
Changing the color of graphics in flex 3?

Hi, I have built a simple image gallery using svg files that I have created in Adobe Illustrator. The images populate in a panel at the bottom of the application and when the user clicks on an image, the selected image pops up in a pop-up window above said panel. That said, I am having some trouble finding out how I would be able to le...

Change syntax color in vim?

I have syntax highlighting on, but comments are set to dark blue. This hard for me to read against a black terminal. How do I change it so that the comments are colored green instead? ...

Mixing two RGB color vectors to get resultant

I am trying to mix two source RGB vectors to create a third "resultant vector" that is an intuitive mix of the first two. Ideally, I would be able to emulate "real paint mixing characteristics", but for simplicity, I am trying to find a method where the resultant looks intuitively like what you'd get from combining the two source rgb's...

How to Centre Silverlight Elements relative to each other?

I have an Ellipse and a TextBlock that I want to be Centred relative to each other - ie the TextBlock shows in the Centre of the Ellipse no matter the content eg. its says 88 (like a Bingo Ball) and the Ellipse is the Ball itself - and the number shows in the centre of this ball. How to I accomplish this in Silverlight, where the sizes ...

Java DirectColorModel vs. IndexColorModel when dealing with alphas

I have a BufferedImage that I get that has an IndexColorModel. I then wish to apply an AffineTransform with AffineTransformOP in order to create a transformed version of displayImage. Here's a code snippet: int type = isRGB() ? AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR : AffineTransformOp.TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR; AffineTransformOp op = new Affine...

color of hyperlink in iphone

Hi everyone, is there a way to change hyperlink color in situations when UITextView and, for example, .dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber; are used? Thanks in advance! ...

How can you color NAnt output?

We are looking at using NAnt as a deployment tool for our internal (usually web based) applications. One of our (many) current solutions uses colored output on the commandline to indicate if there was a problem with the installation (green and red). Is there an easy way to change the output to be a particular color when NAnt is execu...

How to give color to the text stored in viewdata??????

Hello All, In my controller class I have stored some text in the ViewData which will be visible to the user after postback.I want to give color to the text stored in that viewdata.Please tell me how can I do this. ForExample: ViewData["msg"] = "Product sampling added successfully"; How to give black color to the text product sampling ...

Converting color value from float 0..1 to byte 0..255

What would be the correct way of converting color value from float to byte? At first I thought b=f*255.0 should do it, but now I'm thinking, that in this case only the exact 1.0 will be converted to 255, but 0.9999 will already be 254 which is probably not what I want... It seems that b=f*256.0 would be better except that it would have ...

How to create a System.Drawing.Color from its hexadecimal RGB string?

I want to create a System.Drawing.Color from a value like #FF00FF or FF00FF without needing to write code for that. There is any .NET built-in parser for that? ...

Visual Studio different colour for constants, function names etc. ?

I know that you can change text editor colours but all the things I want to customized in one group "Identifiers". Is there a way to break that group into "Variables","Constants","Functions" and things like that so I can customize colours for those things separately? ...

Set a:hover based on class

I have the following HTML: <div class="menu"> <a class="main-nav-item" href="home">home</a> <a class="main-nav-item-current" href="business">business</a> <a class="main-nav-item" href="about-me">about me</a> </div> In CSS, I want to set the a:hover for these menu items to a particular color. So I write: .menu a:hover { ...

Mysql Color Scheme

Is there a way to set a color scheme for the mysql client? It might sound trivial, but I'd like to be able to set some level of colors for terminal client. ...

Tool/Library for finding multiple assigned color profiles of an image other than photoshop?

I read here that when sending an image for print it can have multiple color profiles assigned to it, which will cause a difference in color between what is displayed on your monitor and what is printed on your printer. I was wondering if there were any tools and or libraries that can detect what "stacked" color profiles have been assi...

ReportViewer doesn't print Color on other machines

I have a very simple C# WinForms project with a ReportViewer control docked in the center. I've created a local report (rdlc) file that contains an embedded color picture. If I compile and run this on my local machine, I can view the color image and print to my color printer and everything works fine. If I move the application to a di...

Is the following image tool accurate to display an images actual ICC color profile?

Does the following tool accurately display a submitted images color profile? Note this question is extended from here. ...

ColorMap in iPhone Core Graphics?

Hey guys! I have a monochrome image with 256 levels of grayscale. I want to map each level to a specific color and apply to the image to get a colored image as a result. How can I do it? To be more precise here is the pair in Java 2D API that I need to find replacement for:

Color structure and html

Hi In Html we specify color as amount of red, green and blue. But in net we specify color as an amount alpha, red, green and blue. a) What does alpha value represent? b) Since the purpose of Color structure is to specify a html supported color ( RGB value ), I don’t see a point in Color structure also including alpha value, since ...

Javascript: Changing color of every "r" in html document.

EDIT [how can I] change the color of every R and r in my HTML document with javascript? ...

How do I change the color of text in javascript?

I wrote a javascript code displaying the date. How would I change the color? ...