
C++ Dependencies manager

We have here a pretty big application that is taking a lot of time to compile and I am looking for a way to reduce this compile time. I thought a good way to do this would be to reduce the dependency between the include files. Do you know any good dependency/Includes manager that would be pretty cheap? Something that would draw me a good...

Definition of fix-up?

I've seen this term in the Python Lisp compiler and some C linker's sources. My guess is that a fix-up is just some wrapper around an Assembly routine that makes sure the alignment is right, but I'm not sure at all about anything here. ...

problem with resx files Compiler Error Message: CS0101

In .NET application I have four different resx file with different name UITranslation.resx Solution is publised on Windows server 2003 Service pack 1. After browse from iis I got following error: Line 24: [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUse...

Compilation Error after deoplyment. Doesn't recognize 'Theme' attribute

My local copy works fine, then I publish the website and I get this error. Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'Theme' is no...

How does the C# compiler detect COM types?

EDIT: I've written the results up as a blog post. The C# compiler treats COM types somewhat magically. For instance, this statement looks normal... Word.Application app = new Word.Application(); ... until you realise that Application is an interface. Calling a constructor on an interface? Yoiks! This actually gets translated into a...

Where does the compiler spend most of its time during parsing ?

I read in Sebesta book, that the compiler spends most of its time in lexing source code. So, optimizing the lexer is a necessity, unlike the syntax analyzer. If this is true, why lexical analysis stage takes so much time compared to syntax analysis in general ? I mean by syntax analysis the the derivation process. ...

What does a "true;" or "10;" statement mean in C++ and how can it be used?

In C++ one can write any of the following statements: 10; true; someConstant; //if this is really an integer constant or something like int result = obtainResult(); result; // looks totally useless The latter can be used to suppress a compiler warning "A variable is initialized but not referenced" (C4189 in VC++) if a macro that is...

Compiler test cases or how to test a compiler

Compilers like all software, would also be prone to bugs, logical errors. How does one validate the output generated by the compiler. Typically, my question is(are) How to validate that the machine code generated is correct? How to ensure that the machine code generated is according to the language specification. Does it make sense to...

Most Common C / C++ Compiler for NetBeans and Windows

What is the most commonly used (simplest) C / C++ compiler used on Windows when using the NetBeans IDE (6.7)? I want to write (mostly) simple C programs. I have Cygwin installed but for some reason NetBeans doesn't like it. I'm getting a error from it and before I try to figure this out, I thought I should find and (if needed) configur...

Compiling code using gcc and SciTE?

Hello, I'm trying to compile C/C++ code from an external source using SciTE. The SciTE has a built-in feature where it searches for the gcc compiler and libraries in the same folder. The problem occurs if I try to compile from SciTE externally. Compiling with F5 (compile and run) or CTRL-F7 (compile) results in SciTE not being able to f...

Programmically embed resources in a .NET assembly.

I have a compiled .NET assembly with a specific resource file embedded (named 'Script.xml'). I need to programmically change it out for another. Is this possible to do without recompiling from source? Currently, I do a search for text I know is in the file and it works well. But I need to do it for another project where I don't know an...

e Verification Language Compiler

Is there any free complier for Verisity's e Verification Language ? ...

Compilng C/C++ makefile files under Windows (XP)

I'm trying to use a Python library (pyMedia) that has some non-Python requisites libraries. (libogg, libvorbis, liblame, and libfaad2 - this isn't relevant to the question specifically). libogg requires you to manually compile it from the source and comes with a makefile. I have GCC installed for Windows. How would I go about compiling ...

Which is the best C++ compiler?

Can a C++ compiler produce a not so good binary? You can think here of the output's robustness and performance. Is there such a thing as the "best" C++ compiler to use? If not, what are the strong points, and of course, the not-so-strong (known Bugs and Issues) points, of the well-known compilers (g++, Intel C++ Compiler, Visual C++, etc...

HTML and Compilers

This question is a more discussion oriented one that a simple problem specific question. Writing basic HTML is simple but writing fast light standards based, SEO best practices complaint, all browsers compatible HTML pages is hard and very time consuming. But why it hard ? In my opinion it hard because of the hundreds of different r...

maemo scratchbox compiler error with gtk+-2.0

I'm trying to follow section 3.4.2, starting on page 31 of this manual. However, as I have configured my target to be DIABLO_ARMEL rather than DIABLO_X86, I have gotten different results for this command: [sbox-DIABLO_X86: ~] > gcc -Wall -g gtk_helloworld-1.c \ ‘pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0‘ -o gtk_helloworld-1 \ ‘pkg-config --libs gt...

how can a compiler that recognizes the iterators be implemented?

I have been using iterators for a while and I love them. But although I have thought hard about it, I could not figure out "how a compiler that recognizes the iterators" be implemented. I have also researched about it, but could not find any resource explaining the situation in the compiler-design context. To elaborate, most of the art...

Resources for x86 compiler backend

I am writing a Tiger compiler in F# and I have decided to emit x86 assembly. I know the basics of how a machine is constructed and also a bit of assembly, but not enough to write a good compiler back-end. What resources can you recommend for learning what I need to know? Where can I look up information such as calling conventions, etc....

Possible severe security vulnerabilities that could go unnoticed for a long time

I've been wondering about this for a while after reading through an interesting article a while ago (probably old news for some of you here) about a technique which one could use to introduce intrinsically hidden backdoors in compilers (article here). Another interesting article: (Did NSA Put a Secret Backdoor in New Encryption Standard?...

Is c# compiler deciding to use stackalloc by itself ?

I found a blog entry which suggests that sometimes c# compiler may decide to put array on the stack instead of the heap: Improving Performance Through Stack Allocation (.NET Memory Management: Part 2) This guy claims that: The compiler will also sometimes decide to put things on the stack on its own. I did an experiment with TestSt...