
Is there an intelligent way to know the name of the library to link to at compile time? (Linux/Kubuntu)

Please bear with me. I really want to know as I am curious about the answer: Is there an intelligent way to know the name of the library to link to at compile time? Allow me to give you an example that illustrates perfectly the reason for my question. I am a C++ newbie. I am learning about compiling, linking and libraries like boost. ...

points as function parameters C

this is probably a simple solution I am not that familiar with C just trying to port my java data structure assignments to C. this is the error i am getting: test.c:4: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token test.c:11: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void to_screen(NODE *cur){ while(cur->...

Link an Excel sheet to a Table in MS Access - Using VBScript

Hi, I am trying to create a Linked table in MS Access linked to Excel sheet. I want to do this through VBscripting. My Scenario is i will have a excel sheet which will be updated very often. But my script picks up the values from the table in MSAccess which should be a replica of the Excel sheet (Linked table). So i want to know if t...

Linked List in C (memory problems)

I'm creating a simple linked list in C in order to get used to some memory management. I've defined a node structure that holds a char* key, char* value and a node* next. void newnode(node *n, int x, int y) { n->key = malloc(x*sizeof(char)); n->value = malloc(y*sizeof(char)); } //This how i create a new node given a key and v...

Valgrind / Memory Errors

I'm receiving the following errors repeatedly throughout my code when I use valgrind. I'm not quite sure what these mean and I can't identify the uninitialized values. ==16795== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==16795== at 0x4A06E8A: strcmp (mc_replace_strmem.c:412) ==16795== by 0x4009C7: dictionary_add...

Valgrind Uninitialized Values (making a linked list data struct)

I've created a linked list class, but this function is producing valgrind errors based saying that there is a conditional jump based upon an uninitialized value in this function. I'm not exactly sure what I need to do to fix it. Essentially there is a node class for the linked list and this is iterating over all the nodes checking if t...

Help me check homework for write a recursive method that counts the number of nodes in a chain of linked nodes.

I try many coding to solve the question bellow but also cannot find the answer. Can anyone help me solve my problem and tell me where is the wrong coding?? /** Task: Recusively counts the nodes in a chain. * @param start the first node * @returns the number of nodes in the linked chain */ public int countNodes(Node start) { if (start ==...

ExtJS : How to set combobox id?

Hello guys. I have a little problem. At my application Im always building two linked combobox - country and towns(then country are selected - towns began to load). So i thinked - mbe write a constructor and minimized my code? Ok i did it. But i got a problem: i have 2-3 couple of this linked comboboxes on page and when i selected at sec...

When do you know when to use a TreeSet or LinkedList?

What are the advantages of each structure? In my program I will be performing these steps and I was wondering which data structure above I should be using: Taking in an unsorted array and adding them to a sorted structure1. Traversing through sorted data and removing the right one Adding data (never removing) and returning that struct...

ExtJS: Linked combobox puzzle

Hello guys. I write special combo object to use it as linked combos. Here it is: comboDivClass = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, { fieldLabel: 'Divisions', anchor: '95%', lazyRender:true, store:new{ proxy: proxy, baseParams:{rfb_type:'divi...

Linked List Losing nodes after leaving recursive function

struct Letter { char let; Letter *next; }; Please look at the function below called addLETTERS(). int main() { Letter *Top = 0; Letter *head = 0; char letters = 'a'; head = new Letter; Top = new Letter; MakeNull(head); MakeNull(Top); addLETTERS(Top, head,letters); retur...

Bug in Programming Interviews Exposed: Linked Lists

Hello, I was going through the Programming Interviews Exposed book. There's a code given for inserting an element at the front of linked lists. bool insertInFront( IntElement **head, int data ){ IntElement *newElem = new IntElement; if( !newElem ) return false; newElem->data = data; *head = newElem; return true; } ...

Array of Linked lists on disk

I am trying to find how to store and process (search, add, remove) an array of linked lists on disk. For example in memory, it would like struct list { int a; struct list *next; }LIST LIST *array[ARRAY_SIZE] int main{ ... LIST *foo = array[pointer]; /* Search */ while(foo!=NULL){ ... foo=foo->next } } I believe that by ...

How to compare 2 objects of generic type

Is there a way to compare two objects that are generic? I'm supposed to find the largest object in a linked list. My first guess was to use the Object's class compareTo method, but I couldn't get that to work. Thanks ...

Read a file in java from a linked folder in eclipse

So I'm attempting to read a file in an Eclipse Java project. The resource itself is in a linked folder that I've added using: New -> Folder. Advanced >> Link folder etc. I couldn't open the file so I wrote a simple method to find out what I could access: public static void main(String[] args) { File folder = new File("."); S...

To create a view in a linked SQL Server 2005 database with some data types transformations

good day! There are two linked SQL Server 2005 machines, server A with a lot of data and empty base on sever B. Our user does not have a permission to create views on A, but have this ability on server B. We checked out a possibility to make selects @B to A, and it's ok, there's a connection. Please, prompt us on how to make a view @...