
Looking for a Java equivalent to .NET's Snippet Compiler

I am looking for a Java equivalent to .NET's Snippet Compiler. Is there any such utility out there? That or a really light weight Java IDE for Windows? Eclipse and NetBeans seem too heavy-weight to practice basic syntax. ...

Is there a way to strip all functions from an object file that I am not using?

I am trying to save space in my executable and I noticed that several functions are being added into my object files, even though I never call them (the code is from a library). Is there a way to tell gcc to remove these functions automatically or do I need to remove them manually? ...

Searching for a standalone JSP compiler

I'm searching for a tool, which compiles a JSP file into a Java file without using a servletcontainer like Tomcat or something else. Can anyone help me out? ...

Question about compilers and how they work

This is the C code that frees memory of a singly linked list. It is compiled with Visual C++ 2008 and code works as it should be. /* Program done, so free allocated memory */ current = head; struct film * temp; temp = current; while (current != NULL) { temp = current->next; free(current); current = temp; } But I also encou...

Building your own Interpreter that can function as a compiler

It is possible for me to build my own Interpreter that could then be transformed into a compiler? If yes, how do I go about building it? ...

How to compile 64bit web site with visual studio?

How can I make Visual Studio to use the 64bit compiler (csc.exe/vbc.exe) for an Asp.Net web site? ...

How do you control what your C compiler Optimizes?

I am writing the firmware for an embedded device in C using the Silicon Labs IDE and the SDCC compiler. The device architecture is based on the 8051 family. The function in question is shown below. The function is used to set the ports on my MCU to drive a stepper motor. It gets called in by an interrupt handler. The big switch statemen...

Removing left recursion

The following grammar has left recursion E= E+T|T T= T*F|F F= a|b|c How to remove it? Is there any general procedure for it? ...

Checking for a variable in the executable

Is there a way to know whether a variable is defined, by looking at the executable. Lets say I declare int i; in the main function. By compiling and linking I get an executable my_program.exe. Now, by looking inside my_program.exe, can I say if it has an int eger variable i ? ...

How can I enable smart linking?

I requested a feature on Delphi's UserVoice, but I didn't understand Nick Hodges's answer. What version of Delphi supports smart linking? How do I enable this option? ...

What are some tips for troubleshooting builds of complicated software?

Sometimes I want to build Python or GCC from scratch just for fun, but I can't parse the errors I get, or don't understand statements like "libtool link error # XYZ". What are some tricks that unix/systems gurus use to compile software of this size from scratch? Of course I already do things like read config.log (if there is one), googl...

LL(1) cannot be ambiguous

How can it be shown that no LL(1) grammar can be ambiguous? I know what is ambiguous grammar but could not prove the above theorem/lemma. ...

Regular Expression

Ohh! this regular expression thing is eating my brain up. I have been reading it from Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computer by Hopcroft, Motwani and Ullman. I have solved a few exercises too but could not solve the following even after trying for almost one hr. The problem is to write a regular expression that defines...

CSharp Compiler and Windows.Forms

Hi All I've just created a little app that programmatically compiles code using the C# Compiler, and it works brilliantly. But, one thing that I need it to do is compile Windows.Forms code. Like, I can create a console app with it, but I can't create a GUI-based form. Here's the link that got me started:

Compiler Construction course

I'm looking for a course (preferably video, much preferably) like MIT's video course on Compiler Construction. Can someone point me to some decent resources or help material (preferably video)? ...

C# and Metadata File Errors

Hi All I've created my own little c# compiler using the tutorial on MSDN, and it's not working properly. I get a few errors, then I fix them, then I get new, different errors, then I fix them, etc etc. The latest error is really confusing me. --------------------------- --------------------------- Line number: 0, Error number: CS0006...

Hiding Command Prompt with CodeDomProvider

Hi All I've just got my own little custom c# compiler made, using the article from MSDN. But, when I create a new Windows Forms application using my sample compiler, the MSDOS window also appears, and if I close the DOS window, my WinForms app closes too. How can I tell the Compiler? not to show the MSDOS window at all? Thank you :) ...

What file should CUP builder location field be set to?

I am writing a compiler for a class and the teacher told us to "edit the CUP_Builder, and make sure the Location field is correct". What is the function of the location field? Should it be set to the main source file? ...

efficacy of register allocation algorithms!

i'm trying to do a research/project on register allocation using graph coloring where i am to test the efficiency of different optimizing register allocation algorithms in different scenarios. how do i start? what are the prerequisites and the grounds with which i can test them. what all algos can i use? -------------addition----------...

Which free C compiler gives options for greater optimizations?

Can you please give me some comparison between C compilers especially with respect to optimization? ...