

In PHP, what is the most straightforward way to convert a RGB triplet to HSV values? ...

Blitting multisampled FBO with multiple color attachments in OpenGL

I have a frame buffer object in an OpenGL program with multiple colour attachments, and am trying to upgrade it to a multisampled FBO. As I understand it, a multisampled FBO is only able to use render buffers, specifically ones created using glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT. If I want something rendered to this FBO in a texture, I ne...

How can I convert a color image to grayscale in MATLAB?

I am trying to implement an algorithm in computer vision and I want to try it on a set of pictures. The pictures are all in color, but I don't want to deal with that. I want to convert them to grayscale which is enough for testing the algorithm. How can I convert a color image to grayscale? I'm reading it with: x = imread('bla.jpg')...

Dynamics AX Color Picker

Trying to add a color picker to a field in Dynamics AX 2009. Found an article providing some very simple steps for creating the color picker as a lookup, but I can't get it to work. When creating the extended data type, the FormHelp lookup doesn't include the function SysChooseColor, but it will accept the value if manually entered. A...

change color of UITextField in iPhone

hello, I have placed UITextField in UITableView and my TableViewCell color is Yellow , normally the background color of TextField in white i want to change the color of TextField to yellow or it should be transparent... i have used [ txtfld setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]]; but it's not working the textfield are appearing in ...

.BMP Image colors being changed in winform application

I have some bitmap images being displayed in a DataGridView's and on custom controls. These are all basic lineart type images not pictures. I recently noticed that they all looked slightly faded/washed out and when I examined screenshots I took I discovered that any color channels that should have had values of 0 had a value of 44 inst...

Programmatically darken a Hex colour

What's the easiest way to programmatically darken a hex colour? Without using any built-in functions. The language is irrelevant, it can just be pseudo-code if you want. Thanks. ...

How to emulate the look of an off-white sheet of paper on a computer screen

Thanks for the comments below. In hindsight, I should have been more detailed. I hope the edited version is clearer. At a high-level, I want to emulate the look of paper as a screen background. This is because I find white (#FFFFF) to be too bright. I looked at a few hardcover books I own and noticed that none of them are bright white. ...

Using colors with MDX calculated measure

Hi, I'm using this query in MDX for a calculated measure topcount(nonempty([StatusPlanes].[Status].Status.members,[Measures].[Planes]),1)(0).member_caption This will bring me this result Dimension1 Measure Center 1 'Status 1' ---> i want this text blue Center 2 'Status 2' ---> i want this text in red Center 3 'Statu...

using colors in calculated member

Hi, Im using this query in MDX for a calculate measure topcount(nonempty([StatusPlanes].[Status].Status.members,[Measures].[Planes]),1)(0).member_caption this will bring me this result Dimension1 Measure Center 1 'Status 1' ---> i want this text blue Center 2 'Status 2' ---> i want this text in red Center 3 'Status...

Problem with Ant's AnsiColorLogger in Snow Leopard

I have Ant configured to use the AnsiColorLogger. In Mac OS 10.5, everything was fine. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, the AnsiColorLoggger no longer works. I see the Ant output (uncolorized) for a second then it just disappears. Has anyone else gotten this working in Snow Leopard? Other ANSI colors are working fine in

Store RGB values in database.

I never had to do this before and never even thought about this before. How can i or what is the best way of storing RGB values in the database. I thought of couple of options. The most obvious one being 3 byte columns to store the R,G and the B.(I dont want to go this route) Another option is to store it in a 32 bit int column. ( I am ...

Modifying the color scheme for an Inno Setup Installer.

Hi. I've been playing around with Inno Setup 5.3.6; trying to customize the installers colors. Mainly the banner that appears at the head of the installer. But as of yet i have no luck finding a way of doing this easily. After reading through the documentation i found the BackColor, BackColor2, BackColorDirection and BackSolid paramete...

Style a border with a different brush color for each corner

I have created a static resource defining the border of a specific item in my xaml, but I can't find a good way to define a unique color for each side! xaml: <Border Style="{StaticResource SidePanelBorder}"> <!-- rest of the xaml --> </Border> StaticResource: <Style x:Key="SidePanelBorder"> <Setter Property="Control.Bord...

What is the HEX code for Transperent color?

Hi. I want to set color as transperent. In RGB 255 0 255 with alpha 5 may work as transperent, But How to get it in HEX ? What is the HEX code for Transperent color Thanks in advance... ...

jqgrid custom row colors

How can I set the background-color of an entire row (not just cell) using the custom formatter? ...

Color hex calculation

I have a picture, i choose a color on the picture like: #18212d rgb: 24 33 45 when i colorize that picture by increased hue with 6 (202 => 208), saturation with 4 (25 => 29) (using photoshop), old color above was turned into new color: #19232c rgb: 25 35 44 Have any ways to calculate a new color of another old color after colorize...

Setting TTabControl color after XPManifest in Delphi

I have tabcontrol component on my form. After I put XPManifest, its color became white, I want to change it, but couldn't find color property. And I don't want to remove XPManifest as well. Is there any way to solve this issue? ...

is there any site i can type in a HTML color and see the actual color

i would want to type in something like this: #a6e2a6 and see the actual color ...

How do I globally configure RSpec to keep the '--color' and '--format specdoc' options turned on

How do I set global configuration for RSpec in Ubuntu. Specifically so, --color and --format specdoc stay turned on, across all my projects (ie every time I run rspec anywhere). ...