Do I use a comma or semicolon? I can't seem to find it in the live docs. I also can't seem to find any consistency looking online as some examples use a comma while others use a semicolon. Are both acceptable? ...

What is the maximum number of email addresses that can be in a cfmail

Is there a maximum number of email addresses that can be included in a cfmail message? Is this number the maximum in each of the to, cc, and bcc or a combined maximum? ...

Memory implications of returning a query from a CFC

I've written a database load script in ColdFusion and I'm having a problem that the script slowly runs out of memory. I've split each table load into its own thread with <cfthread> and I'm calling the garbage collector when memory dips below 50% (making sure to have 30 seconds between gc() calls to prevent the garbage collector from hogg...

Parsing version numbers to real numbers

I would like to determine if one version number is greater than another. The version number could be any of the following: 4 4.2 4.22.2 the version number is beyond my control, so I couldn't say how many dots could actually exist in the number. Since the number is not really a real number, I can't s...

Which computer assisted translation format should I use for a ColdFusion site?

I am creating a multilingual site that will need to support at minimum five different languages, including Korean and Chinese. The site language is ColdFusion, so Java is the native language. I want to make the site as easy as possible for the next programmer to update, and for third-party translators to use tools that will work easier f...

Do scheduled tasks load Application.cfc in the same way as web pages?

Do scheduled tasks load the Application.cfc in the same way as web pages? We have a task which runs nightly and needs to use a services cfc loaded into the application. Will the application scope exist in the same way as it does when calling a standard web page? Are there any differences or gotchas to watch out for? ...

Calling webservice in C# returns Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'.

I am currently calling a ColdFusion web service in C#. The web service is just a simple query used to search for users. I can search just fine and it returns the users I search for unless I try searching for 'Johnson' then it returns: Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with the error ...

How do I store CFCs in a separate directory and make them work?

Is there a way to specify the component path in the tag? I am using ColdFusion Components for my application. My application has several folders, however, and each time I want a CFC to work, I have to save it in the same directory as those files that need access. This results in my creating of several CFC files that are identical. Is ...

Is there a way to remove the native ColdFusion AJAX-loading-animation?

Is there a way, and how can I remove the loading animation that's built into the ColdFusion AJAX functions? <cfinput type="text" name="TitleName" autosuggest="cfc:MyCFC.AutoSuggestSearch({cfautosuggestvalue})"> Using the following code creates a small icon next to my search field which animates while the AJAX request is waiting for a ...

How do I pass an argument to a CFC through AJAX?

Hello, I'm using the following scrip to call a CFC function: function loadQuery() { $.get('QueryData.cfc',{},function(GetMyData){ $("#content").html(GetMyData) }) return false } $(document).ready(function() { $("#loadLink").click(loadQuery) }); This is my HTML: <a href="" id="loadLink">Load It</a> <div ...

Any possibility to add subtitl in AxWindowsMediaPlayer control ?

Hi I am using axWindowsMediaPlayer control in my windows mobile application with using .net CF 2.0, I want to play the video with subtitle.(SRT file type) Any one know how to add the SRT file in AxWindowMediaPlaye ,It is possible ? Pl. give me some suggestions Thank you in advance. ...

Why is ValueList function returning an unexpected string after using concat on MySQL query?

Hello, I have the following query where I combine two fields from two tables: <cfquery name="SearchResult" datasource="MyDSN"> SELECT CONCAT(titles.TitleName, ', ', platforms.PlatformAbbreviation) AS Result FROM games Inner Join platforms ON games.PlatformID = platforms.PlatformID ...