
Odd Infragistics UltraComboEditor data binding non-bug

Within an Infragistics 8.2 UltraComboEditor, we had the following properties set via C#: DataSource = dataSource; ValueMember = "Measure"; DisplayMember = "Name"; DataBindings.Add("Value", repository, "Measure"); DataBindings["Value"].DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged; ...

How to get the selected value from ComboBox through javascript

Hello everyone, I need to get the selected value from an combobox throught javascript so that I can do some client side validation. What's the best way to do this? Thanks, I've been able to get the value with this: var combo = $get('ddlComarcas'); var comboHidden = $get('ddlComarcas_HiddenField'); var o4 = combo.getElements...

ComboBox doesn't fire SelectionChanged event

Subj. I am using Silverlight 4 with VS2010, here is a source code: <ComboBox Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" Name="Player2All" MinWidth="50" ItemsSource="{Binding PlayersAll}" SelectionChanged="Player2All_SelectionChanged"> <ComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Bi...

Trigger for ComboBox in Silverlight

Is there any possibility to display selected item of the ComboBox (after popup closing) in a way that is different from its displaying in DropDown List (There are players number and name in the dropdown list, but after list closing I want to see only its number). How can I change a background for the player with some Flag? As far as I...

Display default text in combobox in Silverlight 4

I want to show the default text in the ComboBox as 'Select'. I also want to the bind the items in the ComboBox to the Collection. When the user selects any item from ComboBox the 'Select' text should not remain as an item in the ComboBox. How can I do it? Thanks. ...

Anyone know of a decent editable combo box plugin?

I'm seeing a couple online but the sites that these guys have look like crap so I don't know if I want to use their plug-ins. If you USE an editable combo box in your web app and you LIKE the plugin then post it here. Please explain why you chose it over other plugins. Edit: Bonus points for anyone who is using it with Rails and can sh...

Need help with changing text with combobox state change

I have one text box and one combobox. I want it such that when someone changes the combobox value, the text should change in the text field. priceText is the name of text box My code is below; it's not working: var comboFar:ComboBox = new ComboBox(); addChild(comboFar); var items2:Array = [ {label:"Arizona", data:"87.97"}, {label:"C...

How to dynamically change comboboxes value based on other combobox in AS3 flash

I have one xml file like below <tree> <branch1><node1/><node2/><node3/><branch1> <brach2><node1/><node2/><node3/><branch1> <branch3><node1/><node2/><node3/><branch1> <branch4><node1/><node2/><node3/><branch1> </tree> I have one combobox which is populated with branch1 branch2 branch3 Now i want that when branch 1 is selected then ...

Customized combobox text in HTML / JavaScript

Hi, I wonder if it is possible to create combo box as in the picture below. The aim is that the actual text of the combo (select in HTML) would be different that items' texts that are displayed while the combo is opened. The application is written using Google Web Toolkit so any solution in gwt or HTML/JavaScript would be great. Tha...

Displaying FontFamily in Combobox

Hi. My goal is to manipulate the text-styles of my application via DependencyProperties. I got a diagram in which the texts are to be manipulated in size, fontfamily, color, etc. So I'd like to use an interface similar to a rich text editor like Word. I'm using this code in my TextStyleVM

ComboBox changes text when dropped down

I have ComboBox (DropDown one) with 2 items in it ("One", "Onion"). When I type 'on' in combo and push dropdown arrow then the text i wrote automatically changes (item "One" is highlighted in list and text changes to "One"). How to prevent it? ...

How to sequential filter/Select multiple combobox w/ just one DataSet

Hi! I´m communicating via webservices with the Server (where's installed the database) and the c# application. So, i dont have direct access with the database Somehow, i receive a DataSet with 3 tables inside: And would like to populate 3 combobox like this: Which (as you already see) has a sequential logic. If i perhaps select "...

Does anyone know of a good load-on-demand combobox for WPF?

I have been searching for a while now, and have not been able to find a load-on-demand combo box that populates itself depending on what is typed in the combo-box. I also have a requirement that an item in the list must be selected (i.e.: free text can be entered but not "selected" - only a "search result" can be selected from the list i...

Flex: How to change text color of component label/selected item in ComboBox?

When I set style color it changes both the text color for the selected item/component label and the text in the dropdown menu. color Type: uint Format: Color CSS Inheritance: yes Color of text in the component, including the component label. The default value is 0x0B333C. I would really like the label to be white and the text t...

WPF: ComboBox with selecteditem set make not use of SelectedIndex=0 ?

Hello, Why is the first element in my combobox popup menu not shown in the selected item area of my combobox , when I use the SelectedItem binding? Without that it is showing up ?? Using the same code selecteditem + selectedindex that is no problem! <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding SchoolclassSubjectViewModels}" Selec...

WPF Combobox binding: can't change selection.

After wasting hours on this, following on the heels of my Last Problem, I'm starting to feel that Framework 4 is a master of subtle evil, or my PC is haunted. I have three comboboxes and a textbox on a WPF form, and I have an out-of-the-box Subsonic 3 ActiveRecord DAL. When I load this "edit record" form, the comboboxes fill correctly,...

WPF ComboBox Binding breaks when using ControlTemplate

I have a WPF ComboBox that has been working fine until I recently created a ControlTemplate for it to enable me to change the color of the DropDown arrow. The ComboBox still works correctly except the Bound Text value now just shows the name of the Business Object rather than the bound value. I guess that binding like Text="{Binding P...

how to settle JSF combobox with values depending on another combobox if both are set to required

Hi, everybody! Can anyone tell me how to automatically set <h:selectOneMenu> (or any other component) with values depending on another <h:selectOneMenu> if there empty elements with 'required' set to 'true' on the form? If to set <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="anotherElement" immediate="true"/> then nothing is changed because ch...

How to keep ComboBox from scrolling? C#

I have a ComboBox. It is critical that the user cannot scroll by accident and change the selected value. How can I prevent the ComboBox from changing the value and text when the use scrolls? Thanks. Visual Studio 2008 ...

Disable mouse scroll wheel in combobox VB.NET

Does anyone know of a way to disable the mouse scroll wheel when a control such as a combobox or listbox has focus? For my purposes, combobox is all I need the answer for. I have a combobox set to trigger a SQL query on SelectedIndexChanged, and accidentally scrolling the wheel while the combobox has focus causes about six SQL queries t...