
Adjusting XML config files from a script

I'm working on automating the configuration of several JBoss servers, which involves editing a substantial number of XML files. I'd like to script all these changes as much as possible. But the "standard" tools (sed, grep et al) do not work well with XML. Without necessarily resorting to a higher-level language, how can I script e.g. th...

smb.conf file location on different flavors of Solaris

Ok I am a total beginner with the Solaris Operating system and I need to install and configure samba on 3 boxes each has a different version of Solaris (8,9,10). What i want to know is where the smb.conf files go in each version. So far all I have found is Solaris 8 - /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf Solaris 9 - Solaris 10 - ...

Creating web forms from a database schema

I'm wondering if there are any applications, preferably freeware, that can take a database configuration, and, with as little hassle as possible, create web forms for inserting data easily. I'm finding it hard to express exactly what it is I'm after. Maybe I can talk a bit about what I need. I have a configuration database that, at le...

Tomcat context.xml files, is there a hiearchy?

I am trying to use symbolic links in one of the applications I have running on Tomcat5. Thanks to some help from another StackOverflow question I was able to do it by creating a context.xml file in /...myapplication/META-INF/context.xml I am now trying to implement this on a production server. However, there are other applications ...

Configuring FOP from a Cocoon sitemap

I see in the FOP docs that there's a setting in the renderer section to do the right thing with rotating pages when the paper is portrait but what you're printing should be landscape. But I can't seem to figure out how to tell Cocoon to tell FOP to use that setting. I'm guessing it should go in the section for mime-type="application/p...

Which Tomcat 5 context file takes precedence?

Tomcat documentation says: The locations for Context Descriptors are; $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/context.xml $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/[webappname]/META-INF/context.xml On my server, I have at least 3 files floating around: 1 ...tomcat/conf/context.xml 2 ...tomcat/Catalina/localhost/myapp.xml 3 ...tomcat/webapps/myapp/...

Configuration: When does IsReadOnly take effect?

This is a simple question, but one I'm not finding much information for in the docs. When dealing with custom configuraiton sections, collections, elements, etc, when does the IsReadOnly setting actually mean read only? With IsReadOnly returning True, I can still do things like MyBase.Item("property") = value; Are these classes only "r...

how to update assemblyBinding section in config file at runtime?

I'm trying to change assembly binding (from one version to another) dynamically. I've tried this code but it doesn't work: Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); ConfigurationSection assemblyBindingSection = config.Sections["assemblyBinding"]; assemblyBindingSec...

Changing connection string at runtime in Enterprise Library

Is there a way to change the connection string of a DataBase object in Enterprise Library at runtime? I've found this link but its a little bit outdated (2005) I've also found this but it seems to apply to .Net in general, I was wondering if there was something that could be done specifically for EntLib. I was just passing the connecti...

Embed XML configuration directly in Spring application context

I have a Java object which is able to configure itself given an XML configuration description (it takes other descriptions as well, but I'm interested in the XML at the moment). I'm wondering if I can embed the XML description directly into a Spring application context description. I'm imagining something like: <bean id="myXMLConfigured...

Hibernate - Programmatic configuration

Hi I'm trying to configure Hibernate classes not through XML/Annotation, but using their programmatic API: Mappings mappings = configuration.createMappings(); mappings.addClass(...); An example of column addition: public void addColumn(String colName, String accessorName, NullableType type) { if(this._table == null...

How do I programatically change options in Access?

Hi to all, in Microsoft Access, is there a way which I can programatically set the Confirm Action Queries flag on the options screen to False? Ideally when the database is started up I would like to check if it's true, and if so, mark it as false for the currently logged in user. The application is locked down reasonably tightly, so ide...

Providing intellisense/xsd validation to configsections

Hello, in a small c# project, I'm trying to create a simple custom configsection. I followed the instructions in CodeProject: Unraveling the Mysteries of .NET 2.0 Configuration and everything work nicely... apart from the fact that I don't get xsd validation and intellisense on the config. My config is shown below. <configuration> <c...

How do I use IPython as my emacs python interpreter

I'm running Emacs 22.1.1 and IPython 0.9.1 on OS X and I'd like to be able to run lines/methods/snippets of Python code from my current buffer on demand inside an IPython interpreter. What do I need to do to get this working? ...

How to consolidate config files in solution?

I have several projects and a website in a large solution. In some of projects I have an app.config file and in the website I have my web.config. In each config I specify several things that are common amongst them, such as connection strings. Is there any way to consolidate these common items into one config file and referenc...

How do I get Xcode to replicate project group structure in the folder structure on disk?

I have an Xcode project with the following group structure: ProjectName/ Classes/ class1.h class1.m class2.h class2.m ... XMLDocs/ doc1.xml doc2.xml ... Resources/ Info.plist MainMenu.xib ... and so on and so forth. I'd like this to be...

Best way to handle user authentication across website and gem client

We are working on a service that will have website access for stats and other tasks, but the majority of use will be through a client gem and rake tasks. What is the best way to handle authentication for both pieces. It looks like fiveruns_tuneup, getexceptional, New Relic and others have websites with username and pass, but use API key...

error-page directive in web.xml does not display UTF8 properly

I have an application web.xml with the following entry: <error-page> <error-code>404</error-code> <location>/system_files/error/p_notfound.jsp</location> </error-page> However, when this page is displayed, Japanese characters are garbled. The same page (p_notfound.jsp) displays properly if displayed directly or even through ...

How do I set up Visual Studio 2008 to program in Perl?

My company gave me VS2008 for web development in C#/ASP.NET. I do a lot of Perl programming too and I'd like to start using VS for that so I can have a consistent work environment... but am having real trouble figuring out how to do so. VS has a lot of nice features but seems pretty hostile towards languages it doesn't support out of t...

SharePoint Search: Exclude lists and listitems from search results

Hi, I'm very new to the MOSS 2007 search and just started playing around with the configuration. At the moment the index contains nearly everything a site has to offer. After testing the search on my publishing portal I realized that many of the search results are not very useful for the users. E.g. the search results include entries ...