
Lucene complex structure search

Basically I do have pretty simple database that I'd like to index with Lucene. Domains are: // Person domain class Person { Set<Pair> keys; } // Pair domain class Pair { KeyItem keyItem; String value; } // KeyItem domain, name is unique field within the DB (!!) class KeyItem{ String name; } I've tens of millions of profiles ...

Proper snowball analyzer configuration when using Grails Searchable Plugin

To improve stemming we want to switch from the default analyzer to snowball, however, having a lot of difficulty with the proper settings and would appreciate any help. In Environment: - Sun's Java 1.6.16 - Grails 1.2.2 - Searchable Plug-In 0.5.5 Config.groovy: Have tried both settings: compassSettings = ['compass.engine.analyze...

Compass accuracy dilemma

I need to build compass for my application. From reading the documentation it seems there are two reasonable ways of doing this: Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION method: This is the easy way of doing it. The problem with this is it is not accurate. When I compare my reading with Snaptic Compass it is about 10-15 degress off which for my purpo...

Determining north using the android phone

I looked over SensorManager and was still unsure, how do I detect if the phone is looking at true north (or any other direction for that matter). ...

Iphone compass tilt parasite

Hi, I use the heading value (return by the locationManager:didUpdateHeading:) but when the iphone is tilted this value sometimes change (from 5 to 50 degrees). Is someone faced the same problem? Is there a solution or is the magnetometer not enough accurate to give me more precise values? ...

What is the correct usage of blueprint-typography-body([$font-size])?

Recent convert to RoR and I've been using Compass w/ Blueprint to dip into the proverbial pool. Compass has been fantastic, but I've come across something strange within the Typography library. The blueprint-typography-body mixin contains the following: =blueprint-typography-body($font-size: $blueprint-font-size) line-height: 1.5 +...

monotouch compass overlaying mapview

Hi I need to display a small compass over the mapview. Is there a standard way of achieving this? It obv needs to update as the direction the phone is pointed in changes. w:// ...

nested columns in compass/sass

I've been studying compass and while it is a fun thing to play with and use, one thing bothers me(besides being unable to add padding as it wrecks the grid), how do I nest columns? I want to be able to do what blueprint does: nest containers like say, I have a 24-column page divided in two(17 and 7 columns). In the right part of that pa...

How to configure NGram filter for Compass

I'm trying to add NGram token filter (from Lucene contrib) into my Compass configuration. Following Compass documentation i'm tries with: <searchEngine> <analyzer name="ngram" type="Simple" filters="ngram-filter"/> <analyzerFilter name="ngram-filter" type="org.apache.lucene.analysis.ngram.NGramTokenFilter"> </analyzerFilte...

rails + compass: advantages vs using haml + blueprint directly

I've got some experience using haml (+sass) on rails projects. I recently started using them with blueprintcss - the only thing I did was transform blueprint.css into a sass file, and started coding from there. I even have a rails generator that includes all this by default. It seems that Compass does what I do, and other things. I'm tr...

How can I merge multiple Compass Resources into one, with one score?

I am trying to integrate compass into my platform using the JDBC ResultSetToResourceMapping. What I want to do is set it up so that I could have multiple result set mappings, tied to one Resource, that produces one result, with one score, and a merged score. I have tried to trick Compass into doing this by mapping the same id across th...

Using sass, how do you style "#div1 img, #div2 img { height: 80px }" ?

Using sass, how do you style #box1 img, #anotherbox img { height: 80px } ? Is using mixins the only way? ...

Compass - Lucene Full text search. Structure and Best Practice.

Hi, I have played about with the tutorial and Compass itself for a bit now. I have just started to ramp up the use of it and have found that the performance slows drastically. I am certain that this is due to my mappings and the relationships that I have between entities and was looking for suggestions about how this should be best done...

How to control an OpenGL projection matrix with iPhone accelerometer/compass values?

Is there any ready made class/formula somewhere I can use it for control my viewpoint by accelerometer's/compass's XYZ? I want to achieve the same view control like acrossair uses. I have the parts (OpenGL space, filtered accel-, compass values, and a cubic panoramic view mapped to a cube around my origin). Can somebody suggest me whe...

Is there a PHP equivalent to Compass?

From my understanding, Compass only works with Ruby. Is there a PHP equivalent to Compass? ...

In Compass, can we programatically set a field to be exclude-from-all?

I have an Object which as a HashMap. I use a Converter to iterate over the properties of the HashMap. In my .cpm.xml file, I define the property as follows: <property name="properties" exclude-from-all="yes" converter="excludeFromAllConverter"/> but it seems like all the fields I include in my converter are added to the "all" pr...

How do I downgrade to an old version of compass using gem install?

I've been using compass from to manage my sites css for a long time. I just installed the newest version and I get a rather unpleasant error, that has as a side effect corrupted all my css files. How do I downgrade to an older version of this? Thanks, Matt ...

Is it possible to "watch" Haml files in Compass (stylesheet authoring tool)?

Currently, Compass is watching the .scss files inside the src folder and automatically updating the cs files. (by typing compass watch myproject). Is there any way of including haml files in the "watching process"? (I couldn't install StaticMatic because I don't want to install Ruby1.8). ...

If SASS is part of HAML, why do I need Compass in Merb?

This is a theoretical question as much as a practical one. I just can't wrap my head around how all these technologies mesh... I have heard various things including: "HAML and SASS are included in Merb" "SASS is part of HAML" "HAML works in Merb, but to use SASS you need to add the 'merb-haml' dependency"(?) "You need Compass to run ...

Calculating magnetic heading using raw accelerometer and magnetometer data

I have an accelerometer and magnetometer each producing raw X, Y and Z readouts. From this I need to determine the magnetic heading of an object. I'm not that great at trig, but I've put together a formula that does respond pretty well to the rotation of the device, but also responds to movement that one would not think is relevant, suc...