
Diagnosing performance problems with databound WPF ComboBox

I've been battling a "slow" WPF ComboBox this morning, and would love to see if anyone has tips for debugging such a problem. Let's say I have two ComboBoxes, A and B. When A changes, the items in B change as well. The ComboBoxes each have their SelectedItem and ItemsSource databound like this: <ComboBox Grid.Column="1" ItemsSource="...

Problems linking a subform to a combobox on the main form

On a form in an access ADP there is an unbound combobox that displays a list of companies (the name is shown, the id is the bound field). When a company is chosen, I want to display the subscription information in a subform (the datasource for which is companySubscription view) for that company. I set the link Master Fields and links ch...

Hidden Id With ComboBox Items?

I know how to add items to a ComboBox, but is there anyway to assign a unique Id to each item? I want to be able to know which Id is associated to each item if it is ever selected. Thanks! ...

Strange ComboBox Behaviour - WPF

I've got the following user-control: Resources: <DataTemplate x:Key="FilterComboDataTemplate"> <Label Content="{Binding Item2}" /> </DataTemplate> <Style x:Key="FilterSelectorStyle" TargetType="ComboBox"> <Setter Property="ItemsSource" Value="{Binding Filters}" /> <Setter Property="SelectedItem" Val...

c# combobox binding to list of objects

Hello, Quick question, is it possible to bind a combobox to a list of objects, but have the selectedvalue property point to the object, not a property of the object. I only ask because we have some Business Objects which have references to other objects - such as a 'Year' object. That year object may need to be switched out for another...

Grails: Load data on one ComboBox depending on another

Let's say I have a combobox with the options GENERAL, AIR, GROUND, and SEA <g:select name="group" from="${['GENERAL', 'AIR', 'GROUND', 'SEA']}" valueMessagePrefix="default.category" value="${tipoN}" /> And then another combobox that loads certain information depending whether you select GENERAL, AIR, GROUND, or SEA. Let's say GROUND ...

Drop-down TabControl

I've been trying to create a custom skin/template for a TabControl in WPF. I want the tabs to be displayed in a ComboBox. When you select the item from the ComboBox, I want the content area of the tab control to display the TabItem contents. Here's an image showing what I'm looking for: I could do this using some sort of master-deta...

Binding Label and Value to ComboBox Winforms

I have this code Public Sub FillCategoryCombobox(ByVal categoryList As List(Of tblCategory), ByVal LvName As ComboBox) LvName.Items.Clear() Dim itemValue = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)() For Each category As tblCategory In categoryList itemValue.Add(category.CategoryID, category.CategoryName) Next category ...

ExtJS: Combobox after reload store dont set value

Hello guys. I think I have a very popular problem, but not found answer for it now. :) I got 2 similar comboboxes - at first i set my value by id - comboT.setValue("22763"); and it properly set a text value linked with this id. At second combobox i at first reload store(jsonstore) and then set value - comboC.setValue("3"); But this com...

EXTJS combobox default value after form layout

My combobox's data is loaded after the form layout. var villeStore = new{ fields: [{name:'idVille'} ,{name: 'ville'}] }); var villeInput = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: 'Ville', store: villeStore, valueField:'idVille', displayField:'ville'...

Close combobox after n seconds

I have a combobox that stays open if the user does not make a selection. I'd like to use a trigger to close the combobox after 2 seconds. Here is a portion of my combobox style that includes my failed eventtrigger attempt at accomplishing this: <Style x:Key="ComboBoxStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}"> <Setter Property="FontFamily...

WPF ComboBox does not show current item when it is a DependencyObject

I have this very simple Combobox in my XAML: <ComboBox Name="cmb1" Width="200" Height="23" ItemsSource="{Binding}" /> and this is my code behind: public class Test //: System.Windows.DependencyObject { public string Name { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return Name; } } public MainWindow() { InitializeC...

MSAccess - populate text box with value from query

I have a combo box and several text boxes on a form. When I select a value from the combo box I want it to run a query based on that value and populate the text boxes with the data returned by the query. The query should only return one record and the textboxes correnspond to different columns in that record. I have this code: Private ...

WPF Comboxbox within a UserControl - and Item/data templates

Hi All, I have a wpf combobox within a data template and would like the user to set its item / data template. Here is what I have done so far. I have created the user control Add a dependency property and in the code behind file scripted to consume the control. I cannot however get the control to work from the page, the control when d...

winform combobox lambda expression

I have a combobox in vs 2010 using What i'd like to do is use a ilist to drive a combobox. I have this working but when i try to order the combobox using a lambda expression, nothing shows up in the combobox. With Me.cbAgency .DataSource = Os.OrderBy(Function(o) o.Agency) .DisplayMember = "Agency" .Ta...

Combobox appearance

Can I change the appearance of a Winforms ComboBox so that a Combobox with DropDownStyle = DropDownList looks more like one that is DropDownStyle = DropDown. The functional difference between them is that the former doesn't allow for user entered values, the problem is that it's default color scheme looks grayed out and doesn't match wi...

How do I bind the SelectedValue of a ComboBox to a Property?

Hi, I've got a ComboBox with an ItemsSource which I've bound to a List(Of String). What I'd like to do is have the XAML update a String property when the SelectedValue of the ComboBox changes. I've seen a whole bunch of examples for TextBoxes which use Text="{Binding Path=MyString}" sort of stuff, but I don't really think that'll be...

combobox perfoming different formulas based on user selection

I have a datagrid where users put in different numbers for 3 different columns. These values are then calculated after the user puts in each value for each column. I also have a combobox component inside my datagrid. What I want this combobox to do is perform a different mathematical formula based on what the user selects. For example, i...

combobox like IE8 address bar - how to?

hi, i would like to write in MFC combobox that behave like the combo in the IE8 address bar. with the option of auto complete (which it is a property on the combo - right?) and the delete option on the right (is the drop down is a list control?) ...

combo-box-drop-drop-list-remembers last "x" choices, width is settable to less than contents

Hello, before developing it ourselves, we are looking for a combo-box-drop-down-list with the following optional features: combo-box can be programmatically turned on/off drop down remembers the last x (x set by program) user selections and displays them at the top of the drop down list, so that the user does not have to scroll through...