
Cfsearch in combination of documents and indexed query data?

hi! I have an application which stores all kind of data about people. The current cfsearch functionality (in Verity) includes searching documents that are attached to these people. If i have 2 documents attached to 1 person, 1 with say ABC in it and the other with XYZ in it, my ideal searchresult for "ABC AND XYZ" would return the 1 pe...

CFMX6.1 deplying on Websphere 6.1 Server: Error 500: The Security service is not available.

I am deploying a CFMX6.1 application to a Websphere 6.1 server. The server starts up without any errors but when I goto the CF Adminstrator page (or any cf page) I get the following error: Error 500: The Security service is not available. Can you deploy CFMX6.1 to WS6.1? My searches on the internets seem to say yes and no. As far as t...

ColdFusion Security

What are the best practices for securing a coldfusion webpage from malicious users? (including, but not limited to, sql injection attacks) Is cfqueryparam enough? ...

Java: Looking for hack to deal with Windows file paths in Linux

Say you have a large legacy ColdFusion on top of Java on top of Windows application. File access is done both via and by CFFILE (which in turn also uses, but not centralised in any way into a single file access library. Further, say you have file paths both hard-coded in the code, and also in a database. In ot...

How do I force a Coldfusion cfc to output numeric data over JSON as a string?

I'm calling a Coldfusion component (cfc) using I need an integer or string representation of the number returned for use in a URL. {"PAGE":"My Page Title","ID":19382} or {"PAGE":"My Page Title","ID":"19382"} Instead what I get back is a decimal: {"PAGE":"My Page Title","ID":19382.0} Needed to update the following HTM...

Things to watch out for in ColdFusion 9 with CF-ORM

What are some of the things you've observed in ColdFusion 9 with CF-ORM (Hibernate) that one should watch out for? ...

CFMAIL Caching? Has anyone had seen this before in CF7?

I'm using CFMAIL to send out an email. For some reason, when I edit the email msg in the CFMAIL tag, and save the file, CFMAIL isn't sending new emails with the changes... Is CFMAIL caching itself or the file that holds the CFMAIL tag? Thxs ...

How can I loop over a query for a specific number of times that may be greater than the result?

I need to loop over a query exactly 12 times to complete rows in a form but rarely will the query return 12 rows. The cfquery endRow attribute doesn't force the loop to keep going if the result is < 12. If it did that would be ideal to use something like cfloop query="myQuery" endRow="12"... The 2 options that I have now are to skip the ...

Are jython & coldfusion compatible?

Are jython & coldfusion compatible? I mean, can I run both at the same time without trashing my server? Are there any overlapping conflictions with java? ...

How do you redirect in ColdFusion and control the status code (i.e. 301 instead of a 302)

This code does a redirect, but uses a 302 status code: <cflocation url="" addToken="no" /> I found this on the Internet, but I think it only works in ColdFusion8. I am using ColdFusion7. <cflocation url="" addToken="no" statuscode="301" /> Hoe do you control the status code in Cold...

Looking for a web server that include the following technologies ColdFusion, PHP, MS SQL Server, MySQL

Can anyone explain if it is possible to have a web server for all of these technologies: ColdFusion, PHP, MS SQL Server, MySQL I have a web developer insisting that they require all of the above however it doesn't quite make sense to me. Any help or clarification is appreciated. ...

Can I install coldfusion 9 and coldfusion 8 on the same server?

Hi guys and girls, Can I install coldfusion 8 and coldfusion 9 on the same server and use them separately? Great thanks. ...

ColdFusion structs Direct Assignment vs object literal notation.

The newer versions of ColdFusion (I believe CF 8 and 9) allow you to create structs with object literal notation similar to JSON. My question is, are there specific benefits (execution efficiency maybe) to using object literal notation over individual assignments for data that is essentially static? For example: With individual assign...

Importing HTML into TinyMCE using ColdFusion

Hey everyone, I would appreciate a pointing in the right direction with the problem I'm having. In short, I'm working on an application that will create PDFs using TinyMCE and ColdFusion 8. I have the ability to create a PDF by just entering in text, pictures, etc. However, I want to be able to import an html template and insert it into ...

How can I timeout Client-scoped variables in Coldfusion?

I apologize if this is a "duh" question. It seems like the answer should be easily googleable, but I haven't found it yet. I am working on a large Coldfusion application that stores a large amount of session/user data in the Client scope (ie <cfset Client.UserName = "JoshuaC"> ). I did not write this application, and I don't have the lu...

Ninject 2 for CF3.5 TargetInvocationException

In middle of application when calling following line: var component = _Kernel.Get<IComponent>(); I'm getting TargetInvocationException. IComponent is a Form. at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at System.Reflection.Construc...

merging two duplicate contacts/ColdFusion

having to do with data integrity - I maintain a coldfusion database at a small shop that keeps addresses of different contacts. These contacts sometimes contain notes in them. When you are merging two duplicate contacts, one may be created in 2002 and one in 2008. If the contact in 2002 has notes prior to 2008, my question would be does...

Problem with ColdFusion communicating with MySQL database

Hi, I have been working to migrate a non-profit website from a local server (running Windows XP) to a GoDaddy hosting account (running Linux). Most of the pages are written in ColdFusion. Things have gone smoothly, up until this point. There is a flash form within the site (see this page:

Jrun Server crashes when a page has cfform,cfgrid,cflayout etc..

Hi, I am having a weird problem. I have a application that works perfect in my development machine and UAT machine which is of windows 2003 server/cf8. When i uploaded the same application on Solaris box with CF8, and access the site it works perfect until i hit the page that has CFFORM, CFLAYOUT, CFGRID.. etc.. The Jrun Server just cr...

Is there a ColdFusion equivalent to PHP for include_once?

I've been adding this to my pages: pagewithinclude.cfm <cfinclude template = "_pagename.cfm"> _pagename.cfm <cfif Not IsDefined("variables.included_pagename")> <cfparam name = "variables.included_pagename" default = "1"> rest of page </cfif> Is there a better way in CF? Something similar to PHP's include_once? ...