
How to Populate ComboBox from access db in C#

I have the next combobox: this.comboBoxProd.Enabled = false; this.comboBoxProd.FormattingEnabled = true; this.comboBoxProd.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "Cameras", "------------", " Digital IXUS 850 IS ", " Digital IXUS 900 Ti ", " Digital IXUS 75 -NEW- ", " Digital...

add node names from an xml file into a combobox using c#

Im using windows form applpication. I have an xml file which contains many nodes. How can I get the names of those nodes into a combobox. If possible avoid duplicate names. ...

How to select the contents of jQuery combobox on focus().

I am using a slightly modified version of the combobox jQuery widget. The problem I am having is that the mouse click doesn't work as I had expected. I want a mouseclick on the input to highlight the contents of the input. This doesn't bring focus to the input, like I wanted. Here is what I have: (function($) { $.widget("ui.combo...

How to get the value of a ComboBox within a DataGrid

While this may be a simple problem, I'm having a heck of a time coming up with a solution. I have a DataGrid with a ComboBox as an ItemRenderer for one of my columns. When the user selects a row, I want to get the ComboBox's selected value for the selected row. EDIT: I should have mentioned that the dataField2_Array property in myData...

ADO Entity Framework 4 to WPF Datagrid. DatagridComboBox nightmare.

The WPF datagrid -seems- like it's going to work, but the combobox implementation does not work straight from the designer. So I'm left wandering around in the XAML randomly changing things trying to get it to work. The problems are numerous. I want to display a foreign key relationship (with drop down) instead of a bunch of numbers fo...

How to programmatically set the dropped control rect of a CComboBox

How to programmatically set the dropped control rect of a CComboBox? I know I can do this in the resource editor, but how do I change it, or set it if I programmatically create a combo box? I can acquire this information via the CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT message, but I don't see a corresponding set message/function. ...

Convert combobox string value to int

I have a question about converting types. I want to change the currently selected combobox value string to an int, but I get errors My code: int.Parse(age.SelectedItem.ToString()); What can I do for this problem? ...

AS3 Combobox change dropdown position

Hi I'm trying to change the position of the dropdown list relative to the combobox item. Setting the position using comboBox.dropdown.x = 1337; doesn't work... ...

Problems getting PowerPoint Combobox to list items correctly

I am creating a PowerPoint in which I want users to be able to select an item from a list in a combo box. Nothing needs to happen after this, it is just to provide a record, on screen, of their choice. My problem is that I seem to either be able to populate the combo box and users can select an item but the list gets longer each time th...

ComboBox values disappears after selected when objects used for display

I have a combobox where I want to display objects and have enum values returned. When first opened the combobox displays the items as supposed, but after a value is chosen it seems to disappear from the list. But if the combobox is active I can use the keyboard to navigate up and down between the other values, so they are in the list but...

WPF Combobox auto complete/intellisense case sensitivity

I am writing a WPF app that has a combo box in it that is populated with a list of names. The problem I face is that the auto complete/intellisense feature ignores case sensitivity. Is there a property in the control or a work around to enable case sensitivity on the auto complete/intellisense. ...

Getting Serial Port Information in C#

I have some code that loads the serial ports into a combo-box: List<String> tList = new List<String>(); comboBoxComPort.Items.Clear(); foreach (string s in SerialPort.GetPortNames()) { tList.Add(s); } tList.Sort(); comboBoxComPort.Items.Add("Select COM port..."); comboBoxComPort.Items....

Is there a way to programmatically click on a combobox item?

Hi, I've been trying experiments with the following, but so far to no avail: sel = document.getElementById('myComboBox') sel.selectedIndex = 1; sel.options[1].selected = true; sel[1].click(); Thanks for the help! ...

WPF: ComboBox DisplayMemberPath is suddenly not shown anymore ?

Hello, in my ComboBox I see 3 times this: MyNameSpace.ViewModel.CustomerViewModel ?? Actually this code worked but now don`t know what I changed: <ComboBox DisplayMemberPath="{Binding Path=CustomerName}" SelectedIndex="0" ItemsSource="{Binding CustomersViewModel}" /> Customers is a ObservableCollection The same code works fi...

C#: Using one Data Table in order to fill 2 different comboboxes?

Hi all. I have 2 comboboxes on a form (form1) called combobox1 and combobox2. Each comboboxes should be filled with data stored in 2 different tables in Sql server 2005: table1 and table2 I mean: combobox1 --> table1 combobox2 --> table2 I fill data table with proper data and then bind the comboboxes to it separately. My pr...

.Net: how can I have a combobox with multitple fields of its data source as Displaymember?

hi How can I have a combobox with multiple fields of its data source as its display member without adding additional columns to its data source? I mean I wanna to have a combobox with displaymember like "ID" + "-" "Name" . 1 - Black 2 - White 3 - Red I DO NOT want to add additional column to its data source. Thank you ...

Text in gtk.ComboBox without active item

The following PyGTk code, gives a combo-box without an active item. This serves a case where we do not want to have a default, and force the user to select. Still, is there a way to have the empty combo-bar show something like: "Select an item..." without adding a dummy item? import gtk import sys say = sys.stdout.write def cb_chan...

Html combo box to database record Id

I'm fairly sure there has to be a simple solution to my problem, but I am a new web developer and can't quite figure it out. On my page I have a combo box whose values are filled from my database. When the user submits the form, how to I go about converting those values back to the record numbers in the database? Up to now I have been ...

Using Flash comboboxes with Jaws

I'm working on a project for a government agency which requires 508 compliance. Our product is written for Flash 10 in ActionScript 3 using Flash CS4. We are doing this 100% programatically. We have almost all of the elements working properly, but when accessing combobox components, we have a problem. The combobox can be tabbed to dire...

How do I resize the dropdown of a combobox along with the combo box?

Background:     I am doing some UI work where I allow the user to programatically add and resize controls on a canvas. Problem:     When resizing a combo box through AS the dropdown stays at the same width as the first time it drops down. So user places combo box on the page, clicks the down arrow, sees the options, selects an option o...