
How do we compare two Query result sets in coldfusion

I need to build a generic method in coldfusion to compare two query result sets... Any Ideas??? ...

Where can I download ColdFusion MX 6 or 6.1?

I know there old and everything, and I already have Coldfusion 8, but I found a great hosting deal and need Coldfusion mx6.1 for it - deos anyone have a link to a place where i can download it? ...

Error using ColdFusion cfexchangeconnection to connect to Exchange server

I am getting an error when trying to connect to an Exchange server using the cfexchangeconnection tag. First some code: <cfexchangeconnection action="open" server="****" username="****" password="****" connection="myEX" protocol="https" port="443"> I know its the right server because it fails when not pr...

How can I connect to a SQL Server in ColdFusion 7 without a DSN?

I'm writing a CFC on a server running Coldfusion MX 7. The CFC needs to be able to query a database the location of which will be determined at runtime. The database is SQL Server 2005. The CFC takes the IP address of the server and the name of the database as arguments, and the built-in Windows Authentication should allow connections fr...

Kill Session on browser close.

Here's my Application.cfc code: < cfcomponent> < cfset this.applicationname="cfGossip"> < cfset this.applicationname="true"> < cfset this.sessionManagement = true /> < /cfcomponent> My session is called "Session.MM_Username" I want to 'kill' it when a browser is closed. How do I do this? Can somebody try construct the code for ...

Coldfusion, Compare two TimeStamp to get the difference in Hours

Hello... I'm going have SELECT a TIMESTAMP from the MySQL database. What I want to do is compare that to the current time using ColdFusion. If 1+ from the DIFF do this.... If LT 1hr do this.... Thanks ...

Disadvantages of J2EE session management in ColdFusion

Manual page tells about bunch of advantages of the J2EE session management (SM) over the ColdFusion SM, but what about other side? Which problems can appear when using J2EE SM? Also, if J2EE SM is so cool, why ColdFusion SM is still default? I can see one obvious reason: backwards compatibility. And this is typical for Adobe. Same time...

mySql Query works in query browser but fails when I run in CFquery

At first I was thinking I was running into an issue with cfqueryparam and mysql. However when I change substitute them with static values I get the same error. This is stumping me, I'm too used to Microsoft SQL Server I guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the query, this works perfectly in mySql query browser, but f...

Coldfusion, outputting SQL results grouped by Date Grouping, Today, Yesterday, This Week, etc...

Hello! I'm hitting the DB for a 100 records from a MySQL DB that have a DateAdded (timestamp) column. I'd like to find a SMART way to display the records as follows in Coldfusion, w/o hitting the database multiple times. Today: - records..... Yesterday: - records..... Earlier This Week: - records..... Earlier This Month: - records.......

Bind RSS read cfc to a cftreeitem

In CF8, I have a working cftree with an RSS feed per node (multiple nodes). The problem is that I am not currently using a bind which means that all the feeds are read when the page is loaded which takes a very long time. What I want to do is bind the cftreeitem to a cfc so that the feed is only read when the user selects the parent cftr...

Could not open the editor: Editor could not be initialized

Happy New year everyone!Have a healthy and prosperous 2010! Now for the question that I have : I am getting error "Could not open the editor: Editor could not be initialized." when i try to open the CF3 builder. Neglecting this error I am continuing with my work and I am able to access all my project/files etc ,but what i feel is tha...

How do you set typeAhead=true on a ColdFusion 9 EXTJS Grid column?

On CF9, a CFGridcolumn with type="combobox" will have "typeAhead" set to false in the underlying javascript. typeAhead is the auto-complete effect for a combobox, which you can see here, in the "Light" column: I'd like to know how to add this typeAhead functionality into an EX...

ColdFusion 9 Virtual File System and Clustering

Does the VFS work in a cluster scenario? ...

Coldfusion, dreamweaver website Sercurity

I'm creating a Coldfusion website, and am going to need sercurity for it. I know people can add code to comments and change background colour etc. I need to have some code to stop this, along with other issues. I have only managed to find php code for any site sercurity codeing. It would really help me to have any coldfusion code for my ...

How can I use Verity to index and search database content in ColdFusion 9?

Hi, everyone. I have tried to use ColdFusion 9 to build search engine in my site. The key is Verity which I read it is the best tool to do the indexing and searching in my database content. But I search around with no luck about any tutorial to tell me how to done this, even a tutorial is missing, or I think I don't found it. I am usi...

Why does this subtraction not equal zero?

I happened upon these values in my ColdFusion code but the Google calculator seems to have the same "bug" where the difference is non-zero. 416582.2850 - 411476.8100 - 5105.475 = -2.36468622461E-011;rlz=1C1GGLS_enUS340US340&amp;q=416582.2850+-+411476.8100+-+5105.475&amp;aq=f&amp;oq=&amp;aqi= Java...

Dynamically change display orders of data in ColdFusion

Using ColdFusion, I'm trying to setup a menu and menu items application where you can change the order of the menu and also the menu items within the menu. I've found something relative, but it's not completely helping, So if you view the demo there, th...

Creating Javascript History like Object in Coldfusion

I want to create a History Object for my Website, It should be Similar to Javascript history object. I want to use this Object to Creating Previous/Next nevigational Links for my Website. The Problem with Javascript History Object is that it is based on the Window object, not a website specific. And Using this Object clicking on "Prviou...

Element is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.filter.FormScope

I have a form field and when filling the form , i am getting the error "Element is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.filter.FormScope". It was pointing to the following code:- if(arguments.action eq 'addProficency') { // // CertificationArray = ArrayNew(1); //add the Certif...

cfhttp dns resolution

i'm trying to get CFHTTP to talk to a domain that i have created for testing purposes on my test server. the address of the domain is "". everytime i try to connect using cfhttp i get an error stating: Your requested host "" could not be resolved by DNS. i have already added the entry in the win...