
C#/Access Interop DoCmd value combobox

Hi All I've succesfully connected to a Microsoft Access database through the interop/COM.. I need to put some data into a combo box and Requery so I can get the information displayed. // Create app MsAccess.Application app = new MsAccess.Application(); // Open the database app.OpenCurrentDatabase( ...

Problem with DataTemplate and ObjectDataProvider refresh

I have a problem with a edit templete of cell in a WPF datagrid (WPF Toolkit). The template is builded with a ComboBox and the ItemsSource of ComboBox are loaded at runtime. This is the mean code... <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="dataValuesProvider" MethodName="GetValues" /> <toolkit:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyItems}"> <toolkit...

Default Text in the Drop Down.

I am working on a wpf application, when using Combo Box control i am assigning ItemsSource to it. So, it displays a list of items with no item selected, now user can select an item of his choice. When user has made a selection he has no option to undo that. I want him to be able to get the initial state where no item is selected. How can...

Format Combobox Items

Hi, is it possible to format a combobox item in C#? Make an item bold, change color.... ...

WPF - add static items to a combo box

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the easiest examples for WPF are also the hardest to find on the web :) I have a combo box that I need to display but it doesn't need to be databound or anything else, the content is static. How can I add a static list of items to my combo box using XAML? ...

.Net combobox with data values from one database & value saved in another

I have one table INVOICEDETAILS that contains a PRODUCTID among other things. I want to create a combobox that gets all possible PRODUCTID values from the INVENTORY table but save the selected value to the INVOICEDETAILS table. I can fill in the combobox with the INVENTORY values via the DATASOURCE property, but what I can't figure out...

WPF comboBoxEdit

Hello, i Have problem with WPF comboBoxEdit. I load values it it like this: comboBoxEdit1.ItemsSource = dtCat.DefaultView; Values are loaded, everything works good, but when i select some value from dropdown, in combobox i see not the "DisplayMember" value, but the "ValueMember" value (some numeric ID). What i do wrong?I want to see...

How can I get text from ComboBox?

I want to get the items of a combobox, and store it in an ArrayList object. ...

How do I bind the result of DataTable With WPF Window C# Combobox Under Some Condition

WPF Window C# app VS2008 I have This data Table ID Name Check 1 AB a 2 AA a 3 AC a 4 AD b 5 BA c 6 BB b what iam trying is to bind my ComboBox On Conditions let say i have few Radio Buttons let say 3 radiobutton-a radiobutton-b radiobutton-c what i was doing before was filling the combobox.items.add(...

Combo box inside of list control? (Unmanaged C++)

I'm using unmanaged C++ and I was wondering if I could embed a combo box inside a column of my List View. I have tried googling for information, however I keep finding C# articles on the subject. It seems like the LVCOLUMN's mask can support text and images but I am not finding anything about controls. Any ideas on the subject would be...

Elegantly override style of ComboBox's ToggleButton in WPF

I have a question regarding how to elegantly override an arbitrary element deep inside a control's visual tree. I also have attempted to resolve it in a few different ways, but I've run into several problems with each. Usually when I try three different paths and fail at each one I go downstairs, have a coffee, and ask someone smarter ...

xamDataGrid and Combobox (how to access cbx?)

Hello Experts, I am using a xamDataGrid (Infragistics), one Column has to contain a combobox. The items in the combobox are computed, based on the data entered in teh cells before. How can I access the combox in the ActiveRow ? Thats the XAML: ...

ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit: What is the maximum number of items in ComboBox?

Hi everyone. Im building a small form using ComboBoxes with lots of items, and it seems after exactly 510 items added, the ComboBox stops working, and the combo button is hidden. Is there any maximum number of items that can be added? Or this might be other problem? Thanks in advance ...

About the Double combobox

please visit my link and select the source for my libray page, to bring up the coding, as this post will not allow me to paste the coding. Sorry for the problem is that when you select for instance the pioneer writings, and then click select on a book (ex:3 Angels-Revelation 14 by J. N ...

How to make simple combobox with selected value in XAML?

What is the correct syntax to select a combobox item with value (not index) in pure XAML? Doesn't work: <StackPanel> <ComboBox SelectedValue="CA"> <ComboBoxItem Tag="CO">Colorado</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem Tag="CA">California</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem Tag="NM">New Mexico</ComboBoxItem> </ComboBox> <...

Silverlight bind collection to Combobox in DataForm using MVVM

I have this problem, I've got Silverlight app written using MVVM. I need to create DataForm which is binded to property on ViewModel and I want to add ComboBox and fill it with values from other collection in the same ViewModel. Code: <dataFormToolkit:DataForm CurrentItem="{Binding NewUser, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoGenerateFields="False" Heig...

WPF Devexpress ComboBoxEdit Items

Hello, i use devexpress comboBoxEdit component in my WPF app. I assign values for it like this: private void Users1_Load() { DataTable dtCat = SqlHelper.GetTable("base_UserCategory_Select", new string[] { }); DataRow dr = dtCat.NewRow(); dr["UserCategoryID"] = 0; dr["CategoryName"] = "< All >"; dr["IsSystem"] = "Fals...

Set ItemsSource of a ComboBox to an Array of Integers?

Set ItemsSource of a ComboBox to an Array of Integers? ...

WPF ComboBox DropDown Placement

I have a ContentControl comprised from left to right of a Button, partition and a ComboBox. I want the ComboBox dropdown to line up with the left side of the control as opposed to the left side of the combobox. Can't seem to find docs on Relative placement, etc. Anyone dealt with this? TIA ...

Flash Combo Box... set the text field to selected value?

Hey everyone.. I'm really new to flash. I have a combo box and I am using the 'selectedIndex' property to give it a default value (a value that is at the first(0) index). Setting this property in my ActionScript does select the value in the dropdown but it does not add the selected value to the combo box's text area. How do you do this? ...