
ColdFusion fails to generate WSDL

I am having trouble getting web services to work in ColdFusion. This works just fine on my development server, but when I gave it to QA they are getting this error on their server. Both are running ColdFusion Is there some system setting I'm missing that would cause this behavior? My very simple CFC file: <cfcomponent out...

Handling Multiple Images with ColdFusion and MySQL

Hello everyone, This is an architecture question, but its solution lies in ColdFusion and MySQL structure--or at least I believe so. I have a products table in my database, and each product can have any number of screen-shots. My current method to display product screen-shots is the following: I have a single folder where all screen-...

Serious, intermittent problem with CF Web Service

Howdy, CFers! We've got an incredibly frustrating situation with a CF Web Services-based API that we wrote and maintain. We had an API in place for years that was stable and working happily with Ruby, PHP, and ColdFusion clients. Then this year a .NET client came along, and we found that our web service was not interoperable with statica...

jQuery, comments posted with quotes aren't working, otherwise it works great.

If I post a comment like "hello there dog" it works great, but if there are any special characters like ' or " the comment is posted successfully to the database but the jQuery code is not displaying the comment in the list. Thanks for any tips. function feedbacksubmit () { // Show the Ajax Loader $("#ajaxloader").css("display","inline...

Display octothorpe inside cfoutput tags

<cfoutput query="getGames"> <li> <a href="#link_url#" style="background: #E97B2A; display: block; height: 320px; width: 500px;">#name#</a> </li> </cfoutput> the background color # is breaking it, how can I display the # without closing the cfoutput tag (or using css rgb() )? ...

What are the pros/cons of using a cferror tag vs. the onError method to handle errors?

I would like to set up an error page which will diplay a message to the user, have the error logged, and have an automatic email sent out to the website administrator in the event of an error. Which is better to use, a cferror tag or the onError method? ...

How do I write text in ColdFusion?

I'm trying to understand ColdFusion, as I am coming from ASP.NET. I've put together a sample page to piggy-back off some already finished code -- but I can't seem to get the actual data from the object I am creating: <cfset objProduct = createObject("component", "com.MyObj.Product")> <cfset prodExists = objProduct.getProduct(10)> <html...

Good general purpose try/catch routine

Using Adobe ColdFusion version 8 and below, all my cfqueries are wrapped in a try catch that calls a function in database.cfc called "CatchError". <cftry> <cfquery datasource="myDatasource"> UPDATE TableName SET ... WHERE ID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.ID#"> </cfquery> <cfcatch> <...

Running Railo and Adobe Coldfusion Server on the same server.

I have several Coldfusion sites on a Win 2K3 IIS6 server and I wanted to ease into Railo. I was hoping to install Railo on the same server and just set up a particular IIS virtual host to use Railo instead of Adobe CF server. It seems Adobe CF Server will still process the request for .cfm files even though I pointed the isapi mapping t...

What information does the ColdFusion exception variable provide?

I want find out as much as I can about any error that occurs on my ColdFusion page. Then, I want to save the information in a database. I am attempting to find a list of all the different properties contained in the exception object (which is a parameter of the OnError method), and I can't seem to find an exhaustive list. The list on the...

How to get list of scheduled tasks and last run results in ColdFusion?

We're trying to build a dashboard for our chron jobs -- CF, Java, SQLServer, etc. so that we can see when things were run last, what the result was, and when they're scheduled to run next. Is there a way with the CFAdmin API or some undocumented <cfschedule> trick to get a list of: What tasks are scheduled? What the last run time was?...

What is the correct syntax for replacing two characters at once in ColdFusion?

Hello, I'm trying to replace two special characters using the replace function in ColdFusion: <cfset MyQuery = "/Attribute One\/Attribute Two\/Attribute Three\"> <cfset MyString = Replace(MyQuery, "/", "<li>", "ALL")> <ul> <cfoutput>#MyString#</cfoutput> </ul> This works well, but I need to correctly close my li tags. I tried adding ...

Best practice for cftry/cfcatch

In ColdFusion 8 or below, is the marked line in the right place? <cftry> <cfquery name="local.qry" datasource="myDatasource"> SELECT ID FROM TableName WHERE ... </cfquery> <cfset local.result = local.qry.ID><!--- this line! ---> <cfcatch> <cfset local.result = Variables.objDatabase.CatchError(cfcatch)> </cfcatch> <...

ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space [Using Apache for Coldfusion 7 on localhost]

I am getting following error message all of the sudden. 5 minuted before everything was working fine. 500 ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter(MonitoringServle...

Managing line width in ColdFusion

If you work with ColdFusion, you've probably gotten used to either line-wrapping or horizontal scrolling. Infrequently, this isn't so bad, but when three out of four lines in an existing code base are wrapped, sometimes twice, it becomes a huge readability hindrance. A line such as... <cffunction name="v_multiple_item" access="public"...

JRun/Coldfusion - System.out - how to prevent it getting too large?

I am running ColdFusion 8 application servers on Windows machines. ColdFusion is running as a Windows service. I have noticed that System.out file is massive (1GB+) on some of the machines. e.g. C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\bin\System.out I understand this is where console output ends up when running CF as a service, but is there any...

Multi-Application Server Environment and Memcached Security

We are looking to integrate Memcached into our infrastructure, but have a security concern before we do. We run several platforms including ASP.NET and ColdFusion and have many app developers working many little applications across the different platforms. The concern is this: App A places item "dog" into cache. App B reads item "dog" ...

CFChart not displaying all chart data items

I am having an issue with ColdFusion's CFChart tag. I have a couple graphs that do not display properly. For a horizontal bar chart, when attempting to display 50 or more chart data items, the graph's bar labels stop plotting, but keeps plotting the bars themselves once it gets to bar number 50. I noticed making the chart height larger m...

In ColdFusion, how do I determine if a query string variable exists?

In ColdFusion, how can I determine if a variable exists within the querystring without throwing an error attempting to check it? ...

What are the gotchas with ColdFusion?

Background: I have a new site in the design phase and am considering using Cold Fusion. The Server is currently set-up with ColdFusion and Python (done for me). It is my choice on what to use and ColdFusion seems intriguing with the tag concept. Having developed sites in PHP and Python the idea of using a new tool seems fun but I want t...