
C++ Compiler For Windows

Hello, I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate and i want to know what is the best C++ compiler for my Windows, because in Linux i use in somee cases gcc and in others g++, but recently i've installed Windows in my computer and this is the question: What is the best C++ compiler for Windows? Thanks! ...

Does JIT performance suffer due to writeable pages?

In the book Linkers and Loaders, it's mentioned that one of the reasons for executables to have a separate code section is that the code section can be kept in read only pages, which results in a performance increase. Is this still true for a modern OS? Seeing as Just in Time compilers are generating code on the fly, I assume they need w...

Create A Compiler For Windows

Possible Duplicate: Learning to write a compiler I'm learning C++ and as I know C++ is a very flexible language, it can make OS's and compilers, like the Python and the Ruby compilers, but I want to build my personal programming language, then I need some good tutorial for do this, I will be very happy if you can help me. ...

How to compile a 64 bits version of my dll?

Hi all, Probably a dumb question: I have a WinXP 32bits desktop that I use to compile a (32 bits) dll with Visual Studio 2005/Intel COmpiler 10.1. I would like to generate a 64 bits version of my dll. How to do that? Answers related to Visual Studio are interesting, but those addressing the Intel compiler side of things get extra browni...

Compiler for Windows Mobile OS

I am looking for compilers ( command line / IDE ) that runs on Windows Mobile OS v6 for the following languages: C/C++ Java ...

Compiling MySQL custom engine in Visual Studio 2008

I have compilation errors while compiling MySQL sample of storage engine from MySQL 5.1.36 sources. Looks to me that I set all paths to include subdirectories but that seems not enough. Here are the errors: 1>c:\users\roman\desktop\mysql-5.1.36\sql\field.h(1455) : error C2065: 'FRM_VER' : undeclared identifier 1>c:\users\roman\...

Delphi constant bitwise expressions

Probably a stupid question, but it's an idle curiosity for me. I've got a bit of Delphi code that looks like this; const KeyRepeatBit = 30; ... // if bit 30 of lParam is set, mark this message as handled if (Msg.lParam and (1 shl KeyRepeatBit) > 0) then Handled:=true; ... (the purpose of the code isn't really important) ...

Why does this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor?

Java requires that if you call this() or super() in a constructor, it must be the first statement. Why? For example: public class MyClass { public MyClass(int x) {} } public class MySubClass extends MyClass { public MySubClass(int a, int b) { int c = a + b; super(c); // COMPILE ERROR } } The Sun compiler says "call to super ...

Visual Studio C++ - unresolved symbol __environ

Hi, I'm using VS 2008 and compile my application with Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd). At link time I receive the following error: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __environ Where the symbol is defined? Thanks Dima ...

Java compiler handles inline Strings efficiently?

1. static final String memFriendly = "Efficiently stored String"; System.out.println(memFriendly); 2. System.out.println("Efficiently stored String"); Will Java compiler treat both (1 and 2) of these in the same manner? FYI: By efficiently I am referring to runtime memory utilization as well as code execution time. e.g. can the 1s...

How do you allow two DLL's with same namespace.class to exist in the same application?

Specifically, we are trying to upgrade our telerik controls to the latest version. Unfortunately, the old DLL's are so old that many of the control properties have changed vastly so we've decided to upgrade only the telerik control that is giving us problems (the RadEditor control). So the bin looks something like this: RadChart.Net2.d...

Optimal C Structure definition

Hi, I was just wondering about the considerations to be followed while packing items (int, float, unions, etc) in a C structure (C struct definition ) that would allow the compiler to further optimize it. I would like to know whether there are any guidelines that one should follow e.g. adding items to the structure in an order that wo...

Pass objects/vars between Page_PreInit and Page_Load

I am building pages dynamically using a database to store the page info and .NET (C#) to build pages. Part of that process is to set the masterpage (in the code-behind) based on what is in the database and, as I understand it, that has to be done in Page_PreInit. My problem is how to pass objects and variables from Page_PreInit to Page...

Programming language and compiler

I was having this discussion with my friend and realized this might be the best place to ask this question ? How is a new language born ? This new language NEW must be written in some old language OLD (eg C++ was written in C in initial stages), or how is this created ?? And, how does this language NEW can work itself if there is no com...

What is Symbol Resolution?

This seems to be one of those things that every talks about but no one defines...I can't seem to find any information on this topic. What is symbol resolution? This is the best thing I've found: Does it have something to do with how your program is compiled? ...

Why does Eclipse compile this, but javac doesn't?

We have some unit tests which compile and run fine in Eclipse 3.4, but when we try to compile them using javac, it fails. I've managed to cut the code down to something small and self-contained, so it has no external dependencies. The code itself won't make much sense because it's all out of context, but that doesn't matter - I just need...

Taking A Compilation Course In Undergraduate CS Studies. Useful?

I don't know what every university calls that, but I'm talking about a course that primarily teaches you compilation principles, and how to implement a basic compiler. Do you think it's helpful for a programmer to have that knowledge (not necessarily one who wishes to develop a compiler in the future)? ...

C++ programs, compiling with g++

Hi, I am very aware of compiling C++ programs with g++ in linux environment. But, may be I am missing something, I am getting this strange output/behaviour. I have source file in test.cpp. To compile this, I did (1) g++ -c test.cpp g++ -o test test.o ./test Everything works fine. But when I did compling and linking in same stage, ...

verifying that the compiler produces Java 1.5 code

I have a jar file I produced from compiled class files using an ant file with <javac target="1.5" ... /> and I would like to verify that it actually produces 1.5 code. Is there a way to do this? My version of MATLAB one one of the computers I'm using, uses a JRE 1.5; so it will not run code unless it is JRE 1.5 compatible. It's worked f...

@properties question on iPhone development

From what I've read, @properties and @synthesize are used to tell the compiler to to generate getters and setters for various properties of our class. So I am confused when I see the source code of an Apple example, the GKTank, that uses only one class for the whole game (apart from the app delegate) and still most of the attributes of ...