
reset the data in the table of data set in

im populating the data in the combo box using dataset tables...with some table i want to clear those entries or data populated in the combobox every time when the button is that new entries can be done.... is there any way to clear the comobo box values?? ...

activate and deactivate ComboBox

How can I make the comboBox available when the checkBox was uncheck (vice versa) Why the comboBox is still disable after I unChecked the checkBox? choice [] = {"A","B","C"}; JComboBox a = new JComboBox(choice); JCheckBox chk = new JCheckBox("choice"); ... a.addActionListener(this); chk.addActionListener(this); ... public void actio...

BindingSource And ComboBox: Combobox Binded on another Source

Hi, I would like to make Something in my form. I have a Binding source binded on Linq to Sql Class. The class Workorder contains one field Site. I would like to display The combobox with all the site, but selected on the site form my workorder. I'm clear? Julien ...

How do I add a combo box to a DataGrid?

I want to add a ComboBox to a DataGrid. So far, the only way I've found to do it is like this: <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Header" dataField="src" > <mx:itemRenderer> <mx:Component> <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{data.srcChoices}" /> </mx:Component> </mx:itemRenderer> </mx:DataGridColumn> T...

.NET invisible items in combobox

I'm loading Strings to a Combobox - cboIndexLanguage.Items.Add("ThisLanguage") i would like to make several of these items invisible. ...

Databinding combobox selected item to settings

I store user specified settings using application settings properties and databinding. It has been working fine, until i want user selected to font for combobox. Databinding between user settings and combobox not working. I want to store font family name. App.XML <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <properties:Setti...

WPF Visibility of a UI element based on combo selection

Trying to show a label only when a certain item in a combo is selected. Code should pretty much explain it. <ComboBox Name="comboMyCombo"> <ComboBoxItem>Don't show the label</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem>Show the label</ComboBoxItem> </ComboBox> <Label Visibility="Collapsed">This is my label <Label.St...

WPF ComboBox TemplateBinding to selected value

I'm trying to create an editable textbox via a drop down of selected values. Basically in Red Only mode I want the drop down to be a disabled textbox. It works fine when I do this with SelectedValue but when I need it to display the dropdown text and not the value. This is what I have: <Style x:Key="EditableDropDownValueOnly" TargetType...

Adding items in the combobox dynamically and items added by user should be permanent without using database,is possible ?

Can we add the items in the combobox located on the window form dynamically ? Like there are 7 combobox on the window form and when the application is run user should be able to add the item(s) in the combobox.And items added by user should be permanent in the combobox. ...

VB.NET Databound ComboBox need to force update in datasource when selection changes

I have a combobox where the SelectedValue on the combo is bound to a property on a business object. Everything works fine, but the property that's bound to the SelectedValue on the combo only gets updated when the focus leaves the control. I understand that the property doesn't get updated until the control is validated (loses focus), b...

WPF ComboBox SelectedItem - change to previous value

Hello, I have a ComboBox that has the SelectedItem bound to the ViewModel. <ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding SelItem, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}"> When the user selects a new Item in the View ComboBox, I want to display a prompt and verify that they want to make the change. In the SetItem Property setter in the View ...

wpf: getting combobox value

I have a WPF ComboBox named cbFileSize. I try to get is selected value like so: string tmp = cbFileSize.SelectedValue.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(tmp); But tmp gets set to "System.Windows.Control.ComboBoxItem: 16". Which function should I use to just get the value "16"? ...

ComboBox, is there an event for item hover?

I'm using the <s:ComboBox> flex component which I suspect is very similar to the mx one <mx:ComboBox> What I'm trying to do is listen to the event of the mouse moving between the items of the list. There's a change event, but it kicks in only when the item is clicked/selected from the list. What event would I need to listen for when i...

Are there any Dropdown controls with checkboxes in them?

I've seen some for web using javascript, but I am looking for a Windows Form control that is a ComboBox that when opened displays a list of checkboxes and labels, allowing to select one or more, with a "Select All" option. Would like a non-commercial solution. ...

Wpf combobox selection change breaks Datatrigger

Hi, I am trying to set the selected value of a combobox from a style trigger.It works as long as we dont manually change any value in the combobox.But it stops working altogether after manually changing the selection.How can i solve this.A sample code is attached.Please do help <Window x:Class="InputGesture.Window2" xmlns="http://s...

WPF ComboBox drop-down (data bound) values not changing

I bind the ItemsSource of a ComboBox to an ObservableCollection<MyClass>. In code I change the collection (e.g. edit the MyClass.Name property). The problem: the change is not reflected in the dropdown box if the ComboBox, yet when I seled the item from the dropdown it is displayed correctly in the selected item box of the ComboBox. Wh...

Databinding an enum to a ComboBox in WPF + MVVM

I've read this very related question here on SO, and it was extremely helpful because of the link in the answer. I'm just having a problem now going the extra step and making it all work with the MVVM pattern. Let's say I have my ViewModel, and it (or even the Model) could have an enum defined: public enum MyTypes { Type1, Type2, Type...

Not able to save extjs combo using grails controller

Hi all, I am a newbie to grails/extjs I am developing a web based config tool for my team .My issue is with comboboxes of extjs I have three remote comboxes(many to one hibernate mappng).I am using hiddenName to submit its value field(which is id primay key of database) instead of its display field which is name which i get by renderin...

Custom property value problem.

My projects involve a number of usercontrols that are actually full blown applications. These usercontrols are designed to be placed onto tab controls. The apps area used by 2 different office locations, so one of the common items found on the controls is a combobox that lists the ID's for each of the 2 offices ('P' and 'G'). I wanted t...

How to get all available options of a combobox in a webpage using C#

Suppose we have a combo box in a web page which have 24 options in its drop down. I have loaded the page in a web browser control hosted in a windows application. Now how can I populate all the options for the combo box using its tag by C#? ...