
How to pass coldfusion client variables across domains

We are building a coldfusion ecommerce solution (for a shopping cart solution provider). The system uses client variables. The user registration, login and cart functionality will be on client's domain (ex: which is an non SSL) and the user should be transferred to our eshop domain (which is entirely different domain and is on SS...

Examples of filling pdf form with iText in ColdFusion

Looking for some examples of iText 5 and ColdFusion 7. I need to fill some pdf forms with data from the DB all the iText and ColdFusion examples I found are at least 4 years old and use previous version of iText. ...

Source Code Control Systems in Web Development

We are just beginning the process of looking for a source code control system. I realize we are behind, but better late than never. None of the members on our team have experience with any systems in their past so I was hoping I could find out some basic things to look for as we begin investigating different tools. Here is a little backg...

How can I escape HTML character entities when using ColdFusion function XMLFormat()?

I have the following block of HTML: <p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog &mdash; The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p> <p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog &mdash; The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. <br>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog &mdash; The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy do...

What would be a good Coldfusion-based bug tracking software?

What I am looking for is a tool that easily or automatically sends coldfusion error messages to their system. Then I can use the web-based interface, to manage priorities, track who fixed what and so forth. But I want to use this to help us deal with errors better, but also to show the importance of a bug tracking system to my fellow...

getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap() with multipart forms?

below is the code i'm using to test this: <cfif structkeyexists(form, "submitted")> <cfdump var="#getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap()#"> </cfif> <cfoutput> <form method="post" action="#cgi.script_name#?firstname=tony"> <input type="text" size="50" name="page[contents][][content]"> <input type="text" size="50" na...

Is it possible to use coldfusion with apache, and mysql?

Is it possible to use coldfusion with apache server and mysql DB? ...

How should I create cookie through flex/coldfusion that is readable by another template?

Inside a flex app, I have a user login. The login calls a ColdFusion function as a remote object which authenticates the user and, if applicable, returns their id and access level. This works fine, but now I'm at the point where I want to also create a cookie for another ColdFusion template (called from fileReference.upload()) to be able...

Coldfusion Bug, CFFILE worked on my dev box with CF7, stopped working on Prod with CF9

Here's a coldfusion bug that I can't figure out where to even start debuging.... On DEV, I have CF7, and use CFFILE to upload, and rename a file... Uploaded Images etc... Now I deployed on Prod with CF9 and all image uploads don't work and are not erroring. Any ideas what could be wrong? Permission? Is there even a way to debug this be...

Retrieving Data

I need to do an HTTP call to this page for every bike (one) and wheels seq (many) combination in the database: http://web_address/index.cfm?fuseaction=bike=444444&amp;wheels_seq=1111 and get the form values from the database. After this, submit this form programmatically with the form values by firing the Send button on the page. W...

CF9 + SQL Server Express

I just created a new database in "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express" and now I'm in "ColdFusion Administrator" and I'm trying to add my database as a Data Source. How do I do that? I believe the servername is .\SQLEXPRESS but I'm not sure what the default username and password are. I've tried creating a new login through Man...

FCKEditor WYSIWYG controls not showing up on ColdFusion 9

I wrote a CMS that utilizes the FCKEditor library, it has worked flawlessly, but recently has stopped working. Instead of showing all of the WYSIWYG controls it is just being rendered as a simple textarea. I have not changed anything and it is happening to two different clients on two separate servers. Does anyone have a clue what migh...

Best IDE/Editor for ColdFusion?

I am just starting at a job in which I will be using a lot of ColdFusion. What is the best IDE/Editor to use? ...

Flex HTTPService: SOAP Response cannot be decoded. Raw response:

Hi guys, I am trying to connect my flex app to a CFC I have which calls a method. It's to test a login control, and when i put the correct credentials in, it comes back with the error: "SOAP Response cannot be decoded. Raw response: ". The CFC method is: <!--- Array of Users is called ---> <cfset user = En...

A simple app to secure coldfusion pages - Running into an issue with Session

Hello, I am testing out how to protect pages in coldfusion and have run into an issue when attempting to create a process by which users can log out. Essentially, I have three pages: Page A - The form that submits to Page B Page B - That checks the form.username and form.password against a database (works fine) Page C - Logout page ...

Glassfish, railo and coldbox - messed up links?

I am new to ColdFusion and ColdBox (and programming). I tried to setup ColdBox but some of the links in the sample applications are broken. My configuration is a GlassFish v3 installation with the current Railo OSS. I access my site through Apache 2.2.14. So instead of I access my environment trough http://...

CFHTTP and IIS 7 Connection Failture (NOT SSL)

I'm trying to do a very simple CFHTTP GET call to a local website running on IIS7, however it throws a 408 Connection Failure. I've done all the obvious things: The site is listed in the hosts file locally I've added the CFHTTPPARAM tags for IIS compression issues (deflate;q=0) Surfing to the URL in the browser works fine Doing a CFH...

cf_payflowpro installation

I've inherited a little code that uses this custom tag: <cf_payflowpro query="RESULT" hostaddress="" hostport="443" timeout="30" pwd="#hpword#" partner="#hpartner#" vendor="xxxxxx" trxtype="#callPP#" tender="C" acct="#form.card_number#" expdate="#form.expire_month##form.expire_year#" amt="#fo...

jQuery + Coldfusion, isNumeric not validating

This is the jQuery, both the game_id and the $(this).val() are integers /* AJAX call: save to DB input name=#game_id# value=#game_rating */ $.post("game_rating_submit.cfm", { id: game_id, rating: $(this).val() }, function(data) { alert('data: ' + data); }); This is the coldfusion part tha...

How to Adding link in to a PDF whis Coldfusion and itext

I used this technique to insert an image Now, I need to insert a link to a external URL at X/Y and text inside with itext and coldfusion. Can someone help me do this? Thanks. ...