
Do WPF ComboBox SelectedIndex and SelectedValue have different behavior on SelectionChanged event?

Hello guys I got this cbxJobPosition_SelectionChanged firing as expected. The problem is when a external method tries to set cbxJobPosition. cbxJobPosition is databinded with a list of objects of type JobPosition: JobPositionID: 1, JobPositionName: Manager JobPositionID: 2, JobPositionName: Employee JobPositionID: 3, JobPositionName:...

Binding a WPF ComboBox to a different ItemsSource within a ListBox DataTemplate

I have a ListBox that contains a textbox and a combobox in its datatemplate: <ListBox Height="147" Margin="158,29,170,0" Name="PitcherListBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding SomeCollectionOfObjects}" Background="Black"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Hori...

add item to combobox outside of the array - flex

I've got a combo box that's data provider is coming form a database query. Now I'd like to add one hard coded item to be included in the combobox a sort of reset item that would reset the combobox to display its prompt message. Any idea how to do this? Thanks! ...

ComboBox Behavior

When presenting a fixed list of countries in a ComboBox control, with no free text entry, the user expectation is that if they begin spelling out the name of the country, it will take them to that country name. Instead, the default behavior is for it to move to the first item in the list that begins with that character. So, when they hi...

jQuery combobox suggestion

Can someone suggest me some jQuery combobox for rich internet application. Thanks a lot. ...

how Can we get the output format to CSV instead of HTML in Alfresco using webscripts?

how Can we change the output format to CSV instead of HTML in Alfresco using webscripts? below are the my corresponding FTL and Webscript files recursive.get.html.ftl <#macro recurse_macro node depth> <#if node.isContainer> <tr> <td> ${} </td> <td></td> </tr> <#list node.children as ...

Is it possible to load items from an Enum to a ComboBox in .NET 3.5?

Thanks for the info! ...

Set different background colors on the FilteringSelect options

Hi, I've got a FilteringSelect dijit working on a PHP project but I want to set some of the options to havea blue background and some other a red background. Can anyone please advise on hot to do this. Thanks, Arturo ...

WPF Combobox: Autocomplete

Hi, I have implemented a Autocomplete enabled Combobox in WPF. It is like below... private void cbxSession_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { cbxSession.ApplyTemplate(); TextBox textBox = cbxSession.Template.FindName("PART_EditableTextBox", cbxSession) as TextBox; textBox.IsReadOnly = false; if (textBox != ...

Resize Ext.form.ComboBox to fit its content

There are quite few solutions on Ext forums, but I wasn’t able to get any of them work. It seems I am missing something minor. I need to resize combobox to fit its content when it’s first created. I do not need to worry about resizing it when content is changing. Is there any working examples using Extjs 3.2? Current Code: var stor...

jQuery UI combobox Ajax options

Hi, I need to customize the combobox widget build from the jQuery UI Autocomplete Currently drop down options are predefined from the SELECT tag OPTIONS or from a JSON array. //getter var source = $( ".selector" ).autocomplete( "option", "source" ); //setter $( ".selector" ).autocomplet...

WPF Combobox loaded with list collection view fails to update selection on change (MVVM).

Hi Guys, Ok here is the deal (a bit wordy but I hope you will get the idea) I use MVVM for binding properties of a combo. The combobox is bound to a ListCollectionView with source collection of employee objects which is sorted by the emp. name . There is binding on SelectedValue of the combobox by the employee id. DisplayMember is em...

Combobox with collection view itemssource does not update selection box item on changes to the Model

Hello, Sorry for the earlier lengthy post. Here is my concise (!) description. I bind a collection view to a combobox as a itemsSource and also bind its selectedvalue with a property from my view model. I must keep IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="False". I change the source list ofr the view and then refresh the view. The changed (adde...

Finding the TextBlock that is part of the default control template ComboBox generated through code.

I'm trying to find the TextBlock that is inside the control template of a comboBox. using VisualTreeHelpar.GetChildrenCount is working only if the comboBox is declared in XAML.In that case GetChildrenCount returns 1 and a recursive search is possible. However, if I declare the combo as a member of the Window class using code, allocated... ajax combobox doesn't display correctly when inserted inside a tab control.

Hi everybody, I have a display problem when I try to use a ajax combobox inside a tab control: when my tab control loads on the page where the combobox is, everything works fine; however, if it loads on a another page, the you change to the page which contains the combobox, the right button (which opens the list of the combobox) isn't d...

Have a clickable button on top of a combobox in WPF

I can get a button to appear and be clickable in the drop down list of a combo box, but I cannot get the selected combo box item (the drop list is closed) to have the button be clickable. It always skips the button click and just opens the drop down list. I basically want the Button_Click event handler that I setup to be called once it i...

Webcombo return error when trying to populate based on another WebCombo

This has gotten me completely frustrated I have a few webcombo boxes that are hierachial: Continent Country When the form loads everything works fine, when I change the continent the first time, the country repopulates correctly. However if I change the continent a second time I receive an error: Specified argument was out of the...

I've got a ComboBox that's giving me grief in WPF using the MVVM pattern

Here's my code: <ComboBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="9" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PriorityEntries}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Priority,Mode=TwoWay}"/> The comboBox is bound properly with PriorityEntries, and when i change the value of the comboBox the "set" of the bound property(Priority) is called setting it to what it needs to be....

how do set a default value with jquery autocomplete combobox.

when using the jquery ui autocomplete combobox, can you set a deafult value of the combobox ? ...

Binding WPF ComboBox in XAML - Why is it Empty?

I am trying to learn how to bind my simple database (.sdf) to a combobox. I created a dataset with my tables in it. I then dragged a table from the DataSource onto my control. There are no build warnings/errors, and when it runs, the ComboBox is empty. <UserControl x:Class="OurFamilyFinances.TabItems.TransactionTab" xmlns="http...