
Call COM port from webpage

I'm looking for a way to call a COM port from a webpage. I was thinking abut running a Java WebStart (or Flash?) program that opens a local web server that allows to interact with the COM port using JSONP. Are there any show stopping security restrictions on the way that I don't know of? This should be possible: use native libraries ...

com excel addin: how to uninstall older version when install newer version after product name change

Env: Visual Studio 2008, Shared COM Excel Addin, RibbonX, I use Setup project created in VS 2008 .NET framework 35 SP1 product name changes say: prod name is myProd for version 1.0, prod name is myProdX for version 1.1 When I install version 1.1, I want to uninstall 1.0 first user setting is saved in a folder A in 1.0, it will be s...

XPATH contains(string, string) Not Working

sI have an XML file that looks like the following... <a> <b> <version>1.0</version> <c> <Module>foo.EXE</Module> </c> <c> <Module>bar.DLL</Module> </c> </b> </a> I have a COM DLL that uses MSXML2:IXMLDOMNode objects that call "selectNodes" something like... CComPtr<MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeList> oR...

Why ActiveX "Unknown Publisher" error when using signed certificate?

Hi, I have been struggling for days trying to get a simple ActiveX DLL to work with no success despite studying several articles on the subject which I have found online. I suspect I have several things coded incorrectly as I am just not familiar with this and most of the articles on the subject are out of date. I am using Visual Stud...

COM interop and marshaling of a pointer to a pointer to an interface in C#

I'm attempting to use Microsoft's Text Services Framework in a C# app. So far, it's all gone swimmingly, but I've run into something that has me stumped. According to the MSDN docs, the ITfFnReconversion interface publishes this method: HRESULT GetReconversion( [in] ITfRange *pRange, [out] ITfCandidateList **ppCandList ); ...

WiX register assemblies for COM Interop

I'm really struggling with WiX. I have .NET assemblies to install that require registration for COM Interop, AND they must be registered with another framework that requires calling a Register() method in a .NET assembly that's in the GAC. This registration method is a 'black box' with a hidden storage mechanism so I can't perform this o...

Which blocking threading operations in .NET will handle COM messages when blocked?

When creating a new STA thread to host an STA COM component, it is the responsibility of that thread to pump Windows messages related to COM. From what I've been able to gather, certain built in .NET threading primitives such as lock (Monitor.Enter) will do this for you while waiting for the object to be released by another thread. Anoth...

How do I find IIDs for Office outgoing COM interfaces in C++ without MFC or ATL?

I am writing an application that needs to handle events fired by Office - things like 'before print' or 'new file'. From various articles and examples I understand I should use the IConnectionPoint interfaces. I got the ConnectionPointContainer for Word.Application using QueryInterface. Now I want to run FindConnectionPoint, but I have ...

Controlling the Threading Model of COM objects served by .NET Out of Process Servers

When creating an out-of-process COM server in C# as documented in Microsoft's All-In-One code sample: CSExeCOMServer, it seems difficult to control the threading model of objects that are created in the server (by a client). The object being created needs to be in an STA due to the fact that it uses WPF objects, and it's factory is bein...

can safearrays be passed across process boundaries through com objects ?

can safearrays be passed across process boundaries through com objects ? ...

How to convert from BSTR to DATE

COleVariant var(bstrString); var.ChangeType(VT_DATE); DATE date =; not seems to be working. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks. ...

DirectShow BaseClasses - a video renderer class with video and input pin

Hello I couldn't find a suitable renderer class in BaseClasses that has 2 input pins - one for video and one for audio. Can anybody recommend/provide some code? Regards Dominik ...

How to read data from COM port using batch file?

Hello, Is there a DOS/ Batch command which can be used for reading from the COM port? I tried to look for that but didn't find solution... Thank you in advance. ...

how to get the object associated with a context menu in an office add-in

I have a simple COM add-in for office that I am developing (for access specifically). I have added a custom commandbarbutton item to the context menu that pops up when you right click on an object in the navigation pane. This works fine. The debug code I added runs (currently just a msgbox command). The one thing I cannot figure out ...

Is there a way to consume a web service in Access 97 VBA?

The question is simple enough. And judging by my last thirty minutes of searching around, I'm assuming that the answer is a resounding "no". So if it's a no, here's a follow up question: What's the best workaround? Is a COM wrapper around the web service a viable solution for a VBA version that old? Most of the functionality in the web...

.Net - Com PVariant Param

Hi @ all, I am a little stuck with a strange Problem. I need to control some Hardware via a 3rd Party Active-X typelibrary. My program is written in C#. The Problem is one API / COM call needs a ref to a PVariant - So if I get it correctly a Pointer to a Variant. To make things worse, this is just the first address of an Varaint Array w...

Can I add MFC support to an Existing ATL COM project

I have created a Shell Extension using ATL COM Object . But during creation I haven't added MFC support. Can I change the setting now to add MFC support ...

Java and USB-to-COM

Hi! I want to develop a Java application to communicate with the device based on Xilinx Spartan 3E Starter Kit. The board is connected to my PC with USB-to-COM cable (COM is on the board). What I need is to send some sequences of bytes to the device and than receive the response from it. It is the same way the serial terminals (hyperter...

Python win32com - application installed with both 32bit and 64bit versions

Hi, I am using pythons win32com module to automate Adobe Photoshop. This works fine on some machines (have had issues with it not working on users with limited windows account permissions, but thats another issue). But on machines with both the 32bit and 64bit versions of Photoshop installed, I am getting errors when trying to access c...

When to use RelaseComObject vs FinalReleaseComObject?

When should I use Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject vs Marshal.ReleaseComObject? Is there any danger in using Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject? ...