
Preserving linked tables for Access DBs in same folder when the folder changes

I've got two Access databases that share linked tables. They are deployed together in a directory and accessed via code in a Word form. How can I make sure that the links are preserved when the two databases are copied (together) to a different folder? Since I'm not "opening" the database, per se (it's being accessed via ADO), I don't k...

Reporting Services: Overriding a default parameter with an expression in a linked report

So I've got a "daily dashboard" report in SSRS 2005. It has a parameter, @pDate, which defaults to "=Now". I'd like to use this same report in a linked report to show yesterday's final dashboard (which would then be mailed out via subscription), and override the parameter default with another expression, "=dateadd(d,-1,Now)." But when I...

Crystal Report subreport loses linked parameter on production server.

I have created a crystal report called 'Order Details'. I used visual studio 2005 (crystal ver 10). The order details report uses a stored procedure to populate itself. It contains a subreport called 'ChildAssets' which calls a seperate stored procedure, the sub report needs a parameter. The parameter it needs is actually a field from ...

Results returned from a view using linked server may vary?

i have a view that is using linked server to retrieve data from a remote server in SQL Server. On each time viewing the view, the results returned are vary. For example, 1st time execution may return 100 rows of records but on 2nd time of execution, rows returned are 120 rows. Any ideas what is the cause? ...

linking files as a HTML-file and it's folder

In a windows-environment if you have a .html-file, you can make a copy of it and move it in the file-system. But the folder containing the additional files (images, scripts, .css-files) is moved with it. I want to know how you can implement this with files of other extensions (self defined file-extensions). I suppose it has to do with th...

Sorting a Doubly Linked List C++ Question

Trying to do it through a loop that traverses through the list. In the loop im feeding the head node into a sorting function that I have defined and then im using strcmp to find out if which name in the node should come first. Its not working because writing the names too early. Im comparing them all linearly by going down the list ...

How to remove specific element on List

How to remove specific element on List? ... java.util.List<Polygon> triangles = new LinkedList<Polygon>(); Point startDrag, endDrag, midPoint; Polygon triangle; .... int[] xs = { startDrag.x, endDrag.x, midPoint.x }; int[] ys = { startDrag.y, startDrag.y, midPoint.y }; triangles.add( new Polygon(xs, ys,3)); .... public void mo...

List Linked List reference

How to get the data reference/index in Linked list? e.g. if I have this linked list java.util.List<Polygon> triangles = new LinkedList<Polygon>(); polygon triangle, selectedTriangle; Point startDrag,endDrag,midPoint; .... triangles.add( new Polygon(xs, ys,3)); e.g. How can I set the Polygon selectedTriangle as the same with one of ...

Issue calling a MySQL stored procedure (with params) via a linked server (SQL Server 2005) using OPENQUERY syntax

Hello, I'm having issues when trying to call a MySQL (5.0.77) stored procedure with parameters, via a linked server (SQL Server 2005) using the OPENQUERY syntax. The MySQL stored procedure returns a result set, and when I use the 'EXEC ... AT ...' syntax the call works fine, e.g... EXEC('CALL my_stored_proc(''2009-10-07'',''2009-10-07...

return a list<int> from a function c++

Every time I try to use my add function and return a list from it. I get an undefined symbol error. What am I doing wrong here. this is the error: Undefined first referenced symbol in file add(std::list<int, std::allocator<int> > const&, std::list<int, std::allocator<int> >)/var/tmp//...

Linked list Recursion

Hi everyone. So, I was reading about linked lists and recursion. I just wanted to know why can't I use recursion in a method that is static void? Also, I was wondering in Java in the linked list recursion, why you can use static void in printing or search for the nodes. Thank you. ...

Manually sorting a linked list in Java (lexically)

I am implementing my own linked list in Java. The node class merely has a string field called "name" and a node called "link". Right now I have a test driver class that only inserts several names sequentially. Now, I am trying to write a sorting method to order the nodes alphabetically, but am having a bit of trouble with it. I found...

Java Linked List Question

Hello, Using a Comparator and Iterator, I am trying to add objects into a linked list in order. So far, I have the following: public class ComparatorClass implements Comparator<Integer> { public int compare(Integer int1, Integer int2) { return int1.compareTo(int2); } } and: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.C...

Pointing to the first object in a linked list, inside or outside class?

Which of these is a more correct way to store the first object in a linked list? Or could someone please point out the advantages/disadvantages of each. Thanks. class Node { int var; Node *next; static Node *first; Node() { if (first == NULL) { first = this; next = NULL; ...

Simulated pagination of linked file across multiple divs (for display; NOT FOR PRINTING)

Hey everyone, I think I have a pretty unique and challenging issue here... I should also preface this by noting that I'm quite inexperienced, and probably shouldn't even be considered a coding novice. I'm primarily a designer, not a programmer, and my knowledge is limited to basic html and css. As soon as I finish with this project I p...

Maintain transaction on Linked server inside a stored procedure which uses OpenRowSet command to read data from Excel file

Hi, I have a Helper DB which is on 32bit sql server and i have added a linked server of 64bit, to perform Excel Import operation as Jet.oledb driver is not supported on 64-bit sql server machine. Everything is working fine, but i have to maintain transactions for insert ,update,delete that happens on linked server database, I have co...

Problem with MS DTC on SQL2008 win server 2k8 with linked server from sql2000 win server 2k

Hi, We have migrated our db from sql2000 win server 2k to sql2008 win server 2k8. We have linked server from sql2000 win server 2k. By our opinion the problem is with DTC and we have made a lot of setting that we found as solution for our problem, but still the problem exist. There is no any error or worning or information niether in th...

help with linked lists implementation

Hi, I'm trying to make a Stack using an underlying linked list structure. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm having trouble with the remove() function. int Stack::remove(){ node* victim = new node; int popped; popped = top->element; victim = top; top = victim->next; delete victim; return popped; } I'm getting glibc ...

Can i use the ordering methods of simple linked lists into a hash list?

Im confused with this question? Thank you in advance. Programming in C under linux ...

<template> replacement for C linkedList

Hi All Just finished small linked list in C, and realized that I got a problem :) There is no template arguments for C, so at the start of the file I declaring my data type for list, something like: typedef int LData; So far so good, but I cant use this Linked list for 2(or more) different data types in one program. I can define LDa...