
Chaining Tk::BrowseEntry widgets together

I am facing some glitches using the -browsecmd and -listcmd options of Tk::BrowseEntry widget: I have three BrowseEntry widgets and each uses the value of the previous one as input for populating its own list. The values are used as arguments to a subroutine that pulls out the list of items in the drop-down list from a flat file databa...

WPF RibbonComboBox text hints

I have the following RibbonComboBox in my XAML: <ribbon:RibbonComboBox Name="MyComboBox" SelectionChanged="MyComboBox_SelectionChanged" SelectedIndex="{Binding itemIndex, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding comboxBoxItemsSource}" /> The problem that I have is that sometimes the "comboBoxItemsSource" can change, thus the list of avail...

C# comboBox databinding - nothing happens, then it goes back to blank

My combobox reverts to unselected, some time later thanks to the currencyManager. The databinding for the SelectedValue does not fire its parse event, the setter for the current object's bound property never fires. There are several other properties bound to the same bindingSource for their value that work. The comboBox below it, which...

How to add a focus style to an editable ComboBox in WPF

I've been looking at the following example on how to style the combo box, but I haven't been able to create a focus effect when going into a editable combo box. Whenever the combo box receives focus, it should go into edit mode and the component should have a focus style. The basic problem is that whenever I go into the edit mode, it's...

Dynamic cascade populating ComboBoxs

Hello Im using WinForms, so I have two ComboBox (cboA and cboB), cboB datasource depends of witch value is previous selected on cboA, so cboA datasource comes from a DataSet called dsDB : How can I achive this using databinding properties? Thanks ...

BitmapFrame in WPF ComboBox

I have a dialog that lets the user pick a custom icon. Loaded icons are displayed in a combobox in which the user makes the selection. Here is the XAML code for the combobox: <ComboBox Style="{DynamicResource IconComboBox}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource IconTemplate}" ItemsSource="{Binding Icons, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Fin...

Accessing child of ListBoxItem

I have a ListBox with a DataTemplate that looks like this: <ListBox Name="listBox"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate DataType="x:Type local:NumericIconDefinition"> <Grid> <ComboBox Name="IconComboBox"/> </Grid> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate>...

Binding a wpf combobox to an element

A very basic question : I want to bind a wpf combobox to a selected element, so it displays the same value as the textbox : <StackPanel DataContext="{Binding ElementName=comboBox1, Path=SelectedItem}"> <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Id}"></TextBox> <ComboBox .... When changing the value of combobox1, the id of the ...

C# ComboBox GotFocus

I have a C# ComboBox using WPF. I have code that executes when the combobox's gotfocus is activated. The issue is that the gotfocus event is executed every time a selection is made from the combobox. For example, the gotfocus is executed when you first click on the combobox and then when you make a selection even though you have not c...

ComboBox's Selected Value Changed On Lost Focus in VB.NET

I have a datagridview(dgv) with a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn(colLocation) colLocation.AutoComplete = False colLocation.HeaderText = "Stored to" colLocation.DataSource = DB.getLocation() colLocation.DisplayMember = "description" colLocation.ValueMember = "id" I added the colLocation to dgv. "descirption" contains Unicode characters. I...

Flex Combobox and "Access of undefined property ..." error

I am kind of puzzled and not sure how to tackle this issue: Got two comboxes with dataproviders. Also, I created a separate in /as folder. I have these two functions: In my .mxml page, I have : <mx:FormItem label="Property Code:" id="fi_propertyCode" width="100%"> <mx:ComboBox id="propertyCode" wid...

How to prevent a combobox from selecting an item from its list in wpf?

This combobox should display a bound value as its text, and cannot be disabled. I just want to prevent a user from changing the displayed value. ...

Custom NSComboBox rendering text problem

Hi, I am designing a custom NSComboBox to display the rect image as some ComboboxBg.png and set foreground (text) color to Red. To render image I am doing the following things. @interface CustomComboBoxCell : NSComboBoxCell { } @end @implementation CustomComboBoxCell - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)bounds inView:(NSView *)controlView...

Silverlight 3 - binding enum to combobox from DomainServiceContext

Hi, I just started playing around with Silverlight and a supposedly simple thing like binding a Combobox is driving me nuts. I read a bunch of articles now but none really address the issue that I'm after or were made for Silverlight 2 and don't seem to work. Let's say I have an entity object "User" which has a "UserStatus" field. In t...

Binding WPF ComboBox to entity.

Ok, Ive searched the heck out of the Interwebs and can't seem to find this right. I have a ComboBox that is bound to a CollectionViewSource of EntityFramework entities. The display is a template that shows the first/last name. The problem is, when an item is selected, the Display of the combobox == the object.ToString() (i.e. MyCompan...

[Flex] Why does a starting + (plus sign) not show up in a combo box of data grid?

I use several controls with combo boxes and data grids, which I fill using a HTTPService which returns some XML. However in the XML there are some telephone numbers starting with a plus sign (ie. +123456). However in the combo boxes and the data grids the plus sign doesn't show (so it would display as 12345646). It doesn't matter if I u...

WPF Combo Box Binding

Hello All I am trying to bind a combo box with some data. The problem is that I have the data in the combo box like this: <ComboBox> <ComboBoxItem>Item 1</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem>Item 2</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBo...

WPF combobox highlight

Hi, In WPF, when I enter some text in combobox, it will highlight the item starting with the text I entered. This highlighting will search the whole text i have entered in the combo box. But instead i want the text search to match only the first letter. How to do this? Actually, I want to make TextSearch.Text to be always first characte...

Unable to detect right mouseclick in ComboBox

I have a ComboBox that is a simple drop down style. I wanted to open a new window when the user right clicks on an item in the list, but am having trouble getting it to detect a right click has occurred. My code: private void cmbCardList_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && cmbCardList...

WPF Auto search combobox item

In WPF, when I type some text in combobox, it will highlight the item starting with the text I entered. This highlighting will search the whole text I have entered in the combo box. But instead I want the text search to match only the first letter. How to do this? Sample Code to re-create the problem: XAML: <Window x:Class="ComboTest...