
How to useradd with multiple parameters

I'm trying to use multiple parameters with the useradd command in linux, and I'm not really sure exactly what I should do?? I have tried the following: useradd -b /home/ -g admin -m -p PASSWD -s USERNAME Needless to say, it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me the correct syntax to get this working? Thanks, your help is always appreciated...

Python magical main() signature like Perl 6

Does python have any way to easily and quickly make CLI utilities without lots of argument parsing boilerplate? In perl6, the signature for the MAIN sub automagically parses command line arguments. Is there any way to do something similar in python without lots of boilerplate? If there is not, what would be the best way to do it? I'm t...

Java: Check if command line arguments are null

I am looking to do some error checking for my command line arguments public static void main(String[] args) { if(args[0] == null) { System.out.println("Proper Usage is: java program filename"); System.exit(0); } } However, this returns an array out of bounds exception, which makes sense. I am just looking ...

How to specify Assembly attribute in a WiX Fragment generated using Heat.exe from the command line

I am using Heat.exe to harvest a directory containing my DLLs that need to go into the GAC. The fragment is correctly created and I can build my MSI. The problem I am having is that after the wxs source file is created I have to manually edit the file adding the File/@Assembly =".net" attribute. Is there a way to have heat include Assem...

get exact argument list of a process using ps

I am writing a session saver for GNU Screen. It needs to get every process argument list. Linux has /proc/PID/cmdline which separates arguments with \0. Solaris has pargs. But I am looking for a more crossplatform solution and ps tool seems to be the best bet. "ps -o command" displays argument list but separates arguments only with space...

UNIX command line argument referencing issues.

I'm trying to tell unix to print out the command line arguments passed to a Bourne Shell script, but it's not working. I get the value of x at the echo statement, and not the command line argument at the desired location. This is what I want: ./run a b c d a b c d this is what I get: 1 2 3 4 What's going on? I know that UNIX is con...

How to get the name of the input file in a Perl one-liner?

cat monday.csv 223.22;1256.4 227.08;1244.8 228.08;1244.7 229.13;1255.0 227.89;1243.2 224.77;1277.8 cat tuesday.csv 227.02;1266.3 227.09;1234.9 225.18;1244.7 224.13;1255.3 228.59;1263.2 224.70;1247.6 This Perl one-liner gives me the row with the highest value in the second column from the rows where in...

Running apt-get for another partition/directory?

I have booted my system from a live Ubuntu CD, and I need to fix some package problems. I have mounted my hard drive, and now I want to run apt-get as if I booted normally. ie change the working directory for apt-get so it will work on my hard drive. I have done this before, but I can't remember the syntax. I think it was only some flag,...

Safely escaping arguments on the command line in C#

I'd like to pass some user supplied arguments to an application (using C# on Windows). The arguments are in a NameValueCollection and I wish to pass them as a string so that the application can be invoked using the supplied arguments and invoked using ProcessStartInfo: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.UseS...

How can I parse command line arguments?

I want to parse a list of arguments in a perl script, for example i have this situation : -h -u user -p pass arg1 arg2 arg3 How can i do for parse the list of argument that aren't option in an array, and the option parameter in scalar value ? Thanks. ...

Command line switches out of order

Hey all - I'm working on a C++ program that accepts a filename as a command line input, reads a bunch of data from that file, computes two things about the data, then exits. One of those computations must be done, but the other is much more optional, so I thought it would be neat to add a -c flag to turn it off. Naively, I would just a...

Way to pass argv[] to CreateProcess()

My C Win32 application should allow passing a full command line for another program to start, e.g. myapp.exe /foo /bar "C:\Program Files\Some\App.exe" arg1 "arg 2" myapp.exe may look something like int main(int argc, char**argv) { int i; for (i=1; i<argc; ++i) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "/foo") { // handle /foo } e...

How to clear a process command line?

I would like to clear the command line of my process from within. For example, when viewing my process in Task Manager/Process Explorer, the command line entry would be empty. I would like to do this within the currently running process rather than restarting the process if possible. ...

how to implement the options/arguments for the command line functions in python

my python version is 2.4.3. Now I am developing a CLI with cmd module from python for a CD player. I have some classes like CDContainer (with method like addCD, removeCD, etc), CD (with method like play, stop, pause). Now, I want to add some options for the commands and also if the options inputs are not correct, the CLI could return pr...

Call Ruby script on multiple input files with wildcard

Hi, I am relatively new to Ruby and need to write a script that will handle mulitple input files. It should be called like so: script.rb -i file* where the directory contains multiple files, like file1.xml, file2.xml and so on. Just a quick question: How will this wildcard be expanded? Do I need to program that in my script? I am usi...

Command line arguments with datafiles

If I want to pass a program data files how can I distinguish the fact they are data files, not just strings of the file names. Basically I want to file redirect, but use command line arguments so I can a sure input is correct. I have been using: ./theapp < datafile1 < datafile2 arg1 arg2 arg3 > outputfile but I am wondering is it po...

Reading a file to char array then malloc size. (C)

Hey, so lets say I get a file as the first command line argument. int main(int argc, char** argv) { unsigned char* fileArray; FILE* file1 = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } Now how can I go about reading that file, char by char, into the char* fileArray? Basically how can I convert a FILE* to a char* before I know how big I need to ma...

efficient and complete input check for command line argument and option with python

I am developing cli with python version 2.4.3. i want to have the input exception check. The following is part of the code. With this code, I can type addcd -t 11 and if I type addcd -t str_not_int or addcd -s 3 I will catch the error of wrong type argument and wrong option. However, it is not sufficient. e.g. addcd s 11 or...

Without access to argv[0], how do I get the program name?

Hello, I know the program name is passed as the first argument, and next simple example will print it to the standard output : #include <iostream> int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { std::cout<<argv[0]<<std::endl; } Is there a function to get the program name? EDIT I am starting the program from the shell, and the above code wi...

NDesk.Options: how to register required parameters correctly?

I am trying to utilize the OptionSet class in the following way: string resultsFileName = null; bool isHelp = false; var p = new OptionSet() { { "r=|resultsFile=", "The file with the results", v => { resultsFileName = v; } } { "h|help", "Show this help", v => { isHelp = (v != null); } }, }; try { p.Parse(args)...