
Event Aggregation...What exactly is going on?

Hi, I have often times wondered about it but now that I have encountered a piece of logic that incorporates it, I thought I should go ahead and get some help on deciphering the fundamentals. The problem is as follows, I am looking at a WPF application that is utilizing the Composite Application Library. Within the source of the applicat...

Prism 2.1 Publish/Subscribe with weak reference?

I am building a Prism 2.1 demo by way of getting up to speed with the technology. I am having a problem with CompositePresentationEvents published and subscribed via the Event Aggregation service. The event subscription works fine if I set a strong reference (KeepSubscriberReferenceAlive = true), but it fails if I set a weak reference (K...

How to sync complex domain objects structure between server and client

Are there any best practices for syncing hierarchical domain objects between client with modular structure (WPF,PRISM,MVVM) and server(WCF service and NHibernate for persistence in DB)? Already have DTO objects for transport and separate module for server requests with callback management infrastructure. Thanks in advance=) Alexey ...

Prism 2.1: Accessing the IOC Container from App.xaml?

I am creating a Prism 2.1 app in which I have implemented logging, using Log4Net in a custom logger derived from ILoggerFacade. Logging works great; I simply resolve ILoggerFacade against the IOC Container, and it returns my logger, which I send a message to in the usual manner. Here is my problem: I want to log the application exit, an...

Composite WPF Problem -- View and Presenter Constructors Don't Run

Hello All, Please consider the VS 2008 .NET 3.5 SP 1 solution at this location: This application uses Microsoft's Composite WPF (aka Prism) architecture. It is a very simple app that demonstrates a problem I'm having. I have one module with one view. That view gets mapped to the one and only regi...

What is the correct way to initialize a model and view in WPF CAL MVVM.

I have come accross two ways of initializing Views and ViewModels in WPF CAL MVVM. 1 - Seems to be more popular. Requires you to resolve the ViewModel to automatically resolve the View. The ViewModel contains information about the View. public interface IView { void SetModel(IViewModel model); } public interfac...

Showing the Wait Cursor?

I want to show a wait cursor during a time-consuming process in a Prism app I am writing. I have wired it up using a WaitCursorRequestEvent<bool> composite event. 'True' means show the wait cursor, 'false' means go back to default. The Shell subscribes to the event and processes it using the following event handler: /// <summary> /// ...

Differences between WPF Custom Control Library and plain Class Library?

I posted a question a few months ago about sharing resource dictionaries across assemblies. It turns out you can do that using the Component Resource Key markup extension. At the time, I could only get it working with a WPF Custom Control project, not with a plain Class Library project. Now I need to use an existing plain Class Library ...

WPF: Sharing resources across assemblies

I previously posted a question on sharing resources across assemblies using Themes/generic.xaml and the ComponentResourceKey markup extension. The solution works nicely, but it requres all of the shared resources to be located in the generic.xaml resource dictionary. Mine is getting rather large, so I thought I would use merged dictionar...

Is the PnP WPF/Silverlight Composite Application Guidance appropriate for role-based UI composition?

I'm developing a line-of-business application using WPF, possibly multitargeting SL as well. One of the requirements is that UIs be composed based on user roles/rights. For example, if the user is a salesperson, she shouldn't see any of the accounting components. If the user is an accounting clerk, that user will see some accounting comp...

Dynamically load .dlls from network share not browsable on client PC -- WCF?

I'm architecting a WPF application using the PnP Composite Application Guidance. The application will be run locally, within our intranet. Modules will be loaded dynamically based on user roles. The modules must therefore be accessible to the application through a network share, thus accessible from the client machines. What I'd like t...

Designing a simple Save Dialog in Prism

I am writing an application using Microsoft's Prism framework and I'm having trouble working out the best way to approach a simple 'Save File' style dialog box. NB: I can't use the standard dialog as I'm not saving files to the file system so need to write something similar from scratch. So here are the main controls I have for my dialo...

Exception: "The assembly used when compiling might be different than that used when loading and the type is missing."

I am building a Prism app with several modules, one of which (MyModule) contains a user control (MyUserControl) that I created. MyUserControl tests fine, but when I add it to MyModule and run the app, I get this exception: "Cannot find type 'MyUserControl'. The assembly used when compiling might be different than that used when loading ...

Prism: Exception handling?

I'm getting an odd result in a Composite Event handler in a Prism app I am writing. I created the event handler and put in an exception statement to verify that the handler is being called: public void OnDateSelected(DateTime selectedDate) { // Temporary code throw new ApplicationException("Not implemented yet."); } I run the ...

Why can't I bind my Silverlight Button Click to a Prism DelegateCommand

I have a simple test app in Silverlight 3 and Prism where I'm just trying to bind a button Click to a simple command I have created on a view model. This is a test app just to get commanding working. When I run it I get a binding error telling me that the view cannot find the command: System.Windows.Data Error: BindingExpression path er...

StockTrader RI > Controllers, Presenters, WTF?

I am currently learning how to make advanced usage of WPF via the Prism (Composite WPF) project. I watch many videos and examples and the demo application StockTraderRI makes me ask this question: What is the exact role of each of the following part? SomethingService: Ok, this is something to manage data SomethingView: Ok, this is ...

Detecting application exiting and how to stop when changes are not saved

Using the Composite Application Guidance tools from Microsoft, It seems as if there is no mechanism to allow you to query your modules ViewModels and ask if any of them have unsaved data. This is a problem because, and I'm guilty of this as well, you cannot stop the application from terminating when there is unsaved data... I had thoug...

WPF Composite - Expose EF model to all modules

Hi All, I have an application that uses WPF Composite, and I have an issue. I've got a big database that is attached to the application and I need it exposed to different modules as part of the application. What is the best way to expose my Entity Framework model to all my different modules and views inside them? Do I have one EF mode...

Composite events in locally scoped regions with Prism (CAL)

I'm starting to train Prism (CAL) with a small application and faced some problems. I'm creating multiple instances of my MainView, which itself contains some regions, and display them in the Shell. I'm using locally scoped regions to easily handle view injections within my MainView. Currently I'm searching for a way of communication b...

How to remove all views in region in CompositeWPF/Silverlight

Hi. I want remove all views from my region in Composite. I'm using Silverlight 4.0. And unfortunately, this code crashes with OutOfRangeException inside Composite. List<object> views = new List<object>(_regionManager.Regions["NavigationRegion"].Views); foreach (object view in views) { _regionManage...