
wcf and unstable connection

Hi All, I have a wcf service hosted in iis. The endpoint uses wsHttpBinding. I have a lot of clients that are using the service. The internet connection is unstable. The clients uses the service to insert data in db. What is the best practice of exception handling in the client. Is it good choise to use the using statemen and initi...

retry connection to rate limited URL until successful in Scala

I need make a GET call to a REST api which is rate limited. I can find out what the current rate limit is by making a call and checking the HTTP headers. If I've exceeded my rate limit, I should wait for a bit before retrying. I'd like to write something like: val conn = connect(url, _.getHeaderField("X-RateLimit-Remaining").toInt > 0, ...

What is the danger in simply increasing the Connection Pool?

I'm doing some performance testing against an Apache server and getting the dreaded message "the context pool has been exhausted! Dun Dun Dun." (dramatic emphasis added) The current proposal floating around by the devs is to simply increased the connection pool-size. While this may be valid, little bells are going off in my head saying...

Target Machine Actively Refused Connection

Hey, There are several questions like this, but my situation seems a bit different. I have extremely simple code: WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadFile("", "xkcd.html"); However, I get the error "No connection could be made because target machine actively refused the connection." However, I also ...

[SQLAlchemy]how to get connection pool from engine?

Dear All, After I read SQLAlchemy's FAQ I think below code may works, import sqlalchemy.pool as pool import sqlite3 as sqlite3 conn_proxy = pool.manage(sqlite3) # then connect normally connection = conn_proxy.connect(...) however I also get below snippets: engine = create_engine(...) conn = engine.connect()

PHP mySQL connection problems

Ok, I am completely baffled. I am setting up an OO site. I have a class that defines all my database params, as follows: $db->host= "localhost"; $db->name= "mydatabase"; $db->user= "user"; $db->pw = "password"; The class is being instantiated correctly and the values show up in pages that appear after this class has been loaded. BUT...

Network connection error with my laptop

I'm having a strange error when trying to use certain web based products. A. Skype cannot connect B. Firefox 3.6 is unable to connect C. I can not use Ftp clients. Filezilla = Connection attempt failed with "EACCES - Permission denied". D. can not connect And a few other web services have this issue. Otherwise it's busi...

connecting project to sql server 2008

i am new to visual studio and sql server. I want to connect my application to sql server database on the same machine. what user can i use to connect sql server? ...

c# Connecting to a local MDF DB File

On my development computer I have MS SQL Server/Visual Studio 2005. My program can correctly connect to my local DB and use it. However my other computer (non-dev) does not have MS SQL Server/Visual Studio 2005 and does not connect to the DB. It spits out the following: "An error has occurrred while establishing a connection to the serv...

Apache Server connection authentification

How would I go about having my android app be able to automatically enter a set password and username to gain access for a file on my apache server? I know that server side it would be php and obviously java for the app, but i am somewhat new to this and any examples or sites with tutorials would be greatly appreciated/. ...

TFS access denied to only one specific domain user

I created a local group user which I added to TFS Contributor/Valid User groups. Anytime if I needed to add a user as contributor, I would add him/her to the local group and the person has the access to TFS; which is until now. Recently a new person got hired and MIS setup the domain account for him. I added him the same way but for some...

How do I use selenium with Ruby?

I made some tests with the Firefox Selenium and then had it exported to Ruby. Although the tests all ran fine in Firefox, I am having trouble running the same suite in Ruby. I tried to run one of the example programs they have and I also get the same connection refused error. Here is the error I got when trying to run their google_tes...

What is the best way to handle this: large download via PHP + slow connection from client = script timeout before file is completely downloaded

My client wanted a way to offer downloads to users, but only after they fill out a registration form (basically name and email). An email is sent to the user with the links for the downloadable content. The links contain a registration hash unique to the package, file, and user, and they actually go to a PHP page that logs each download ...

How many connections can sqlite 3 handle?

Is it ever a good idea to let a large amount of people connect to your website while it is using sqlite? edit: I am using it in a critical ruby on rails application that may have hundreds of concurrent users. ...

How to check if you have live internet connection programmatically using C++

How can I check if I have a internet connection or live internet connection using C++? Thanks. Vibz ...

MySQL show current connection info

Hello. I'm somehow in a MySQL session but I don't know what server I am connected to, etc. Is there a MySQL command that will tell me the host, port, and username I am using now? Thanks! ...

How safe or bad is using BasePage for opening and closing SQL connection?

Hi, I have BasePage.cs class which is being used by other .cs files instead of System.Web.UI.Page (public partial class page : BasePage). I am using it for opening and closing SQL connections to make sure every SQL connection gets closed. Code looks like this { public class BasePage: System.Web.UI.Page { public SqlCon...

Android: How can we know the current connection type (ex. Wifi, 3G, 2G...) programmatically?

I see this thread but it could not help me much. ...

ant check internet connection

Is there a way to check in ant if an internet connection is available. ...

How to maintain a persistant connection to an email server on a webapplication..

I'm not sure if this is possible but here we go. I'm building an email module for my application. Basically it refers to an inbox on a mail server, it retrieves all headers of the emails and the details periodically. The thing I've noticed is that the connection to email itself takes a while i.e 3-5 seconds of waiting time and a connect...