
Open source C compiler in C#?

I've been getting into compiler creation. I've found some terrific beginner stuff and advanced stuff but nothing in the middle. I've created 3 different simple proof-of-concept compilers for toy languages but I want to expose myself to something real. The most straight forward real language in terms of syntax seems to be C. Since the la...

How can I get character-accurate identifier cross-reference for C99 code?

I maintain several modest-sized C programs, and I frequently have a use for fully accurate cross-reference information. Unlike "tags" or other approximations, such information is typically generated by a compiler that knows the full scoping rules of the C language and can provide accurate information accordingly. For example, here is a...

Why can I set an anonymous enum equal to another in C but not C++?

I have the following code snippet: enum { one } x; enum { two } y; x = y; That will compile in C, but in C++, I get the following error: test.c:6: error: cannot convert ‘main()::<anonymous enum>’ to ‘main()::<anonymous enum>’ in assignment Can someone explain to me why this is happening? I would prefer an answer with some specifics...

why can't a static member be reached through an instance name?

say I have: class Test { public static int Hello = 5; } This obviously works: int j = Test.Hello; But why should this not work? Test test = new Test(); int j = test.Hello; The instance could not have a member equally named, so I don't see how this could be ambiguous or unresolvable for a compiler. Anyone any idea wh...

No "redefinition of default parameter error" for class template member function?

Why does the following give no compilation error?: // T.h template<class T> class X { public: void foo(int a = 42); }; // Main.cpp #include "T.h" #include <iostream> template<class T> void X<T>::foo(int a = 13) { std::cout << a << std::endl; } int main() { X<int> x;; // prints 42 } It seems as thoug...

Scripts like and

Are there any auto compiling scripts like the ones used at and available? (preferably open source, and which execute the code in a safe environment.) ...

How to Work Around Limitations in Generic Type Constraints in C#?

Okay I'm looking for some input, I'm pretty sure this is not currently supported in .NET 3.5 but here goes. I want to require a generic type passed into my class to have a constructor like this: new(IDictionary<string,object>) so the class would look like this public MyClass<T> where T : new(IDictionary<string,object>) { T Creat...

the fastest C++ Compiler

Hello, What is the fastest C++ compiler possible. I want to compile C++ version of LZMA. I did compile it using Visual Studio .NET, but it is not fast enough for my job. In addition, I need to change the Compiler settings in order to make it as fast as possible. I would appreciate if you introduce me a fast compiler and/or some informat...

GCC emits extra code for boost::shared_ptr dereference

I have the following code: #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> struct Foo { int a; }; static int A; void func_shared(const boost::shared_ptr<Foo> &foo) { A = foo->a; } void func_raw(Foo * const foo) { A = foo->a; } I thought the compiler would create identical code, but for shared_ptr version an extra seemingly redundant instru...

'whatever' has no declared type

i am developing parser using my grammar i am getting this error Here is a code extern NodePtr CreateNode(NodeType, ...); extern NodePtr ReplaceNode(NodeType, NodePtr); extern NodePtr MergeSubTrees(NodeType, ...); ................... NodePtr rootNodePtr = NULL; /* pointer to the root of the parse tree...

Compiler optimization of repeated accessor calls

I've found recently that for some types of financial calculations that the following pattern is much easier to follow and test especially in situations where we may need to get numbers from various stages of the computation. public class nonsensical_calculator { ... double _rate; int _term; int _days; double mont...

ICC vs GCC - Optimization and CPU architecture

Hi all, I'm interested in knowing how GCC differs from Intel's ICC in terms of the optimization levels and catering to specific processor architecture. I'm using GCC 4.1.2 20070626 and ICC v11.1 for Linux. How does ICC's optimization levels (O1 to O3) differ from GCC, if they differ at all? The ICC is able to cater specifically to dif...

Error preverifying class java during build (BlackBerry)

I'm trying do build and debug a small project for BlackBerry. During the build I'm getting this error Error preverifying class java ... I read on the net this error could be caused by referencing multiple projects but I tried to move every package in a single project but the error is still there. I tried with multiple JDE version (cur...

How do determine what is *really* causing your compiler error

Hi All, I am porting a very large code base and I am having more difficulty with old code. For example, this causes a compiler error: inline CP_M_ReferenceCounted * FrAssignRef(CP_M_ReferenceCounted * & to, CP_M_ReferenceCounted * from) { if (from) from->AddReference(); if (to) to->RemoveReference(); to = from; return ...

"The left hand side of an assignment must be a variable" due to extra parentheses

I know why the following code doesn't compile: public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { main((null)); // this is fine! (main(null)); // this is NOT! } } What I'm wondering is why my compiler (javac 1.6.0_17, Windows version) is complaining "The left hand side of an assignment must be a variable". ...

Detecting Infinite recursion in Python or dynamic languages

Recently I tried compiling program something like this with GCC: int f(int i){ if(i<0){ return 0;} return f(i-1); f(100000); and it ran just fine. When I inspected the stack frames the compiler optimized the program to use only one frame, by just jumping back to the beginning of the function and only replacing the arguments to...

Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names'

If you've ever used Reflector, you probably noticed that the C# compiler generates types, methods, fields, and local variables, that deserve 'special' display by the debugger. For instance, local variables beginning with 'CS$' are not displayed to the user. There are other special naming conventions for closure types of anonymous methods...

convincing C# compiler that execution will stop after a member returns

I don't think this is currently possible or if it's even a good idea, but it's something I was thinking about just now. I use MSTest for unit testing my C# project. In one of my tests, I do the following: MyClass instance; try { instance = getValue(); } catch (MyException ex) { Assert.Fail("Caught MyException"); } instance.d...

Eliminating false dependencies

Hi all, I have a quite general question regarding false dependencies. As the name implies, these are not real dependencies and can be eliminated. I am aware of the technique called register renaming that eliminates such dependencies at a hardware level. Of course I could eliminate these beforehand at a "higher" level when writing assemb...

Creating and Compiling a C++ project on Windows

I need to work on C++ project on my windows machine. My project will consist of various classes(.h and .cpp) as well as the startup file to start the application. The preliminary design is simple but the application has the potential to gain complexity as time goes by. What I need here is ideas to set up the C++ project compiler/IDE/Make...