
Want to add the selectedValue also in the xaml along with the selected Text in my wpf window.

I have a compbobox with the following information <ComboBox Margin="10,10,0,13" Name="ComboBox1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="128" Height="21"> <ComboBoxItem Content="All " ></ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem Content="Printed"></ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem Content="Unprinted"></ComboBoxItem> ...

How to disable a dojo querycombo box text field.

When we are creating a dojo querycombo box then a text box and combobox arrow button is coming. In that text box is editable. I want to make this text box disable. ...

WPF: What is the simplest way to get the selected text in a combo box containing only text entries?

My WPF ComboBox contains only text entries. The user will select one. What is the simplest way to get the text of the selected ComboBoxItem? Please answer in both C# and Visual Basic. Here is my ComboBox: <ComboBox Name="cboPickOne"> <ComboBoxItem>This</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem>should be</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem>easie...

How to call the OnChange event of "Select" ? (Delphi - WebBrowser)

Hello , I'm using Delphi and WebBrowser componenet to navigate a html page . the page have a Combobox . is there any way to call the OnChange event ? The ComboBox is like this : <select name="comboname" onchange="Some Javascript codes"> Also , i have used this code : function TFrmMain.SetComboboxValue(WB: TEmbeddedWB; SelectName,...

ASP.NET MVC combo dropdown box

Hi, Is it possible to create a dropdown box in ASP.NET MVC, that has a checkbox alongside each item in the dropdown list? I know it sounds simple, in webforms or using telerik this would be pretty simple, but I can't figure how I can implement the same thing in basic HTML. Thanks ...

Refreshing ComboBox Data Binding in C# and .NET 4.0

I have a ComboBox (Windows Forms) that is bound to a List. It is created at design time. When the List contents are changed my code calls a function to refresh the data binding. This works fine for .NET 3.5: BindingData.SuspendBinding(); DataSource = null; DataSource = BindingData; BindingData.ResumeBinding(); I have switched to .NET ...

Hitting backspace in ASP.NET AJAX ComboBox causes JavaScript error

I am using a ComboBox from the ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit (version for .NET 3.5) with values populated into its DataSource property. If I use my mouse to drop the combobox down and select a value, then highlight the value and click backspace, I get an error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: '_optionListItems[...].text' is null or not an obj...

sexy-combobox plugin not working inside of jquery dialog

I'm attempting to use this plugin, which turns a select list into a combo box where the user can type their selection in, in addition to the select list functionality. The issue I'm having, is when the select list is inside of a jquery dialog, it no longer has the dro...

Flex Spark ComboBox in an MX AdvancedDataGrid

I would like to use a combobox as the itemEditor for one of the columns of an AdvancedDataGrid. I looked around and decided to use Spark ComboBox components - they're slick and seem to natively support a lot of neat stuff including auto-completing strings when types in the textInput. After some tinkering I managed to add a spark ComboBox...

Binding in Combobox in WPF

Hi Im a begginer in wpf. Actualy im styling a Combobox which receive data from a database. The combobox work fine at this point (without style). I have edited the Control template of the ComboboxItem control in stylesheet, lazing it like resource dictionary. If the style apply to combobox with static data, the style work fine, but if th...

Telerik ASP.NET MVC's Combobox page-loading

Does Telerik has a plan to make ASP.NET MVC's combobox have a feature of only fetching the data brought into view(as scrolled by user). The current ASP.NET MVC combobox fetch all rows even though they are not brought into view by the user. If they don't have that feature yet, I'm worried that ASP.NET MVC combobox would not scale in real...

flex 3 combobox selected item

Hi, I have a combobox with arrayCollection dataprovider, it selects nothing at start, but i see the first object label as selected, i want to add select text, as first option that selects nothing, just to indicate that the user didn't select an option yet. ...

C#: Real-time combobox updating

Edit: Alright, just one more thing: "It will only update the first character I change. So if I use backspace anywhere, it updates, and then I have to restart before it will update again. Also, it will go to the far left of the combobox line, which can be pretty annoying.. If anyone knows how to fix that too, I'd be really gratefull." I ...

C# - Combobox index change after editing

Hi again, A moment ago someone answered my question on how to edit the combobox loaded with a text file, and how to save the recently edited line. The problem now is that I can only change one letter before it updates, and then the selectedindex changes to -1, so...

Why am I getting exception when binding IList to a combo box?

I have the following classes/interfaces. I'm getting an ArgumentException saying "Complex DataBinding accepts as a data source either an IList or an IListSource". But, I am setting it to an IList. What am I doing wrong? public interface IOriginList : IList<IOriginEntry> { ... } public class OriginList : Interfaces.IOriginList { ...

Binding WPF ComboBox to List<MyClass> where MyClass doesn't have properties, just methods.

Hi, I want to bind a combo box to a list of Device, List. I use, m_ctrlCB.DataContext = m_List; m_ctrlCB.DisplayMemberPath = "ToString()"; m_ctrlCB.SelectedValuePath = "ToString()"; // do I even need this? I don't have any properties in Device to bind to and it's not my class. However, they do override ToString to something that i...

Convert the Following Lines

How can i convert the following lines so that i can get the selected data from a combo box in a WPF Datagrid. The combo box is bound to a Linq to SQL table. object obj = ((DataRowView)editingElement.DataContext).Row [this.SelectedValuePath]; and (DataRowView)editingElement.DataC...

Undefined Enum & WPF ComboBox & WCF Serialization

I'm having problems finding a general solution to deal with Enum fields on WPF and WCF, I need a little bit of help. Let's explain with an example: When creating a person with a Sex enum value [Male, Female] I see three posibilites: Male is default -> There are two posibilities but one is default. No problems binding the ComboBox....

WPF ComboBox Key Index not working when using data template selector

Hi all, I have a problem regarding WPF combobox when using data template selector. Basically, WPF combobox has a standard behaviour which will take you directly to the item that starts from a character if you type that character using keyboard. I don't know the official name for this functionality and will temporarily call it "Key Inde...

ExtJS : How to set combobox id?

Hello guys. I have a little problem. At my application Im always building two linked combobox - country and towns(then country are selected - towns began to load). So i thinked - mbe write a constructor and minimized my code? Ok i did it. But i got a problem: i have 2-3 couple of this linked comboboxes on page and when i selected at sec...