
C# multi-coloured text in a single cell of a datagridview

Is it possible to change the colour of a sub string present in a datagridview cell? ...

How to get Color from Hex color code using .NET?

How can I get Color from a Hex color code(e.g. #FFDFD991)? I am reading a file and getting Hex color code, I need to create the corresponding System.Windows.Media.Color instance for the Hex color code. Is there any inbuilt method in framework to do this? ...

From an image, how do I determine the shade?

Hi All, For a database app I'm trying to determine the average shade of a section of photo, against a colour scale. Being a novice I'm finding this very difficult to explain so I've created a simple diagram showing exactly what I'm trying to achieve. If anybody has the time to give me some ...

detect color space with openCV

how can I see the color space of my image with openCV ? I would like to be sure it is RGB, before to convert to another one using cvCvtColor() function thanks ...

how to remove command line color highlighting of Vista Samba shared directories in Ubuntu?

Hi, I have a Vista share visible in Ubuntu but I which to make the BASH color highlighting of the directories/files the same as if it were a local dir/file. How would I go about doing this? Many thanks! ...

How does Auto-Adjust in Images work ?

How does Auto-Adjust in Images work ? example : ...

How to highlight the background color of a row when tick the checkbox?

Hi there. I have a list of checked items. I used the simple_list_item_multiple_choice.xml layout from android from the list. My requirement for this list is: - When I check the checkbox of an item, the background color of that row will change. (For e.g. black background to green) - Then when I uncheck the checkbox, the background col...

Can I get consistent CSS colors across browsers?

I'm testing a new site, and I have a div with background-color: #bbf6bb; That seems innocuous enough to me. And yet, on my MacBook Pro, the color looks very different in Firefox 3.6 vs. Safari 4. In Safari, it's the color I'd expect from the hex value: a pale green. In Firefox, there's a definite bluish tint, making the color turquois...

Guidelines for application colors (background, buttons, etc.) on Windows?

What are the recommended colors for an application's background, button faces, etc.? In the past I've just chosen a color scheme but I'd like to be more compatible with the Windows Accessibility Options, etc. I see that VB6 has System Colors like Application Workspace. Edit: I'd like to find an explanation of all of those colors (lik...

Finding N Distinct RGB Colors

I'm trying to graphically display a graph of N lines and I'm trying to find a way to dynamically assign distinct colors based on how many lines I have. The values in RGB range from 0 to 1. I can't use white because the background is white. I found it easy for N < 7 ie r=(h&0x4)/4; g=(h&0x2)/2; b=h&0x1; This gives me black, blue, gree...

Silverlight: Setting ComboBox Background-Color Programmatically

This seems like it's far more difficult than it should be, but I'd like to set the background color of a dropdown combobox programmatically (ie. if the user selects one value, I'd like it to appear red, otherwise blue...) What I've noticed is that if you just set the Background property to a SolidColorBrush, the only thing that seems to...

eclipse line color background

In Eclipse, I try to change the background color of my comments in Java code. Is that possible? ...

pygtk: invert colors of a textview Widget

I finally managed to change the background of a textview widget in pygtk. Turns out I needed to use the widget.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) That results in the desired black background. Now, the rest of the problem... Now I want to change the text color to white. I have tried everything including widget.modi...

Mini Project: Change the color of the terminal based on the time of day

Good Evening, I am pretty new to Unix so maybe this mini project is too ambitious. Hoping someone could point in in the right direction. Working in a cubicle and I can't see how light it is outside. In general I use a yellow terminal in the morning (sunny) and a black/green past 3:00 (night). What I would like to do (partly just...

Splitting an rgb uint into its seperate r g b components

I have an rgb colour stored as an uint. I can create this from the rgb values using the bitwise left and bitwise or opperator in an expression like this: colour = r<<16 | g<<8 | b; I want to do the opposite. I have the final number and I want the r, g and b values. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

Calculating a gradient fill's start and end colours given a base colour

I have a WTL C++ application and I want the user to be able to select different colours for some of the UI elements and apply a gradient fill using the GradientFill API call. However, instead of letting the user pick the start and end colours for the gradient, I'd like them to be able to select a 'base' colour and for my application to ...

How to convert all color code #XXYYZZ to shorter 3 character version #XYZ of whole css file?

How to convert all color code #XXYYZZ to shorter 3 character version #XYZ of whole css file? ...

How do I add style to content in JavaScript?

Hi I have been working in a JavaScript file and my content has been working with phrases. Now I want to change the style of those phrases. The first function (see function swapFE) I want to change the font style of the phrase node to normal. And change the color of the phrase node to the color value (155, 102, 102). The second function (...

Simple Hexadecimal color question

I have a number between 0.0 and 1.0, I would like to convert it to a grayscale color. White = 0 Black = 1 You can show me how in any understandable language (I prefer actionscript 3) Please, don't just give a name of a function that a language have to do this, I want to know how it does. ...

Is there a way to define extra colors in PDCurses?

So I'm working with PDCurses, and would like to have more control over the colors I can use in my application. I know I can change the definition of the eight predefined colors with init_color(), but I would like a few more colors to play around with. Is there some way to define custom colors without using one of the slots taken up by ...