
COCO/R Expression syntax failing

Hi All, I've got this little COCO/R grammar fragment that roughly mimics the syntax of c-style languages for expressions (only vastly simpler). But for some reason, it refuses to parse a compound expression. Perhaps it's been a long week, or perhaps I'm missing something totally obvious. I've boiled the Expression grammar down as much a...

socklen_t undeclared when compiling .c code

I am trying to compile this .c code in windows using MinGW (gcc file.c -o compiled.exe): /***************************************************/ /* AUTHOR : LAW CHIU YUEN */ /* FILENAME : smtpr.c */ /***************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows...

Sending an NSWindow object to a different class

Heya folks. Im wondering how I send the NSWindow object of the main window to a class that will do something with it. The main idea is that I press a button and then something happens to the window. (A NSAnimation for instance). fader = [[Fader alloc] initWithWindow:window]; Thats what sends the 'window' var to my Fader Class -(id)i...

Are there any optimizers that don't care about compile times?

Are there any compilers in use that pay little attention to compilation speed but rather seek maximum optimization even at an order(s) of magnitude compile time slow down? It seems to me that having a compile take hours/days vs minutes/second wouldn't be a major issue once you get very near the final release. (And if you have enough tes...

Are .FRM .ARC .4GO .4GI portable p-code?...

Assuming compilers and runners are from same versions, can they be executed on any platform (i.e. UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS, DOS, etc.) without the need to re-compile the source code? ...

Why do I need special libraries (binaries) built for each Visual C++ version?

There are a lot of C++ libraries (most?) that come with special binaries built for each Visual C++ version (2003, 2005, 2008, 2010). What's the problem about linking a C++ library built for Visual C++ 2008 with Visual C++ 2010? ...

What compilers can inline indirect function calls?

The LDC D compiler for LLVM can inline indirect function calls under some circumstances if it can prove that the target is statically known. Here's a toy example (in D) of where this might happen: void main() { uint num; void incNum() { num++; } auto myDelegate = &incNum; myDelegate(); } In this case, ev...

Const confusion in C++

Possible Duplicate: Why is my return type meaningless? Hi, I'm confused about a particular const conversion. I have something like // Returns a pointer that cannot be modified, // although the value it points to can be modified. double* const foo() { static double bar = 3.14; return &bar; } int main() ...

C++/G++ hello world application problem, maybe compilation.

I am trying to compile my first c++ file on windows with the g++ compiler... My cpp file is the following - #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; } I type in this on command prompt to get to the directory cd C:\Users\Mark Then to compile my program I do g++ hello.cpp It cr...

Can Compilers targeting CLR generate Dispose method call when object is set to null?

Can compilers (for e.g. C#) automatically generate call to Dispose method on the object when it is set to null (of course, object should support Dispose method in first place). For example, if we write cnSqlConnection = null; and cnSqlConnection is an instance of type SqlConnection, can C# compiler inject Dispose method call right befo...

Derivative Code Compilers

I would like to ask if some one can explain to me what are the differences of syntax-directed tangent-linear code and adjoint code. It is related to derivation of code with a compiler. I understand that they are different ways to make the derivations of the mathematical equations in a program, but, I don't know exactly how to interpre...

what do i need to do to make my c++ program run by only entering the name on my unix system

Possible Duplicate: Code wont run. [not] I have written and compiled a program and i want to make it so that from shell i can just type programname to make it run instead of going to the directory the the program is in and typing ./ before the program name. If this is possible please let me know. ...

Ada compiler for Mac OS X 10.6

Right. I'm currently in a class that is exploring many different programming languages. Among them are COBOL and Ada, both of which I can't seem to find a free compiler. Has anyone had better luck and if so, where might I find them? Thanks! ...

Delphi command-line compiler

Hi everyone I have a project with a few apps with a couple of {$DEF aaaaa} and then I use Inno setup to do a installer. To streamline the process it would be great to create a batch file to do the whole thing from A to Z. Hence the need to use the line compiler I never did that in 10+ years of delphi. Given that the help is... well we ...

Why do I get "Invalid receiver type 'NSInteger'"?

Probably a simple question: Why do I get an compiler warning for the following objective-C code? //_classificationView.tag is a NSString CGFloat imageWidth = [_classificationView.tag floatValue] * 14.0; And why does it say something about NSInteger? Thanks for answers! Dennis ...

How does the Haskell compiler handle the 'where' statement?

In the following function, I'm wondering if the compiler is clever enough to work out that x is going to remain constant, or will it compute the head of the list for every item in the list? (I'm using GHC) allSame :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool allSame xs = all (==x) xs where x = head xs ...

question on c compilation

On a linux box is it compulsory to write a program into a file and compile it cant this be done from command line localhost$gcc "include<stdio.h> int main(){printf('hello world'); return o; }" ...

Why not get rid of JVM?

The JIT compiler has been around for some time. Occasionally it comes to my mind that, "hey, why not just compile Java source file directly to machine code?" Along with compiled library, we can get rid of the cumbersome JVM. The only barrier I can think of is the garbage collector. How's your thoughts? PS: Oh, you say portability? WT...

VS project fails to compile: Property not a member of a referenced DLL

When I try to compile my VB.NET web project, I get an error that reads: [PropertyName] is not a member of '[Namespace.Class]' The class referenced is part of a dll that the project references. The property definitely exists in the referenced class, and its access modifier is Public. What's more, if I update the reference, or just rem...

Does NGEN'ing a .NET application help protect it from reverse engineering? If not when would I use it?

If Ngen doesn't protect my application, when would I reasonably expect to use this application in my career? ...