
Can any one give a screen shot of how and where we can enable /clr:pure option in visual studio 2008?

Can any one give a screen shot of how and where we can enable /clr:pure option in C++ project visual studio 2008? Please... ...

Better type checking on match in Scala

scala> class A defined class A scala> class B defined class B scala> val a: A = new A a: A = A@551510e8 scala> a match { | case _: B => println("unlikely") | case _ => println("no match") | } no match In the example above shouldn't the compiler tell me that one of the cases can never match? A slightly more complicated...

Put function definition directly in the header file so the compiler can inline?

I tend to put the body of smaller functions right into the header file foo.h, not into the separate implementation file, because then the compiler can always see those functions completely and decide to inline them. Example: // File "foo.h": struct Foo { // ... int GetCount() const { return count_; } }; Now any code t...

vba-style compiler/gui for python

does anyone know if there a vba style compiler/gui for python. i am using the regular IDLE and it is difficult to navigate from function to function. with the VBA editor you are able to skip from function to function with a listbox. does anyone know if such a thing exists for python? ...

C# Compiler Switch for TargetFrameworkVersion

Hi, im trying to compile an assembly at runtime with CSharpCodeProvider and i would like to know which compiler switch to use to target for example .NET Framework 2.0. ...

Flex 4, compile a class package for runtime class instantiation.

Hi, I'm looking for a way to ensure classes are compiled for dynamic run time instantiation using getDefinitionByName() in Flex4. I've looked at using the -include-libraries compiler argument but I would rather not have to pre-compile my classes in an swc. There appears to be another compiler argument -includes, but whenever I try thi...

Javassist Vs. Java Compiler API

Hello all. In a project I'm currently working on, I need to generate Java classes at runtime. I also need to avoid using reflection when using these classes later on. I've been search for current solutions to do this, and found Javassist and Java 6 Java Compiler API. I'm confused though: What does Javassist uses to generate classes?...

gcc -O4 optimization flag

What's the meaning of the -O4 optimization flag in gcc (3.2.3)? What's the difference to O3? When would you use one vs. the other? The man pages only mention O, O0-3, Os, no word of the mysterious O4. Thanks! ...

How do I set GNU G++ compiler in Visual studio 2008

How do I set my Visual studio 2008 compiler to GNU GCC. Can I also make it specific to projects? I didn't find any conclusive answer. Thank you. ...

Manual Compile of Netbeans Java Swing Application Created Multiple Classes

Hi. I created a Swing GUI using netbeans, and when I try to manually do the following: # ls myProg.form # javac # ls myProg$1.class myProg$2.class myProg$3.class myProg$4.class myProg$5.class myProg$6.class myProg.class myProg.form It created those extra classes. Why is this happening? Is th...

I need to learn basics of compiler design in the next few days.

I need to pass a "General Compiler Design" test from a potential employer and believe the best way to do so would be to get to know a little about all of compiler design. If you think another method would be better, let me know. Now then: I have intermediate to advanced knowledge of: C C++ (not as much as C) C# Java Python Ruby Perl PH...

Initializing final fields - Java

I would like to know if there's a compiler option that could allow me to remove/cure the error that comes up ("variable X might not have been initialized") when I compile a class who has a final field in it. Or even better would be to have the final fields initialized to the default java value. Thanks, ExtremeCoder ...

Why can't i get much info from this compiler error?

I have developed an aspx in .net 3.5 sp1 in my local system. But my server doesn't have .net 3.5 sp1 but it does has 3.5. Error in this page. ANy suggestion. Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and mod...

How exactly does java compilation take place?

Confused by java compilation process OK i know this: We write java source code, the compiler which is platform independent translates it into bytecode, then the jvm which is platform dependent translates it into machine code. So from start, we write java source code. The compiler javac.exe is a .exe file. What exactly is this .exe file...

Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS)

I'd like to consume Mono's compiler as a service from my regular .NET 3.5 application. I've downloaded the latest bits (2.6.7), created a simple console application in Visual Studio and referenced the Mono.CSharp dll. Then, in my console app (straight out of a sample online): Evaluator.Run("using System; using System.Linq;"); ...

are big programming languages implemented using tools like antlr ,javacc etc

I was getting acquainted with ANTLR, so had this question. If i am supposed to create a robust programming language like java or C#, would i use compiler tools to create it or write handwritten code for the compiler. Are there any practical examples of widely used languages created using compiler tools? Also are there performance issues...

Compiling old Flex 2 application with FlashDevelop

I am having trouble compiling a project built in TextMate on a Mac. I have Flash Builder 4 and FlashDevelop on PC, and I cannot seem to compile the project even when I've downloaded the Flex 2 Hotfix 3 SDK. Flash Builder cannot work with Flex versions prior to Flex 3, so I'm left with Flashdevelop. When I assign the SDK path to point t...

Writing an assembler , need help

I'm writing an 8086 assembler for a college project . I've gone through some material on compiler design on the internet and am reading the 'dragon book' of compilers . But the problem is I couldn't find much about the assembling (generating object code) part here . Are there any good books or links for assembler design . Where do I star...

Checking if Java is installed in a makefile

I'm writing a make file that compiles and runs a Java program, but it'll be run on different platforms so I want the make file to first determine if Java IS installed, and only then will it compile and run the .java file. How would I go about doing this? ...

Microchip PIC C18 Programming File Format .COFF vs .HEX

I am developing code in the MPLAB IDE and I was wondering if it is better to program a chip using the .COFF or .HEX file generated by the compiler. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two and I am assuming they will both perform the same job. ...