
Vim different textwidth for multiline C comments?

In our C++ code base we keep 99 column lines but 79-some-odd column multiline comments. Is there a good strategy to do this automagically? I assume the modes are already known because of smart comment line-joining and leading * insertion. ...

Are comments removed by the compiler of Objective C iPhone apps?

I just wondered if comments are included in binaries, or does the compiler know to remove them? ...

Comments and content_object

I'm trying to figure out why this works: >>> comments = Comment.objects.all() >>>[c.content_object for c in comments] [returns a list of the objects the comments are attached to] But this doesn't: >>> c = Comment.objects.filter(id=111) >>> c [<Comment: Related object name here ...>] >>> c.content_object Traceback (most re...

Best Practices on using C# Intellisense Comments

We have a Visual Studio 2010 solution that contains several C# projects in accordance with Jeffery Palermo's Onion Architecture pattern ( We want to add the Visual Studio Intellisense Comments using the triple slashes, but we want to see if anyone knows of best practices on ... code for article submission and comments and rating

Hi, I need to write a module for submission of articles and rate and commenting of the article. Can anyone help me with sample 3.5 code to upload articles in and comments and rating. Thanks in advance. ...

What is the regular Expression to uncomment a block of Perl code in Eclipse?

I need a regular expression to uncomment a block of Perl code, commented with # in each line. As of now, my find expression in the Eclipse IDE is (^#(.*$\R)+) which matches the commented block, but if I give $2 as the replace expression, it only prints the last matched line. How do I remove the # while replacing? For example, I need to...

Invisible comments in jsf 2.0?

Hi, is it possible to embed comments in my .xhtml-files that are only displayed in the source and not the rendered result? I want to include author, date,... in the files but they should not be visible to the enduser in the generated output. If I use the standard comment-tags <!-- --> the browser displays them. ...

Any style guide for comments?

Hi guys, Do you know of a good style guide about coding? Particularly about how to comment code? In the last years I've seen the way you code and the naming conventions you use are very influenced by the language you use. Is that applicable for comments? I know there's not a unique way of doing things and, after all, comments are igno...

Should we write comments extensively?

Possible Duplicate: Commenting code C# is high level language and these days I have come across code which has less comments as compared to code written a few years ago. Should we really comment a code to great extent? Just want to know thoughts from you people. ...

Ideas for "bumping up" posts in a file-based commenting system.

Hi there, I'm working on a file based commenting system with in-line comments (only 1 level). Despite being a newby I've managed to create a system in which users are able to add new comments and use @[NUMBER] to add their reply below another comment. My file and folder structure looks like this: /threads/ 1/ 1.tx...

source comments with questions

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate question. If not, then remove without mercy. I've frequently encountered source code comments with questions in them. Like //Are we ever gonna need this? //todo: may be this should be moved some place else? I've written such comments myself. What I never did in my life is answer those questions ...

Good third party comment system for a custom CMS?

I built a small cms for personal websites using Rails. Each site has a simple blog. I've been looking for a good third party comment system to add to the cms. Have you used (or know of) any "comment service" that I can seamlessly integrate via their API, and if they have a ruby gem even better. Thanks in advance Deb ...

WinMerge: how to ignore comments

Hi, I'm using WinMerge to compare java files in folders (including subfolders). I would like to ignore comments when the comparison is done, but I don't know how to do it. At the file level I've found a switch in the option, so if I compare two files the comments are ignored. However if I compare the folders where those two files live W...

Stripping server side comments in Python

In JSP: <%-- Comments removed in server --%> What is the equivalent when I run in Python/Django ?!? I don't want the HTML comments visible in the client side... ...

YUI remove javascript comments

Hi, I need to remove comments (the "// This is a comment" like comments) from some Javascript code, I'm using YUI compressor, there is an option to do that? Thanks Thanks for the response, I'm trying to merge several scripts and after compress with YUI; I've found if I compress and then merge the scripts it works, but if I merge and ...

Do you put in 'copyright' in your code?

I've been seeing copyright/information about the file/site, and i'm wondering if any of you do it too. Like in css, before the styling starts. /* UI: Some Name Designer: Some Name Version: Some Name */ Do you do this with PHP, any other programming language? If so, what kind of information do you put in? ...

Filtering Java comments using StreamTokenizer

My goal is to analyze java source files to find line numbers containing non-comment code. Since StreamTokenizer has slashStarComments() and slashSlashComments(), I figured I'll use it to filter out the lines that have only comments and no code. The program below prints the line numbers and any string tokens on that line, for each line t...

TEXTMATE: delete comments from document

I know that you can use this to remove blank lines sed /^$/d and this to remove comments starting with # sed /^#/d but how to you do delete all the comments starting with // ? ...

where to document functions in C

I have a C program with multiple files, so I have, for example, stuff.c which implements a few functions, and stuff.h with the function prototypes. How should I go about documenting the functions in comments? Should I have all the docs in the header file, all the docs in the .c file, or duplicate the docs for both? I like the latter appr...

Javascript comment stripper

I'm looking for some tool to remove cooments from Javascript sources. I was able to Google some, but none of them satisfied the following requirement: Everything else should be left as it is, in particular white space is not removed, BUT if a comment takes a whole line, the line is removed too. Shortly, I want to be able to go from a ni...