
javscript doent work in the page rendered by cfwindow

I have some javascript loaded in a cfwindow. I call the javascript function on click of a button. The following is the code loaded in cfwindow.. When I click a button JS error shows up saying : setVendorPayee is not defined function onclick(event) { setVendorPayee("126", "sudheer"); }(click clientX=397, clientY=139) when i actually ha...

Uploading a Coldfusion Website.

So, I've created a site; using Mysql 5, Coldfusion 8 and Dreamweaver CS3. I have a 'GoDaddy' windows hosting plan - and have just uploaded my database. I have uploaded my site - But it doesn't work! I have an index.cfm page, so it should work, my URL's are correct. I'm not sure why thats not working!! Also, I am woundering if I need to ...

Coldfusion Connection Code

OK, Ive got my site all up - just not working. ahah. I need (I think) the correct code for a connection string to my database etc. I'm using ColdFsuion and Mysql. My code for the connection string is as follows: <CFQUERY NAME="cfGossip" DATASOURCE="mysqlcf_bridgettip" USERNAME="<bridgettip>" PASSWORD="<*******>" > </CFQUERY>...

Change Coldfusion tags to leverage CDN hosted javascript libraries

I've been handed a Coldfusion application to support and I noticed that CF is adding script tags to certain pages. It appears these js files are supporting certain CF tags because I can't find any reference to the .js file(s) in .cfm file (or in any subsequent include files). The .js files are popular libraries which can be accessed via...

Timeout reading verity collection - CF8

For a long time now I've been having a problem with using the verity search service bundled with ColdFusion 8. The issue is with timeout errors occurring when perfoming any operation on a collection. It's intermittent, and usually occurs after a few operations have been successfully performed. For instance: If I'm adding records to a co...

Creating Your Own Web Framework

I am a coldfusion programmer, and yes I know there are a lot of great coldfusion frameworks out there. However because of the way the company I work for, code is styled and structured, I want to create a stepping stone framework, that gradually over time moves them to some current coding styles and standards.. But to get there, and ou...

cfhtmlhead reset/unset or cancel?

We have some ColdFusion apps that use the cfhtmlhead tag to add some scripts and random stylesheet link tags... problem is I can't change the files that do this, and my content has to execute along with the code that has the cfhtmlhead calls. Again, not much I can do to get around this. The only thing I can think of that almost works is...

What Coldfusion Error LogFile Analysis tools are available?

As part of my attempt to role my own coldfusion framework for my company, I want to see what kind of tools that can summarize top user/server errors based on the log files... We have given up on trying to have a server monitor, and i have tried several debugging templates, but right now, seems we want a solution that helps us identify k...

Coldfusion 8 & Twitter - cffeed unable to read the source URL. Status Code: 400

In Coldfusion 8 Enterprise (8,0,1,195765), the following two lines of code causes this error: Unable to read the source URL. Status Code: 400 Try adding or changing UserAgent attribute in the CFFeed tag <cffeed source="" query="twitter"> <cfdump var="#twitter#"> Yet, on my develo...

Pound sign (#) in filename causing error

I have a very simple file upload that allows users to upload PDF files. On another page I then reference those files through an anchor tag. However, it seems that when a user upload a file that contains the pound sign (#) it breaks the anchor tag. It doesn't cause any type of Coldfusion error, it just can't find the file. If I remove the...

How do I run a static method on a CFC without using cfinvoke?

How do I invoke a static method on a CFC without using cfinvoke? I know that I can do this: <cfinvoke component="MyComponent" method="myStaticMethod' arg1="blah" returnvariable=myReturnVar> I would like to be able to invoke this method the same way I would a UDF: <cfset myReturnVar = MyComponent.myStaticMethod(blah)> This, however...

CF9 ORM mapping issue DB error

I am trying to map some ORM entities and properties and what should seem right, I get the following SQL error: java.sql.SQLException: Error on rename of './reflexgym/user' to './reflexgym/#sql2-36b-30' (errno: 152) at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException( at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLErro...

Moving files in a verity collection

I have a collection of files which have been added to a verity collection. The filename, with complete path, has been used as the key. I would like to move the location of the files on disk, but I am concerned that I will end up with duplicate entries (when I update the same file, the path to the file will be different, so I'll have an...

Creating a download page in ColdFusion 8

I have an application that allows admins to upload files. These files are stored outside of the web root so they are not accessible via a URL. In the past, we have always used code similar to below to then serve the file back to authorized users. Is there a better or more universal way to specify the type? This is especially relevant whe...

CFBuilder:- File dissappears from the SS/workspace off and on

What is the issue with CFBuilder? I am trying to Check out a file from SS/CFBuilder and all i get is the message 80020009: Network not found.[src=SourceSafe,guid=null] In fact even perfectly working files that are months old,suddenly become "removed from SS".As a result of which I have only "Team/Commit Changes" option for a given file...

CFMismatch? component name in the argument,and definition file for the component not matching.

I am getting the following error while accessing the The "MARKETPRICELISTVIEW" argument passed to the "GetMarketPriceList" function is not of type "" If the component name is specified as a type of this argument, its possible that a definition file for the component cannot be found or i...

How can I work with a struct returned from a cfc in jquery

I have a cfc <cffunction name="addEditPerson" access="remote" returntype="struct"> a bunch of cfarguments <cfscript> var returnThis = structNew(); var error = ''; structInsert(returnThis,'success',0,true); structInsert(returnThis,'error','',true); structInsert(returnThis,'pers...

cfajaxproxy with url rewriting

Hi, I've been able to successfully implement the cfajaxproxy tag where the cfc in question is located in the root directory of my site. When a page that is IN the root directory of the site, but is accessed by a rewritten url (eg ->, the javascript generated by cfajaxproxy does not point toward ...

COLDFUSION: cfdocument and forcing a pagebreak

I am creating a dynamic PDF in ColdFusion and having an issue with "pagebreak". The page in question could have 1 record, or up to 60+ records. Each record is displayed in 2 rows of a table. Some of the returned records are being split between pages (first row is at the end of page one, the second row is the top row of the next). A ...

Cost of ColdFusion Developers vs. ASP.NET Developers & PHP Developers

I'm having a hell of a time trying to find information on the comparative costs of developers between these three platforms. I would expect PHP and ASP.NET developers to be in the same ballpark due to the size of both development communities. However, Coldfusion has what, a half million developers? That's a medium size, but it's a relat...