
Verify mail server connection programmatically in ColdFusion

I'm using custom SMTP servers and would like to verify the connection when user enters his own server credentials. Exactly the same type of check as Adobe CF and Railo allow to do when adding mail server. Sure, this does not guarantee that delivery will be working, but at least to check that entered server/username/pass are valid. I...

Query Results Not Expected

I've been a CF developer for 15 years and I've never run into anything this strange or frustrating. I've pulled my hair out for hours, googled, abstracted, simplified, prayed and done it all in reverse. Can you help me? A cffunction takes one string argument and from that string I build an array of "phrases" to run a query with, attem...

File uploading with ColdFusion, too big of file timing out?

A client has the admin ability to upload a PDF to their respective directory and have it listed on their website. All of this works dandy until a PDF reaches a certain file size that makes the server time out. This causes an error and the file uploaded will not succeed. As mentioned in the title, we are using ColdFusion with a command...

Prevent Coldfusion from encoding html

I am trying to return html from <cfsavecontent variables="html"> <p>Some html</p> </cfsavecontent> <cfreturn html> But when it comes back from the function the html is encoded I found this thread which has some solutions but im hoping for...

Can a Flash-based CFGRID render basic HTML in the cells?

(I'm very new to both Flex and CF -- more a .NET/ExtJS guy, so I'm a duck out of water.) I'm tweaking someone else's CFGRID code. It uses Flash format--HTML isn't an option since it would require redesigning the entire interface around the grid. Tha data I want to put in the grid have some very simple HTML elements-- <sub>, <sup>, and ...

Rate Limiting Calls To an Api Using Cache in ColdFusion

Hi I am using ColdFusion to call the api, using a cfc bundle sourced from here. I am concerned about going over the request limit, which is 5 requests per originating IP address per second, averaged over a 5 minute period. The cfc bundle has a central component which calls all the other components, which are split up into secti...

compare password hashes between c# and coldfusion

Hello, I have a password hash that is stored in a table and is put there by the following coldfusion script- #Hash(Encrypt(Form.UserPassword,GetSiteVars.EnCode))# I am trying to add some outside functionality within a c# application. I would like to be able to take advantage of the data that already exists so that I can authenticate ...

Calling a windows executable (.exe) from ColdFusion app

I have no experience with ColdFusion, but I'd like to find out if it's possible to call a windows .exe file from a ColdFusion app (assuming the app and the .exe are running on the same machine) and then use the response from the .exe to pass to another method in the ColdFusion app (or for simplicity's sake just display the response in an...

Porting some PHP to ColdFusion

OK, I'm working with converting some very basic PHP to port to a dev server where the client only has CF. Ive never worked with it, and I just need to know how to port a couple things: <?php $pageTitle = 'The City That Works'; $mainCSSURL = 'header_url=../images/banner-home.jpg&amp;second_color=484848&amp;primary_color=333&a...

Calling overridden parent method from parent method

Heres the situation. Component B extends component A and overrides the init method to accept a different parameter. A also has a create method that calls init. If i have an instance of B and i call create, its calling the wrong init - it calls init in B, where i need it to call init in A. I dont want to call super.init() as there may n...

Coldfusion Components:- The argument passed to the function is not of type numeric

Hi I have a simple form form.cfm:- <cfset Registr = createObject("component", "forms.Registr") /> <cfset setFoo = createObject('component','forms.Registr).putNUsr(username,password,rating) /> <form name="regFrm" action="#cgi.script_name#" method="post" onsubmit="submitform();" > <tr><td>Username:</td> <td><input t...

using cfhttp in multiple files taking too much time

I don't know if its possible but just want to ask if we can cfhttp or any other thing to read selected amount of data instead of putting whole file in CFHTTP.FileContent. I am using cfhttp and want to read only last two lines from a remote xml files(about 20 of them) and read middle two lines from some text files (about 7 of them). Is t...

Automatically update or delete record(s) after x time in coldfusion

Hi, I've searched all over the net for this. Hope that someone's got something. How would a record in a database be updated automatically after x time n coldfusion? I know how to manually do it by writing an sql that performs an action to all records older than x time based on the timestamp. How would this be done automatically? Kind...

Need help replicating directory structure with ColdFusion and jsTree

I am using this new jQuery plugin called jsTree and using the HTML datasource. I am also using ColdFusion 7 with cfdirectory and filtering out files, so just dirs. I need to recreate the directory structure in the image, well any dir structure I give it actually. I am having a heck of a time with the logic. variables.image...

How do I unhide a CFDIV that has dynamic content with AJAX binding itself?

I have the following CFSELECT tags that are used to populate a text input: <cfselect id="this" name="this" bind="cfc:Data.getThis()" bindonload="true" /> <cfselect id="that" name="that" bind="cfc:Data.getThat({p1})" /> <cfselect id="theOther" name="theOther" bind="cfc:Data.getTheOther({p1}, {p2})" /> The text input is the only value...

<cfquery> not retrieving DATA.

Hi, I am unable to retrieve any data from my cfquery. Same query when i run in sql developer i get the result. Any reason why ? Hi all, thanks for the responses. Sorry, it was my fault. It was a data issue. I was retrieving uncommited data from CF. ...

MS Excel XML Header Footer

Hello All, I'm generating a excel report in a XML Excel format. In this report I have to repeat the top 25 rows and bottom 10 rows on each page, like a header and a footer. Can you please guide me on the code that is required to accomplish this task. I'm using ColdFusion. Thank you. Ravi ...

Can I load the max value of the range attribute in CFINPUT using and AJAX call?

I have a CFINPUT tag in a CFFORM. I want to set the range dynamically without posting the page. I have several AJAX calls throughout the page to dynamically load form fields on the fly: <cfselect id="this" name="this" bind="cfc:Data.getThis()" bindonload="true" /> <cfselect id="that" name="that" bind="cfc:Data.getThat({p1})" /> <cfsel...

How do I remove the @ replies from the Coldfusion Twitter feed?

<div id="rssConsumer" style="width:100%; border:1px solid #e8e8e8; margin:0px 0px 15px 0px;"><div style="margin:8px 10px 8px 10px; font-weight:bold; font-size:1.4em;">Recent Tweets</div> <cffeed action="read" source="" name="tweetfeed"> </cffeed> <cfloop from="1" to="3" ...

Using cfpdf to display pdf files

I have a page where I need to display a pdf and an "I agree" button. Q: Do I use cfpdf to create a thumbnail of the pdf and display the resulting output? Chapter 32 of cfWack 8 talks about using cfpdf. ...