
Where does context sensitivity get resolved in the C++ compilation process?

Yesterday I asked about C++ context sensitivity, see here. Among many excellent answers, here is the accepted one, by dmckee. However, I still think there's something to be said about this (maybe some terminological confusion?). The question amounts to: what part of compilation deals with the ambiguity? To clarify my terminology: A CFG...

How do I tell mxmlc to treat warnings as errors?

I'm using the mxmlc command line tool to compile a pure AS3 project. Is there a command line option to make mxmlc treat warnings as errors? I've read through all the compiler flags and flex-config.xml but wasn't able to find this option. ...

How I can add a keyword to gcc?

My target is to analyze and learn in details of compiler development techniques. Here I want to add a keyword in gcc and see how it works. ...

.net library (dll) optimization

I am trying to using PDF Library ITextSharp, in my project. ITextSharp has so many features, i am not using even 5% of it. I am just wondering, why i should ship the complete dll file, when i use only 5% of it. Is there any way to statically link the library to my project and remove all unused methods,features from the library ? ...

Boost Filesystem Library Visual C++ Compile Error

I'm having the following issue just trying to compile/run some of the example programs with the Boost Filesystem Library. I'm using MS-Visual C++ with Visual Studio .NET (2003). I've installed the Boost libraries, version 1.38 and 1.39 (just in case there was a version problem) using the BoostPro installers. If I just try to include...

Interdependent Objects causing compiler errors

I have: @interface A @property (nonatomic, retain) B *toB; @end @interface B @property (nonatomic, retain) A *toA; @end This causes the compiler to give me this: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'Property' Now, it appears this has something to do with the order of parsing the files as independently, they work as long...

Should FPGA design be integrated into a Computer Science curriculum?

If computer science is about algorithm development and therefore not limited to the imaginations of Processor vendors, but to the realm of all that is practically computable. Then shouldn't a FPGA, which is almost ideally suited for studying cellular automata, be considered a valid platform upon which to study computer science. One part...

How to optimize a C for loop?

Hello, I have a performance issue in a bottleneck section in my code. Basically it's a simple nested loop. Profiling the issue reveals that the program spends a lot of time just incrementing both of the loop counters (++) and testing for termination (i/j < 8). Watching the assembly output I see that both counters don't get registers an...

Does MethodBase provide file name and line number?

I'm trying to write a CompileTimeValidate(MethodBase method) for postsharp. the problem is when a violation occurs it only shows Description in the Error List. The 'File' and 'Line' columns are empty. The only info that I get to work with is a MethodBase instance of the method that the attribute was applied to. is there a way to get th...

How to get c# compiler to infer generic types?

I have the following method: public TResult Get<TGenericType, TResult>() where TGenericType : SomeGenericType<TResult> where TResult : IConvertible { //...code that uses TGenericType... //...code that sets someValue... return (TResult) someValue; } Right now, a user of thi...

C# compiler bug? Why doesn't this implicit user-defined conversion compile?

Given the following struct: public struct Foo<T> { public Foo(T obj) { } public static implicit operator Foo<T>(T input) { return new Foo<T>(input); } } This code compiles: private Foo<ICloneable> MakeFoo() { string c = "hello"; return c; // Success: string is ICloneable, ICloneable implicitly converted to ...

Program crashes when leaving a c++ function....What do you think it is?

Hi, I have a c++ code, I use MSC9 to compile it. It keeps crashing randomly. For example it crashes if it is called from Perl using `` but it does not crash when It is called from command line or from Ultimate++. I mean calling it from perl eg. f.exe arg1 arg2 arg3 Stack trace does not show much. Tracing the program line by line proved...

Different maven compiler versions for test and main

How can I configure the maven compiler to use java 5 for my test code and java 1.4 for my main code? ...

Dev-C++ include file paths FLTK(Fast Light Toolkit)

When I compile and run programs in Bloodshed I save everything into a a folder labeled C++ in my username folder. When I downloaded FLTK, extracted it to the C++ folder, then tried to run a program using header files from FLTK, it was unable to find the files. My guess is that when the compiler looks for the header files it's only lookin...

cmath functions generating compiler error

I've written a small program that utilizes the Fast Light Toolkit and for some reason a compiler error is generated when trying to access the functions in the cmath header. Such as error ::acos has not been declared. This goes on for pretty much every function it tries to use in the header. What could I be missing? The header files I ...

DFA based regular expression matching - how to get all matches!

Hi! I have a given DFA that represent a regular expression. I want to match the DFA against an input stream and get all possible matches back, not only the lestmost-longest match. For example: regex: a*ba|baa input: aaaaabaaababbabbbaa result: aaaaaba aaba ba baa Sorry for my English! Thanks for your help! ...

Code::Blocks not being able to find standard library headers?

I recently switched from Bloodshed to Code::Blocks. I wrote a simple input/output program to get a feel for it, and when I tried to compile it I got errors for all of the headers I had included, saying that there was no such directory. I took a look at the file and saw that the file was saved as a C file rather than a C++ file, how do I...

Why do some compilers use "a.out" as the default name for executables?

Most UNIX C compilers link executables by default to a file called "a.out". Why? Is this a written standard or just de-facto standard behavior? What would break if these compilers would just produce an error message (or use a different default name) instead of producing "a.out"? ...

Identical build on different systems

I have 3 build machines. One running on windows 2000, one with XP SP3 and one with 64bit Windows Server 2008. And I have a native C++ project to build (I'm building with visual studio 2005 SP1). My goal is to build "exactly" the same dll's using these build machines. By exactly I mean bit by bit (except build timestamp of course). With...

Objective-C #import loop

Hi, I have the following code: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "ServerRequest.h" // works even though this line is included #import "ServerResponseRecord.h" @protocol ServerRequestDelegate<NSObject> -(void)request:(id)request gotResponseRecord:(ServerResponseRecord*)response; -(void)request:(id)request gotError:(NSError*)er...