
Linux/Xorg: setting color brightness

Hi all. Is there any command (or API) to set X.Org/Linux color brightness? In other words, I need something as handy as the xgamma command but for changing RGB brightness real-time. Is this possibile? Thanks in advance. ...

Simulate mouse click/Detect color under cursor in Python

Hi, I am very new to python. I am trying to write a program that will click the mouse at (x, y), move it to (a, b), and then wait until the color under the mouse is a certain color, lets say #fff. When it is that color, it clicks again and then repeats. I cannot find a good API for mouse related stuff for python. ...

Creating image from transparent image mangles color

Hello! I'm building one kind of system, which simply creates dynamic image from other image. I use imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents("clown_avatar.png")) to create image and output it successfully, but it messes all the colors on the transparent area. Check out the original image: Click And here is the result from php-file: Cli...

Flex Changing DataGrid Highlight Color

Hello How can i change the color, when the user mouse over an item on datagrid or tilelist. Basically once the user mouse overs and once the user selects a file. How to change the default color to something else. The default is blue and i dont like it :) Thanks. ...

Binding R G B properties of color in wpf

I have a custom class, "FavoriteColor" that has three properties, R, G and B. Now I want to draw a rectangle and fill it with these R, G and B values (using databinding). I tried the following snippet in my xaml, but gives me a compile time error. <Rectangle Width="10" Height="10" Grid.Column="4"> ...

How to ensure with user defined colors the comments are still readable?

I am exploring an idea I had the other day. What if I would allow the registered users on a website to pick their own colors for their comments and posts? This way the manifestation of their presence and personality would be stronger, and also it would be easier to spot (and ignore/ban) trouble-makers (#900 characters on #000 background...

Matplotlib: Changing the color of an axis

Is there a way to change the color of an axis (not the ticks) in matplotlib? I have been looking through the docs for Axes, Axis, and Artist, but no luck; the matplotlib gallery also has no hint. Any idea? ...

Converting Color to ConsoleColor?

What is the best way to convert a System.Drawing.Color to a similar System.ConsoleColor? ...

Changing text color in Drupal Views admin pages

Hope this is the right place to ask this question. I am new to the forum (and to Drupal!). I am developing a site using Drupal. Am using Zenophile Midnight and have created a Zen sub Theme. This has three columns, each with a black background. I am trying to edit a View but when I open the views/edit node I find when I try to create a F...

C# coloring the same values in row of datagridview

Hi, Say I have a datagridview filled with rows. Now to make certain data more distinct I'd like to color the background of certain cells. There's some caveats though, the amount of columns I want coloring in can vary. To make things more clear I'll sketch up a fake datagrid: Name Thing2 col1 col2 col3 tes test 1 1 2 t2t e...

[Cocoa OSX] Can't detect color of a pixel in a pixel that... changes color

Hello, I am trying to create an application that when the color of a pixel on screen changes to another one (that I know what it is) it does something, doesn't really matter to the question what it does. Anyway, I am using this: CGImageRef window283x420 = CGWindowListCreateImage(NSMakeRect(284, 420, 1, 1), kCGWindowListOptionOnScreen...

How is 1-bit bitmap data converted to 8bit (24bpp)?

Supposing I have 4 bitmaps, say, CMYK, all of which are 1bit/pixel and are of different colors, and I wanted to convert them to an 8bit/color (24bpp) bitmap, how would I do this? if the data looks like this: // the Cyan separation CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC ... // the magenta separation, and so on.. MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM M...

How to colour lines in LaTeX that match regular expressions.

I'm currently using the LaTeX listings package to display a block of code, and a diff of the file against a previous version. Both blocks are coloured by listings as if they are code (which they are) but I would like to colour the diff similarly to emacs diff-mode - red for lines matching ^-, green for ^\+ etc. Does anyone know if ther...

Flex Charts -- How can I change the color of a chartItem on rollover?

Hi guys, Is there a way to set a rollover color for each series in a chart? For instance, I have a column chart with two series: one series is set to blue and the second series is set to gold. When the user mouses over the blue series, I would like the blue to turn to bright blue. And when the user mouses over the gold series, I would...

programmatically change the background color in eclipse

Hi everyone, I have a question related to eclipse plugin development. Is there any means by which I can programmatically change the background color in eclipse. I am able to change the text foreground color by calling setTextColor(color, offset, length, controlRedraw) in ITextViewer but I don't find any function by which I can c...

Generate Color Gradient in C#

My question here is similar to the question here, except that I am working with C#. I have two colors, and I have a predefine steps. How to retrieve a list of Colors that are the gradients between the two? This is an approach that I tried, which didn't work: int argbMax = Color.Chocolate.ToArgb(); int argbMin = Color.Blue.ToArgb(); va...

Coloured diff to HTML

I enjoy using git diff --color-words to clearly see the words that have changed in a file. However I want to share that diff with someone without git or a colour terminal for that matter. So does anyone know of a tool or trick that can convert colour escaped terminal output into HTML? ...

[Flash] How to change the color of a movieClip?

Happy New Year 2010 everyone :) Just getting back into the Flash groove, and having a simple question. I have a movie(video player) where the color of the buttons changes. I've already drawn out the buttons and created a 1 color box(movieClip) that will be the background of all the buttons. I've used ColorTransform to change the color ...

Change the color of the applications title bar

Hi there, With Delphi 7 trying to change the color of the title bar of the software from the window theme. I have seen code which allows you to change ALL the title bars of all programs, but I am just wanting to change my program. Anyone seen/done anything like this? Don't mind paying for a component if needed. ...

How To: show color option in FontDialog with no underline and strikeout options.

Hi All, I am using FontDialog control in application. When I set its ShowColor property to true, it shows me StrikeOut, Underline and Color option under Effects group. I need only color from these three. Is there any way to hide Strikeout and underline effects, so that only Color option will be visible. Thanks in advance for any k...