
Suggestions for a good commit message: format/guideline?

I'm at the beginning of a new project, and I'm trying to set up the repository in a smart fashion and establish some code style guidelines for everyone to be able to concentrate on code. Most of it is done, but I'm still unsure about the format I should enforce for commit messages. I'm all for freedom and just telling people to make the...

How do I edit an incorrect commit message in git (I've pushed)?

I want to modify a commit message deeper in history. And I've pushed many new commits. How do I chnage the commit message? Is it possible? Thanks! ...

How do I create a SVN Commit Message Template and Hook to Verify

I'm using Visual SVN Server and Tortoise SVN (client) for source control. I would like all developers to standardize on a consistent format for checkin notes. For Example I want their Commit Message to default to... Synopsis: Developer Name: (pre-populated) Reviewed By: [Bug Id]: [Change Bug State]: Known Issues: Affected Files:...

subversion per module add,copy,modify,delete notification

Hi there, Currently I have a file that sends an email when there is a commit on a particular repository. Anyone knows how to have ONLY emails sent out to the owner of modules (directories) within a repository? Example: http://sigserver/sigrepo1 (everyone gets an email for any commit on this repo1) http://sigserver/sig...

JIRA code validation commit hook for 'git'

Does anyone have a git commit hook I can use that will ensure a JIRA issue number appears in the checkin message? I've got no experience driving JIRA from a git commit hook so any help would be appreciated -- working source even more so! ...

How might I force our developers to enter notes when committing via TortoiseSVN?

Possible Duplicates: Any svn:hook script that enforce commit with comments? Creating a Required Comment Hook for Tortoise SVN I often see a slew of commits, but no notes referencing the tickets... And so I end up going back and reviewing the diff manually. Not necessarily bad, but it would be nice to have notes. Any ideas? ...

how to (unobtrusively) specify commit messages in your editor/ide

Background: the current text editor i am using does not have built-in support for git. Nevertheless, it has support for user-created addons, so I made one for auto-commiting to the repository each time I save a file. Although auto-saving to the repository is straightforward, the commit messages currently are not very useful, they just s...

How do I make git use the editor of my choice for commits?

For example, I would prefer to write my commit messages in vim, but it is opening emacs. How do I configure git to always use vim instead? Note that I want to do this globally, not just for a single project. ...

Copying subversion commit messages

I know this isn't the BEST practice, but every once in a while when I'm merging up a huge batch up changes with the trunk (and I know my branch is current), I will simply delete the contents of the trunk and then copy the contents of my branch up, so that I don't have to deal with resolving conflicts for an hour. The problem is that I s...

How to change svn commit message

I wrote a script which can auto commit in every 10 minutes. But it's commit message always same ("Code saved"). But i want to change some of them which are milestone. This is my auto commit script: cd c:\inetpub\wwwroot\siteCodes svn commit -m "Code Saved" How can i write a script which can give me a chance to write revision number a...

Is there a way to accumulate a commit message with git while examing changes?

I use "git add -p" to stage my changes. What I'd like to be able to do is to accumulate a commit message as I'm examining my changes and then when I call "git commit", it is already filled out for me and allows me to make changes before I commit. Now, its easy to do with git gui by simply examining the changes and editing the commit mes...

What is the use of commit messages?

Hi folks, I struggled asking that question but here it is. I am using source control since several years for multiple projects using different systems (svn, hg, git) and I learned how to improve my messages by following guidelines etc. But as far as I can remember I never ever had a look at them afterwards. So ... how do you profit fro...

Proper Commit Messages

What are commit messages for? I've always been writing them as an explanation of what I did, but I've recently gotten into a discussion about it with a colleague who writes commit messages explaining why he did. Which one is right, or is there another answer entirely? NOTE: I have absolutely no idea if there is a "right" answer for this...

Print commit message of a given commit in git

I need a plumbing command to print the commit message of one given commit - nothing more, nothing less. ...

How do I prompt the user from within a commit-msg hook?

I want to warn the user if their commit message doesn't follow a certain set of guidelines, and then give them the option to edit their commit message, ignore the warning, or cancel the commit. The problem is that I don't seem to have access to stdin. Below is my commit-msg file: function verify_info { if [ -z "$(grep '$2:.*[a-zA-Z...

Should I use past or present tense in git commit messages?

I read once that git commit messages should be in the imperative present text, e.g. "Add tests for x". I always find myself using the past tense, e.g. "Added tests for x" though, which feels a lot more natural to me. Here's a recent John Resig commit showing the two in one message: Tweak some more jQuery set results in the manipulat...

How do I edit the commit message of any commit in git?

Let's say I have 3 unpushed commits. Now I want to change the commit message of the first or second commit (changing them for the third one is simple using git commit --amend). How to do that? ...

Changing lots of git commit messages

Apparently I mistyped my email a long time ago, whenever I was setting up git, and so my email has been incorrect in many repositories (I typed a 0 instead of an o). I sign all of my commits, so in almost every commit in every repo for years it's said signed off by: <[email protected]> instead of signed off by: <[email protected]>. Now I can't jus...