
Colorize negative/positive numbers (jQuery)

I'd like to color numbers in a table for better readability:  green for positive (+00.00); red for negative (-00.00) and; black for default case (no sign) Many thanks! ...

Simple way to colour alternate output lines in bash

I have need to grep an entire directory for a string, and I get about 50 results. I would like to colour each second line, either text colour or background colour. Best would be a script that I can pipe the output of any command to, and so that it spits out the same (albeit coloured) output. ...

Wpf, using a StaticResource SolidColorBrush to define the Gradient Stop Colors

I am creating some wpf resourceDictionaries whit all the styles for an application! I have a few LinearGradientBrush'es, where the color is set directly in the LinearGradientBrush reference as GradientStop's. However, I want to have a predefined set of colors that I can use a a reference for each GradientStop, so that changing the color ...

how to turn an existing color image into a black-white image ?

What diffrent approaches exists out there in actionscript 3.0 ? I found this library: mojocolors But this is more for graphics-color I guess… Thx ...

JQuery - drop shadow plugin. Custom color

Hello, I'm using Jquery plugin DropShadow: web site And I want to set drop shadow color manually. Color is specified in the usual manner, with a color name or hex value. The color parameter does not apply with transparent images. From documentation, so, here is my code: { ... color: "black", swap: false } I...

Given an RGB value what would be the best way to find the closest match in the database?

I have a rgb value and if it doesn't exist in the color table in my database I need to find the closest color. I was thinking of comparing all values and finding the difference(in red,green,and blue) then take the average. The lowest average deviation should be the closest color. There seems to me like there should be a better way. A...

WPF: programatically assingin a color to row in DataGrid

Hi all, I need to assign a color to the a row that i add at runtime to the DataTable. How can this be done ? Regards Abdul khaliq ...

WPF: Can I put a colour animation in a style?

This is a simple WPF window in XAML: <Window x:Class="AnimateTest.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300" x:Name="MainWindow" Style="{StaticResource TestStyle}"> <Grid> </...

How to solve this layout dilemma: Header, Content and Footer which expands their background color horizontaly (but at the same time have centered content)?

I created a layout were eveything is centered (with the "margin="0 auto" technique). I also wanted the header and footer to be black and expand to both sides when the browser enlarge to the sides. If I center everything the black background will center too and it wont expand indefinably. The only solution I found was to apply the backgro...

Determine font color based on background color

Given a system (a website for instance) that lets a user customize the background color for some section but not the font color (to keep number of options to a minimum), is there a way to programmatically determine if a "light" or "dark" font color is necessary? I'm sure there is some algorithm, but I don't know enough about colors, lum...

UITextField border color

Hello! Could anybody tell me the truth :) I have really great wish to set my own color to UITextField border. But I could find possibility to change the border line style only. Please, i'll wait any answer ...

Set the LSB of Java java.awt.Color RGB components

Is there a method for changing the LSB value of java.awt.Color RGB components? ...

snag colored text command window output

I sometimes run command line code that produces output in colored letters. I would like to somehow find a way to copy that out put and either port it in RTF format or HTML. I did something simular to this once with a windows app that output text in rtf format. I copied it to a windows write program and safted it as rtf and then use a c...

How can I get more colors in emacs vc-diff?

I would like to have vc-diff colorize the output so that added lines are in one color and deleted ones in another. Using Emacs 23.1 and putty/xterm-256color (list-colors-display shows 256 colors and color themes and such works as expected). This is how it looks right now: ...

jQuery: change icon to greyscale

hi all, i made a button widget in jQuery which displays an icon. now when i set the button do disabled, i'd like to have it greyed-out. is there a jQery function to do this? thx ...

How to create iText PDF with CMY colors only

Hi, I need to create pdfs with iText (for the moment, other lib suggestions are appreciated) in the CMY colorspace. It's not CMYK: All colors and black should be converted to CMY only so that the black plate is empty when saving my created PDF. I know, black would look some sort of brown, but I have to requirement to not use any black ...

Choosing colour schemes

How do you choose your colour schemes for your applications and/or web designs? Is it a gut instinct thing or can logic be applied here too? I have looked at some colour theory but my combinations seemed wrong. I am looking at a monochrome webpage. Rather than pluck colours out of the air as usual I would like to see if there is a sc...

Adobe Color Profiles/Color Spaces, how is it possible that this works?

I'm learning about Color Profiles/Color Spaces/Monitor Color Management Profiles and I was just wondering how any of that justified considering the fact that I could throw the entire color anything off by adjusting the brightness and contrast of my monitor? Additionally there are things like lighting in the place where your monitor resi...

Change color of dotted border on button

I have a problem with a button in one of my forms, when a user clicks the button, it shows this black dotted border inside it. I would like to remove this, but I don't know how. I haven't set this border in the CSS... ((For those wondering; the caption means "search")) I searched some time ago, but with "dashed" instead of "dotted"...

opengl light problem..

I have loaded an object, and when I draw the object, I set the color to green.. After drawing the object, I draw lines in red. It all worked out fine. The problem arise when I input lighting properties. When I create a light source, everything where the light projects becomes white. Why does the lighting over writes my color? And how d...