
How does one convert from a Java resultset to ColdFusion query in Railo?

The following works fine in CFMX 7 and CF8, and I'd assume CF9 as well: <!--- 'conn' is a JDBC connection ---> <cfset stat = conn.createStatement() /> <cfset rs = stat.executeQuery(trim(arguments.sql)) /> <!--- convert this Java resultset to a CF query recordset ---> <cfset queryTable = CreateObject("java", "coldfusion.sql.QueryTable")...

Script function for file upload in ColdFusion 9

Is there a a cfscript equivalent for cffile action="upload" in ColdFusion 9? Looking through the docs, there doesn't seem to be. ...

Using Coldfusion, how do I determine if a given time span occurs during business hours (another time span)?

Given that a certain business is open 8am-5pm, what is the best way to verify that a given timespan falls within that range? The date doesn't matter, just need to confirm that the entire requested time range falls within business hours. Here is my sample data I have to begin with. (I'm using cfscript here simply to be concise) <cfscrip...

how to fix source not found message for coldfusion eclipse remote debugging?

I have eclipse with coldfusion builder installed, and I set up the various screens - RDS and coldfusion debug settings in preferences, project properties and set the server up there. It seems like it is almost working, the RDS screens work, and I can start debugging, but when it hits my breakpoint I get a blank source page that says 'So...

Automatic email sent when page loads using ColdFusion

I'm using ColdFusion and I need to automatically send an email when a page loads. I'm using this as a notification for the owner of the site so they know when to check the database for a new entry. After the form used to collect the data is submitted, a confirmation page loads. When this page loads I need to send the email. ...

How to log information from inside <CFScript>

HI , I am learning to use <cfscript>. Is there any way I can log some messages or values inside the <cfscript>? like outside <cfscript> I can use <cflog>, Is there any way or Tag something like that, i can use to print the messages in log file inside > Thanks ...

When to use || vs. OR in ColdFusion in a <cfif>?

When do I use an "OR" vs a || in a ColdFusion cfif statement? ...

Communication link failure error message

I'm in the process of testing an application and it's database and for this I want to restart my testing each time completely clean. This application loads a large amount of data from Twitter. Therefore, before I start, I delete all data from the database and kill any processes from my web account associated with this application. When I...

Coldfusion convert number to text

I have a coldfusion app in which I calculate the number remaining of a certain object. So I have a integer... like 9. But I need to print it to the screen in text form.... like nine. Is there a built in function to do this? I googled and couldn't find one. ...

whitespace coldfusion

what would be the correct way to stop the white space that coldfusion outputs?? i know there is cfcontent and cfoutputonly.... what is the correct way to do that?? ...

Sizing image probleme in PDF whis iText or cfPDF in Coldfusion 8

WHen I insert a Image into a existing PDF whis CFPDF or directely whis iText, the size of my image is increased by 1.5. How to control the image size ? my code are inspired from : ...

ColdFusion executing unwanted SQL statements

I have an application that loads a vast amount of data from twitter. We have began to notice some performance issues and so I setup SQL Profiler for the applications database. I have noticed the following SQL statement are being executed but do not appear anywhere in my code. Therefore, I am assuming that either SQL Server 2005 or ColdFu...

Coldfusion LDAP Authentication issue / domain prefix

I am currently setting up a dev environment which is an exact copy of our prod environment. The problem is when I try to authenticate a user by using CFLDAP tag in the dev environment, it won't let me authenticate the user without prefixing the username with the domain name while in the prod environment we don't have to prefix the userna...

ColdFusion Server CFC Caching Issue

Hello, I develop coldFusion applications on my laptop with it's own ColdFusion 8 server with IIS which run on Windows Vista. I am having a rather annoying problem. The problem is whenever I make any changes to my CFC's, it appears that unless I restart my ColdFusion Application server, the changes to my CFC's will not take effect unti...

IIS Server Side Includes doesn't process ColdFusion

How can I use the Server Side Includes module in IIS to include and process a ColdFusion file from a .htm file? I'm currently doing something like this in my html file: <!--#include virtual="navmenu.cfm"--> This includes the raw contents of the navmenu file. I need it to execute the ColdFusion code and return the output of that proces...

How to generate PDF from .cfm page in Mac

I am using tag of coldfusion 7. Using CFEclipse and working on Mac OS. I have written the following code: <cfdocument format="pdf"> - Introduction to ColdFusion 7 PDF Generation This is an example of PDF generation using ColdFusion 7. </cfdocument> But instead of asking me to save this file in .pdf format, its trying...

Putting data into the application scope

For my lookup tables, the ones that are the same for every user in the application, I do an Application.objectname = createobject(...).init(datasource) in the init method, I read the table into the this scope like so: cfquery name="this.queryname" return this Now, whenever I need to reference the query, I can refer to it like this:...

cfselect query from a getter

If you have a cfselect command that builds its options list from a getter function, how do you write it? cfselect name="FooID" query="scope.functionname.getFoo()" Display="FooName" value="FooID" /> Or maybe, as someone said in a previous post, I should build the options list in a cfsavecontent and therefore it will be cached. ...

cfquery type interface for C#

Hello, I really liked the cfquery in coldfusion and I'm wondering if anyone has attempted to write something like it for Or, does anyone know how they do it in cf with Java? I'd like an interface to my database that is similar QueryResult myObject = ObjectDatabase.Query("SELECT XXXXX","DataSource"); this.Var = myObject.Vari...

Jquery Fancy Captcha in Coldfusion 9

I know Coldfusion 8 and 9 should be able to run PHP codes; although I have not testing this yet. I would like to know if is possible to use JQuery Fancy Captcha: in a ColdFusion application. If yes, how could it be implemented? Thanks Vicente ...