
Coldfusion 8 and HTTP PUT - is there a way to PUT an object?

Hi all We are using EHCache with CF 8 to cache stuff on a central server using a RESTful interface over HTTP. I am trying to cache a cfquery object to the cache server. I can get this to work if I call EHCache direct (i.e. store it in a local cache) but if I try to cache on a remote server over HTTP I am running into problems. The co...

Calling C# from ColdFusion

I've written a .dll in C# to change the permissions on a folder. I also wrote an .exe to test the .dll and it successfully changes the permissions. Now I'm trying to call the .dll from ColdFusion, but I'm getting an error about System/Security/IPermission not being found. I'm assuming this is an interface in C# that ColdFusion can't fi...

CF9 HQL Statement for many-to-many and Multiple Criteria

I have the following setup: Listing.cfc component persistent="true" { property name="ListingId" column="ListingId" type="numeric" ormtype="int" fieldtype="id" generator="identity"; ... property name="Features" type="array" hint="Array of features" singularname="Feature" fieldtype="many-to-many" cfc="Feature" linktable=...

In Coldfusion, how do I init a component that is located above the current path folder?

If I have a folder structure that looks like this: / /bin/myComponent.cfc /reports/index.cfm How do I initiate myComponent.cfc from index.cfm? myService = createObject("component", "bin.myComponent"); Using the dot syntax, I know how to go to deeper folders, but how to do I go up a folder, and down into the other folder? Using slas...

How to setup CF9 with IIS7 (multiple instance, virtual hosting by hostname)

I'm used to setting up CF9 (Dev edition) on my Windows using Apache. I would like to try using IIS7 that comes with Win7 Pro. What are the steps to set it up so that I can have: Both of these point to via windows host file. I would like & to use 2 different CF instances. I ...

ColdFusion 9 ORM/Hibernate and Remoting

Why does my cfc method (when returning JSON format or called via remoting) return all related objects regardless of the lazy setting on the property? ...

Duck-Typing in ColdFusion

What is duck-typing and how is ColdFusion related? ...

Is ColdFusion on Linux/Apache stable?

I'm working on a site that still has a lot of scripts in ColdFusion. I need to move it to a new server. I much prefer Apache/Linux instead of IIS/Windows. I've seen some info here and there about running ColdFusion on Apache/Linux. Is that a stable setup? ...

Passing the form scope to a Remote cfc

What is the syntax for passing the form scope into a cfc with access="remote"? I have: <cfcomponent> <cfset Variables.Datasource = "xxx"> <cffunction name="Save" access="remote"> <cfset var local = {}> <!--- todo: try/catch ---> <cfif arguments.PersonID> <cfquery datasource="#Variables.Datasource#"> UPDAT...

Passing more than 1 form field

I'm trying to update the LastName field for PersonID. I can pass PersonID, but I don't know the syntax for also passing the LastName field. $('input[name="LastName"]').live('focusout', function() { var PersonID = $(this).parents("tr").attr("ID"); var LastName = $(this).val(); // todo: serialize $.ajax({ url:'Remot...

C#: Set ComboBox Height

Hi guys, I'm trying to set the Height of a ComboBox in C#.NET CF / WinCE6. So far I managed to do it by using the MessageWindow.SendMessage() with CB_SETITEMHEIGHT. The issue is the ComboBox gets to its initial Height when being clicked. Is there a workaround for this ? LE: How would this affect performance, considering the ComboBox m...

ColdFusion 9 Cluster with IIS7.5

Does anyone know of a step by step process of setting up a ColdFusion 9 cluster using IIS 7.5? Either failover or network load balance would be nice. Without IIS being clusterable in Windows 2008 R2, I'm not sure of the best means to configure the web server and ColdFusion service. Some of the things I'm looking for are..... With lo...

Catching 'Last Record' in Coldfusion for IE javascript bug

I'm using ColdFusion to pull UK postcodes into an array for display on a Google Map. This happens dynamically from a SQL database, so the numbers can range from 1 to 100+ the script works great, however, in IE (groan) it decides to display one point way off line, over in California somewhere. I fixed this issue in a previous webapp, th...

access JRUN jndi environment vaiables from coldfusion (java)

I want to put some instance specific configuration information in JNDI. I looked at the information here: I have added this node to the web.xml: <env-entry> <description>Administrator e-mail address</description> <env-entry-name>ad...

how to set permissions for cfftp getfile from coldfusion code?

I am using and getting a file from ftp server. But when I use to read the downloaded file, its not allowing me to read the file. Its because of the permissions on the files. How can i set permission to 777 or full access for that file from code. I don't want to do that manually. I am using Mac OS. Thanks.. ...

$.ajax ColdFusion cfc JSON Hello World

I've simplified this example as much as I can. I have a remote function: <cfcomponent output="false"> <cffunction name="Read" access="remote" output="false"> <cfset var local = {}> <cfquery name="local.qry" datasource="myDatasource"> SELECT PersonID,FirstName,LastName FROM Person </cfquery> <cfreturn local.qry> </c...

ColdFusion debugging output in my Ajax

If I turn off "Enable Request Debugging Output", the 3rd option under the Debug Output Settings, then I no longer get debug info in my $.ajax call to a cfc with access="remote". That's good, but I'd like to keep it turned on for all my other programs and turn it off programatically for this one exception. I put <cfsetting showdebugou...

Issue with jQuery setting checkboxes as checked in IE6 (not showing as checked?)

The Code: var lstInstanceIds = getData.lstInstanceIds.split(','); for(var i=0; i<lstInstanceIds.length; i++) { var value = lstInstanceIds[i]; $('input[value=' + value + ']').attr('checked','checked'); } So all i'm doing is looping a list and setting the attribute checked as checked where the values meet. This ...

How to get file attributes in ColdFusion 7?

I cannot find a function that tells me the attributes of a given file. I specifically need to get the file's size. How do I find this info.? edit: I think I found an answer, just not the answer I was hoping for: So far till ColdFusion 7, there was no good way to find information like size, last modified date etc about a file...

CFQuery where param

In my CF component, I tried to filter data from user input (getSearchString) and run the code, I having problem with WHERE function. Can suggestion what is the correct way? <cffunction name="getParks" access="remote" returntype="struct"> <cfargument name="page" required="true" /> <cfargument name="pageSize" required="true" /> <cfargumen...