
What does the COLLATE keyword do when creating a sqlite index?

According to the sqlite3 documentation, The COLLATE clause following each column name defines a collating sequence used for text entries in that column. The default collating sequence is the collating sequence defined for that column in the CREATE TABLE statement. Or if no collating sequence is otherwise defined, the bu...

How can I define my custom collate in Sqlite (in Objective-C) (for iPhone)

I need to define an arbitrary comparison method for sqlite in code. I need to be able to search for "e" and find both "e" and "é" (this is an example and the actual characters are in Persian). any help appreciated. ...

normalizing accented characters in MySQL queries

I'd like to be able to do queries that normalize accented characters, so that for example: é, è, and ê are all treated as 'e', in queries using '=' and 'like'. I have a row with username field set to 'rené', and I'd like to be able to match on it with both 'rene' and 'rené'. I'm attempting to do this with the 'collate' clause in MyS...

Syntax for using collate nocase in a SQLite replace function

I have an existing database where they created theiw own unicode collation sequence. I'm trying to use the following code and get a "no such collation sequence" exception. Can anybdy hlep with the the syntax to use "collate nocase" with this code? update Songs set SongPath = replace (SongPath, 'Owner.Funkytown', 'Jim'); ...

Inconsistent MySQL COLLATE errors across databases

I have two physically-separate MySQL databases on which I have to run a single query. The query has a section of SQL that looks like this: and foo_table.bar_column like concat('%', rules.pattern, '%') COLLATE utf8_general_ci It runs fine on database A but on database B I get this error: ERROR 1253 (42000): COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci...

Problem with mysql character set & GWT

Hi I've a SmartGWT application which interacts with a mysql database using rpc services. Suppose it as a simple form with a textbox & two save & load buttons. My database & tables & all fields collation is utf8_persian_ci. All java source files & module html & xml files have saved with utf8 character set. & also I've a meta tag in module...

Using COLLATE in Android SQLite - Locales is ignored in LIKE statement

When creating my SQLite database in Android I set the database locale - db.setLocale(new Locale("cz_CZ")). This is a Czech locale. A SELECT statement works and takes the locale into account, for example: SELECT * from table WHERE name='sctzy' COLLATE LOCALIZED Will find the entry 'ščťžý'. But using LIKE will fail: SELECT * from ta...

MYSQL and REGEX compare

Hi Guys, I have some problem with REGEXP and MYSQL. How I cant ignore the accent on my string to compare with the regexp value? SELECT ('estágio') REGEXP '(estagio)') AS dados I cant remove the accent from the database. I tried to convert to _bin or utf8_unicode_ci , but with no sucess. Somebody has a tip for do that? tks ! ...